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Guest LondonScottish
I mean, really, how good is this guy, looks like he is a stick on for the Player of the Year already. Only seen bits and bobs of the game today but what a performance.


Worth a look ?


Another storming find by Wenger. What was he

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Guest Willo Flood
I mean, really, how good is this guy, looks like he is a stick on for the Player of the Year already.


Odds you offering? He won't be Player of the Year

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Guest LondonScottish
Odds you offering? He won't be Player of the Year



"young" player of the year definitely but will be leading the running for the big boys one too. Who else has really caught the eye this season, although its only early days yet?? I can't think of anyone coming consistently close to the Arsenal playmaker.

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Guest Willo Flood
"young" player of the year definitely but will be in the running for the big boys one too. Who else has really caught the eye this season, although its only early days yet??




So he'll definitely be the young player of the year, but it's early days? :dontknow:


Who else has caught the eye? Torres initially, but Benitez has ***ked that for him with his ridiculous rotation policy so, at the moment, the only two sides that are consistently catching the eye are Man U and Arsenal. In my opinion, the two best attacking/passing teams in Europe at the moment (and that includes Barcelona).


Ronaldo and Rooney have been phenomenal for United so far, with Tevez, Nani and Anderson getting better with each game. If they continue the way they're going, Player of the Year and Young Player of the Year will end up at OT, purely because I can't see past them for the league. They've such a strong squad this year.


For Arsenal, Fabregas, Toure, Eboue and Hleb have been brilliant, with Walcott coming onto a game as well. A lot will depend on how quickly they come out of their slump (every team goes through it, but are judged on how quickly they get out of it).


who will be, what odds you offering me for him not to be.


If I knew who would be, I wouldn't be asking for odds from you, I'd be at the bookies putting my house on them :dontknow:

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Guest LondonScottish


So he'll definitely be the young player of the year, but it's early days? :dontknow:


Firstly, you have misquoted my post. But I will reply anyway. :wave:


Who is another player young enough to qualify as Young player of the year, bar Rooney that would have a snowballs hope in Hell of winning it?? ( And Rooney's not had the greatest of seasons so far). I reckon if Fabregas got injured at Christmas he'd have done enough to get Young Player of the Year, he's been that good. :dontknow:


And here's what the bookies think for Player of the Year: (This is Paddy Power, but all the odds are near enough the same wherever.



Ronaldo 7-1

Drogba 10-1

Rooney 10-1

Gerrard 10-1

Tevez 18-1

Torres 20-1

Richards 25-1

Terry 28-1

Van Persie 33-1

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Guest Willo Flood
Who is another player young enough to qualify as Young player of the year, bar Rooney that would have a snowballs hope in Hell of winning it?? ( And Rooney's not had the greatest of seasons so far). I reckon if Fabregas got injured at Christmas he'd have done enough to get Young Player of the Year, he's been that good. :dontknow:


Read my last post :dontknow: .


To say that Rooney hasn't had the greatest of seasons so far is ridiculous. 8 goals in his last 7 games (that includes 2 for England)


And here's what the bookies think for Player of the Year


Those odds are based on current form. They aren't going to offer long odds on Fabregas based on the way he's playing just now are they :dontknow:

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who will be, what odds you offering me for him not to be.


I'd say about 7/4 on him being POTY. Maybe 2/1


And here's what the bookies think for Player of the Year: (This is Paddy Power, but all the odds are near enough the same wherever.




I should set up as an independent, my talents are wasted working for Ladbrokes.

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Guest Willo Flood
I should set up as an independent, my talents are wasted working for Ladbrokes.


If you offer 7-1 for Ronaldo, and 10-1 for Rooney, I'd advise you to avoid setting up as an independent! :dontknow:

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Guest LondonScottish
Read my last post :dontknow: .


To say that Rooney hasn't had the greatest of seasons so far is ridiculous. 8 goals in his last 7 games (that includes 2 for England)

Those odds are based on current form. They aren't going to offer long odds on Fabregas based on the way he's playing just now are they :dontknow:



Fabregas has been instrumental in the whole Arsenal resurgence. The playmaker, the heart beat, the driving force. Anyone that has watched anything of the kid this season will have seen that. What a player. Everyone is raving about him 15 or so games into the season; I haven't heard the same praise from any other quarter about another player in the EPL. Is Rooney Fabregas' only real competition for the award in your eyes??

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Guest Willo Flood
Fabregas has been instrumental in the whole Arsenal resurgence. The playmaker, the heart beat, the driving force. Anyone that has watched anything of the kid this season will have seen that. What a player. Everyone is raving about him 15 or so games into the season; I haven't heard the same praise from any other quarter about another player in the EPL.


