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Lineker On Motd

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Guest LondonScottish
After the Chelsea highlights:


"Good to see Ashley Young scoring again."


The camera then turns to Shearer who is trying not to laugh.





Who's Ashley Young?

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Guest LondonScottish
He did say Ashley Cole. It was absolutely classic.

Ashely Cole is the worst kind of person/footballer - massively self-obsessed and thinks hes invincible. Hope Cheryl takes all his badly earned cash.



The MotD lot throw in a couple on innuendo's every week. Very funny. Fergie hit the roof when Lineker said Man Utd had given (can't remember who they were playing) a right roasting, just after their Xmas party debacle.

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Guest rocket_scientist

I can not stand Lineker on MOTD. I have to watch as I like the fitba in the EPL, but his self-satisfied smugness and cheeky chappie persona makes me want to spew.

Shearer is a complete tit. Hansen speaks sense often, but is another one I could do without being on TV.

Lawro and Garth are others on the BBC who are just pure f**s.


As an anchorman, get David Attenborough in, or if he disna ken about fitba, Adrian Giles. The boy Stott is too ugly, and Walkers nae eese.


Andy Gray is the king of punditry. Charlie Nick is good too, as is Le Tiss. Quite like poofy Nevin also, and unlike many, I like Rambo McInally.

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Jeff Stelling's the best anchor....well best after Ron Burgundy of course :fishing:


Although I quite like all the people from BBC, even Hansen. Ian Wright can gtf though.

Can't agree with you there Dynamo, Hansen is usually pretty good, in fact one of the best on telly, but the BBC have Motson, Wright, Bright, Lawro, Shearer, Lineker, Jonathan Pearce, Jacqui Oatley and the king of nonsense, Garth frigging Crooks. In fact, Crooks on his own makes the Beeb utter pish.


ITV are not a million miles better to be fair, I rarely watch their football, but from what I've seen you've got Keown, Townsend and Robbie Earle for starters, can;t think of a positive there, although Gabby would probably do........yes she'd do just fine.


CH5 - John Barnes & Colin Murray - need I say more? Nevin saves the day for them there.


But when you get to Sky, you have Stelling, Keys, Gray (although he's starting to get a bit pompous now), Champagne Charlie, LeTissier, Kammy, Salako, (the much improved) McInally and the best commentator on telly, Martin Tyler. Admittedly, they also have Rednapp, Merson, Tony Gayle, Thommo and the occassional other c**kney ***ker on the Soccer Saturday panel, but in general Sky have all the talent.

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Let me out you big bully??????????

Thought I was going aff ma heid. Kept looking oot the window, then I remembered I'd seen a comment on this before - NICNAC?


MOTD gets so boring with the condescending comments from the pundits.

I dinna keep up with Red Top gossip but Mark Lawrences shirt collars make me laugh!

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