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Butcher Could Join Scots Setup

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Butcher Could Join Scots Setup


Former England captain Terry Butcher could join new Scotland manager George Burley's backroom staff.


Butcher confirmed that he has had initial talks with Burley but did not wish to comment further.


But Scottish FA chief executive Gordon Smith told BBC Radio Scotland: "That could be a possibility as George can bring in two people to help him.


"The coaches would be part-time and George will tell us next week who he wants to bring in."


The friendship of Burley and Butcher, who won 77 caps for England, goes back to their days as Ipswich players.


Butcher, who first moved to Scotland to play for Rangers, had a four-year spell as manager of Motherwell.


And Smith insists that the nationality of Burley's backroom staff is immaterial.


"George hasn't said yet who he is going to bring in," he said.


"If there was a complaint about George not living much in Scotland then that certainly can't be levelled at Terry because, apart from his stint in Australia and a little time down at Brentford, Terry spends all his time in Scotland."


Former Scotland manager Craig Brown admits that he would be interested in assisting Burley.


"Who would refuse to work for his country?" he said.


"I do confess I have had my time and everybody has a shelf life, but an opportunity like that would be fantastic.


"I loved it in a short spell at Derby just out the limelight when I let Billy Davies take all the press conference, all the flak, all the plaudits.


"It is a great job being on the staff when you're not in the firing line."


Burley was appointed on Thursday, having been chosen ahead of Graeme Souness, Mark McGhee and Tommy Burns.


And Smith again raised the possibility of a match against England being one of the new manager's first friendly matches in charge of Scotland.


"That's a potential match, because the English have indicated to us that they have put some thought into it in a positive manner," said the SFA chief executive.


"So it's something that might need a call to the FA in the coming days."




I'll get the ball rollng: I think Butcher would be a great addition to Burley's staff.

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NO. He is Mr england. There is no need for Butcher in this setup. We should be looking to the likes of Joe Jordan and Paul Lambert.

When was the last time Joe Jordan coached?


Lambert is at Wycombe and earning rave reviews as a manager in his own right at that level: he wouldn't even consider going back to being a part-time assistant coach.


Butcher has a huge amount of respect for the Scottish game and proved himself to be pretty adept north of the border both as a player and a coach.

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I may be a bit young to remember, but was he really that much of a hun?


There's a difference between playing for Rangers and being a hun in my opinion.



If the tales were true, he bought into the Sons of William stuff hook, line and sinker e.g. binning all his U2 albums due to them being "Republican". Of course, it could all be malicious gossip. After all, Richard Gough isn't a paedophile..ahem.


All that being said, I'd be fine with him in the Scotland set up. It's all about who Burley is comfortable working with. If that's an Englishman, so be it. I'm still on Cloud 9 that Souness was rejected.

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When was the last time Joe Jordan coached?


Lambert is at Wycombe and earning rave reviews as a manager in his own right at that level: he wouldn't even consider going back to being a part-time assistant coach.


Butcher has a huge amount of respect for the Scottish game and proved himself to be pretty adept north of the border both as a player and a coach.


Probably this morning.

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Guest LondonScottish

I have no problem with Butcher being an ex-Rangers player, and whenever I have met him he has always been the perfect gentleman, and a generally all round nice guy. However he is also English, which I wouldn't generally have a problem with, but, and its a very big "but", the guy is so passionately English regarding his national team, can you ever imagine him in our coaching staff before a Scotland England game. It makes me sick thinking about it. He loves Scotland, and really enjoyed his time up here with Rangers, Dundee Utd, and Motherwell, but coaching my national team is a step too far. frigg sake, Burleys the manager, what would he need Butcher for anyway?

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I have no problem with Butcher being an ex-Rangers player, and whenever I have met him he has always been the perfect gentleman, and a generally all round nice guy. However he is also English, which I wouldn't generally have a problem with, but, and its a very big "but", the guy is so passionately English regarding his national team, can you ever imagine him in our coaching staff before a Scotland England game. It makes me sick thinking about it. He loves Scotland, and really enjoyed his time up here with Rangers, Dundee Utd, and Motherwell, but coaching my national team is a step too far. frigg sake, Burleys the manager, what would he need Butcher for anyway?


agree with most of that LS.


one other point i'd like to make whichnobody on TAMB can explain to me.


where has this myth of him being a good coach came from? when did this all of a sudden happen??

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agree with most of that LS.


one other point i'd like to make whichnobody on TAMB can explain to me.


where has this myth of him being a good coach came from? when did this all of a sudden happen??


Maybe a good coach but as a manager maybe not so good. Did well at Motherwell but as you say failed at Sydney and Brentford and also failed at Sunderland earlier in his career.

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Butcher did well at Motherwell, they were royally frigged when they went into administration but managed to bring on a great crop of youngsters and did well with what he had.


That's what international football is all about, his experience with Motherwell is more relevant than his Australia jaunt or a dozen games with Brentford.


what exactly did he do with Motherwell?


and why are his other 2 jobs dismissed?


he was under the same circumstances with Brentford. no money no nothing and he made an arse of it.

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Guest LondonScottish
Butcher did well at Motherwell, they were royally frigged when they went into administration but managed to bring on a great crop of youngsters and did well with what he had.


That's what international football is all about, his experience with Motherwell is more relevant than his Australia jaunt or a dozen games with Brentford.




Bringing on a group of youngsters?


The guy is so passionately English its unbelievable. No problem with that, its his country, but can you imagine him firing up Scotland just before they take the pitch at Wembley to play England in a qualifier.


"Remember your Scottish......lets hammers those frigging English *****!", Butcher growled to the players in the dressing room 10 minutes before kick-off.


Can't see it somehow. :thumbup1::applause:

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Apologies for the oversight with Jordan. Can't believe I overlooked that, especially given that it's either him or Adams that are wheeled out by Redknapp for post-match interviews.


Nice to see that most people would rather we remained footballing also-rans than opening ourselves up to lessons which could possibly be learned from abroad.


EDIT: Spelling.

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I wouldn't welcome Butcher. I have relatively little problem with his nationality, but I cannot understand why he is being described as a good coach. If a Scottish manager did okay (and it was just okay, no miracles), then failed with two successive clubs rather quickly, we'd bomb this suggestion out quicksmart.


If Souness isn't good enough for the top job, Butcher is way, way off being good enough for number two.

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Personally think that management should have to stick to same criteria as players and that all should be Scottish (same for every other country aswell - not Scottish obviously for other countries though)


Agree. Chick Young said the very same thing on sportsound yesterday and have to say that for once, I thought he was right.

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Who gives a fvck if Butcher is to be the new assistant. So he's English.. big deal.


If he's going to help the Scotland team do well then I'm all for it. It Burley's decision, no one else.


We had a German not so long ago and no one seemed too bothered... until we realised jusyt how sh*t he was as a manager.


Give him a chance at least.

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Who gives a fvck if Butcher is to be the new assistant. So he's English.. big deal.


If he's going to help the Scotland team do well then I'm all for it. It Burley's decision, no one else.

We had a German not so long ago and no one seemed too bothered... until we realised jusyt how sh*t he was as a manager.


Give him a chance at least.


Basically my opinion on this one. I think he did releatively well at Motherwell & that was probably due to his coaching skills which, at the end of the day is why Burley will appoint him.

He'll not be making the decisions, he'll be there for Burley to bounce ideas off & to motivate and coach players. I think he's the right person for the position.

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