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Scotland V Finland

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Anyone else going to the game on Wednesday evening? Kick off is a bit of a *******d thanks to SKY TV - 5:30. I remember at the last U21 v France the crowd must have been around the 12000 mark, doubt we'll see an attendance like that on Wednesday.


Scotland really need a win to get their campaign up and running - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_UEFA_Eur...ication_Group_6

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Anyone else going to the game on Wednesday evening? Kick off is a bit of a *******d thanks to SKY TV - 5:30. I remember at the last U21 v France the crowd must have been around the 12000 mark, doubt we'll an attendance like that on Wednesday.


Scotland really need a win to get their campaign up and running - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_UEFA_Eur...ication_Group_6



AS Im in sliding distance of pittodrie I would normally say yes but having just gone out and found myself unable to even walk to the end of my road due to ice I wonder if it will evn go ahead

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Went to the game against Lithuania at Easter Road earlier this season. Was pretty decent entertainment that night so I'd definetly recommend it for those of you in Aberdeen.


Stephen Kenny came and sat next to us too, had a bit of banter with him but couldn't really understand what he was saying.



Something along the lines of "Fat *******d keeps trying to steal all my players away" ?

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i'm going along to it, got my ticket when i picked up my celtic replay tikcet.


looking forward to it.


I know the kick off times are staggered, but I do find it strange that both senior and u21 game are being played on the same day, surely would make more sense to have one on wed and one on wed, to boost attendences a little bit.

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i'm going along to it, got my ticket when i picked up my celtic replay tikcet.


looking forward to it.


I know the kick off times are staggered, but I do find it strange that both senior and u21 game are being played on the same day, surely would make more sense to have one on wed and one on wed, to boost attendences a little bit.


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