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Jamie Carragher Loses It.

Guest LondonScottish

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Couldn't handle eight lads in yellow shell-suits and wigs giving him a wee bit of banter. Not the first time he's lost it with the crowd, after throwing a coin back into the Arsenal fans at Highbury.


The "victims" are digging in on RAWK. Pretty funny read http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=204603.0

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any reason were jumpin on him vindicating what hes done?


small time team with a bunch of d*ck head fans hurling abuse at Carra and Riise, when he shows some bottle they say it was all for banter.


Luton fan Michael Sapsford, who was in the box, said:
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The bou's a nutter, remember him on talksport when Ian Wrights co-host called him a bottler for quiting the England team last year, he went crazy phoned up the show and told the boy to get down to Anfield on a Champions league night and call him a bottler to his face.


That'd be that knob Adrian Durham.

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Aye it is, personally i like the lad, some of the stuff he says is class and he knows how to get a bite when on the wind up, both him and Ian Wright make a great duo and probably the funiest on radio.


Aye, although I think he's a knob does really wind folk up and it makes great listening. Used to despise Ian Wright as well but like him on that show and don't hate him as much as I used to.

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Aye, although I think he's a knob does really wind folk up and it makes great listening. Used to despise Ian Wright as well but like him on that show and don't hate him as much as I used to.

Yeah used to dislike Wright aswell but now i really like him, some of his tales from his playing days are soo funny it is unreal.


Not sure if you listened to yesterdays but they done a thing about "what would you have on your gravestone?" A listener texted in one for Ian Wright, "still available for adverts" which i thought was funny.

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"Carra" is as common as the team he plays for. I expect nothing less from him. What a loser. Liverpool football club, what a joke.

True enough. His father is even worse, up in court again last week for trouble he caused at a game, Got thrown out of the ground after he'd already been thrown out of the exec lounge. Classy family.

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so says the man who turned up in a yellow shellsuit and a curly wig, lookin a d*ck with his 8 other dickhead mates just so they can piss off 1 player.

Not condoning their actions, but I doubt they were there with the sole intention of pissing off Carragher. Their costumes were actually commented on during the commentary on 5Live at the start of the game with some amusement. You see people getting dressed up in silly costumes all the time and I imagine they did it for a laugh because they were playing Liverpool. They gave him some stick for not wanting to represent England (an understandable sentiment) and he reacted, as he has done before (see that phonecall to TalkSport). Also, being in an executive box, they were probably drunk (not that being pissed is a good excuse, obviously).


After the match I seem to recall someone from Liverpool commenting that Carragher had climbed up to sign some autographs, but I wasn't really paying attention. Anyone else hear that?

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