You really need to stop watching Arsenal TV, and start watching programmes where the pundits have been watching other games, notably Man United's last 12 Premier League and Champions League games. :dontknow:


As I've already said, he's been immense. You obviously ignored my post. :dontknow:


Is Rooney Fabregas' only real competition for the award in your eyes??




Ronaldo and Rooney have been phenomenal for United so far, with Tevez, Nani and Anderson getting better each game. If they continue the way they're going, Player of the Year and Young Player of the Year will end up at OT, purely because I can't see past them for the league. They've such a strong squad this year.
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Ronaldo 7-1

Drogba 10-1

Rooney 10-1

Gerrard 10-1

Tevez 18-1

Torres 20-1

Richards 25-1

Terry 28-1

Van Persie 33-1


Fabregas has been superb and a big influence on the Arsenal team this season.


Looking at that list, it's a case of "usual suspects", but I'll throw another name into the ring - Mikel Arteta has been in scintillating form for Everton.

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Guest LondonScottish
back on topic.


Fabregas has been unbeleivable this season so far but alot of credit must go to the others in the side.


Gallas, Toure, Sagna. Flamini, Hleb, Rosicky and even walcott have put in some great performances.


They are much better off withoot Henry



I lot of the rumblings from The Emirates was that Henry was quite the nasty *******d behind closed doors, and very much the sulk when things weren't going his way. Some of the younger players were scared to express themselves on the pitch and in the dressing room with the French star around. Awesome player that Henry is/was, no player is bigger than a team, and "a team" is most certainly what Arsenal are now. Wenger has done an incredible job assembling these youngsters over the last couple of seasons, and now they have matured in physical stature and with greater awareness, they could well be challenging come May. Fabregas has been instrumental, but like you say all of the above are looking good and playing well. You may have forgotten to mention Van Persie and Adebayor, and Almunia is young for a keeper who will limit Lehmann's appearances to a handful this season.They seem to have new found belief in their ability and are looking a seriously exciting team these days, playing the kind of football fans want to see. The Man Utd/Arsenal game will hopefully be even more eventful than usual.


Real Madrid will no doubt be sniffing round Fabregas again soon, but there's no way he's leave London, with Wenger hold a steady course "full steam ahead".

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I lot of the rumblings from The Emirates was that Henry was quite the nasty *******d behind closed doors, and very much the sulk when things weren't going his way. Some of the younger players were scared to express themselves on the pitch and in the dressing room with the French star around. Awesome player that Henry is/was, no player is bigger than a team, and "a team" is most certainly what Arsenal are now. Wenger has done an incredible job assembling these youngsters over the last couple of seasons, and now they have matured in physical stature and with greater awareness, they could well be challenging come May. Fabregas has been instrumental, but like you say all of the above are looking good and playing well. You may have forgotten to mention Van Persie and Adebayor, and Almunia is young for a keeper who will limit Lehmann's appearances to a handful this season.They seem to have new found belief in their ability and are looking a seriously exciting team these days, playing the kind of football fans want to see. The Man Utd/Arsenal game will hopefully be even more eventful than usual.


Real Madrid will no doubt be sniffing round Fabregas again soon, but there's no way he's leave London, with Wenger hold a steady course "full steam ahead".



agree with all you have said here.


Henry proved how much of a prick he was with his comments after the champs league final and the Scotland v France game at Hampden. he was like a spoiled kid.


i said at this time last year that the best thing they could do is get rid of Henry. and look what happens.


and your right i forgot about van persie and adebayour.


the one thing that may hinder them is the african nations this year.

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Guest Willo Flood
Hmmmm, wonder if its because they have African players playing for their team.


Hmmmm, wonder how many will actually be going from their team that played Liverpool yesterday (pretty much first strength)?!? :laughing:




Almunia - Spanish

Sagna - French

Toure - Ivory Coast

Gallas - French

Clichy - French

Eboue - Ivory Coast

Fabregas - Spanish

Flamini - French

Hleb - Lithuanian

Rosicky - Czech

Adebayor - Togo (haven't qualified)


Total of 2. What a loss.


While we're on the subject of African teams, who's yours?

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Guest Willo Flood
Ahhh I see, we want to play stupid now, thought that might happen.


Zzzzzzzz. I think you're unable to take the hint.


You've completely lost me.

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Guest Willo Flood
thought they had alot more than that.


Toure, Eboue (both Ivory Coast), Adebayor (Togo) and Song (Cameroon) are the only 4 that play for African sides (Adebayor won't be there because Togo didn't qualify). Have Cameroon qualified?


They may have a few African born players that play for France and the like. :laughing:

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