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Titus Bramble

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i watched part of this game and that mistake aside Bramble had a great game for Wigan. just ashame he makes some bad howlers.


He did make a couple of top class tackles, but makes far, far too many horrendous error.


As discussed on MOTD 2, Steve Bruce made a comment about "the kid" made a mistake, but like they said, he's 26 now - not some 18 year old.

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He did make a couple of top class tackles, but makes far, far too many horrendous error.


As discussed on MOTD 2, Steve Bruce made a comment about "the kid" made a mistake, but like they said, he's 26 now - not some 18 year old.


sounds like our keeper. pulls off some top class saves but you know the next clanger is on its way soon enough

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Guest LondonScottish

He's not a bad defender, but seems to have a proper shocker every few games including this one.


I'd have him in our defence anytime.

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Guest LondonScottish
one of my mates was saying if you watch him in any game, hell pull off 10-20 great things. Hell do everything right for a period and look a quality defender....


then hell make 1 absolute howler and it just gets worse from there



I think he might improve; just wonder if the defence coaching at Newcastle when he was learning wasn't exactly up to much. :checkit:


He just needs to cut out those odd moments of madness.

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Guest LondonScottish
bramble is easily the worst defender in the epl and one of the worst in the history of the epl!! shockingly bad and was shocked anyone in the top flight went in for him after his newcastle debacle.



Don't you think most of his defending is top notch, he just lets himself down with the occasional lapse.

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Guest LondonScottish
well his defending is not top notch! has cost countless goals over the years and i stand by my opinion that he is easily one of the worst defenders in epl history.



How many times have you watched him this season. With Steve Bruce, he has improved dramatically, and put in some barn-storming displays especially in the last few weeks. He certainly still makes the odd mistake, but is getting better all the time.


We're not talking in the past tense ie "he WAS one of the worst defenders", we're talking about now.

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How many times have you watched him this season. With Steve Bruce, he has improved dramatically, and put in some barn-storming displays especially in the last few weeks. He certainly still makes the odd mistake, but is getting better all the time.


We're not talking in the past tense ie "he WAS one of the worst defenders", we're talking about now.


who's speaking about the past tense?! notice that i used 'is' instead of 'was'.


if he cuts out the mistakes then he could prove to be a competent defender. however, he still makes mistakes that has ultimately cost his side some important goals and for a side that are in a relegation battle, this could prove damaging at the end of the season. take the everton game for example, dominated it for the first 38 mins, one 'lapse in cocentration' has cost them a very important first goal and went on to lose.


it will be interesting to see if Steve Bruce can cut out these mistakes given that he was a class defender in his day.

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Bramble is actually a very good defender, every game you watch he'll do really well but there's this part of his game where he will press self destruct and cost his team a goal and at the EPL level you just can't get away with it.


i would have thought that you couldnt get away with that at any level of football.

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I reckon Titus Bramble is a good player. When he was at Ipswich he was one of the best young players around.


But, rather like Hibernian and goalkeepers, Newcastle's defenders seem to be cursed. Being there as a youngster ruined his confidence and I think he's gone backwards ever since.


In saying that he's been improving this season for Wigan and I feel he can still improve with Brucey teaching him. In the SPL he'd be one of the top 2 or 3 defenders easily.


Look at Diamond with us, imperious all season but still prone to the odd error now and again. Luckily the handball vs Falkirk didn't affect the result!

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