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Peter Cech

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50 stitches??


Anyone heard what actually happened in this "accident" ?





Does it say 50 stitches anywhere in the article?


I think people are looking too much into this. Keepers pick up injuries during collisions in training all the time and i think the only reason Chelsea have had to announce this is that he'll have to sit out a few weeks for it due to his fractured skull from last season. If the Hunt incident hadn't happened last season i'm pretty sure Cech would have probably played last night and nothing would have been said about it apart from a few comments from the match commentator when a close up of his napper was shown.

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Guest LondonScottish
i cant stand this cry baby


i wish he'd just take off that stupid helmet he wears.



I suppose it would be better taking a hit in the same place, and dying. :applause:

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Does it say 50 stitches anywhere in the article?


I think people are looking too much into this. Keepers pick up injuries during collisions in training all the time and i think the only reason Chelsea have had to announce this is that he'll have to sit out a few weeks for it due to his fractured skull from last season. If the Hunt incident hadn't happened last season i'm pretty sure Cech would have probably played last night and nothing would have been said about it apart from a few comments from the match commentator when a close up of his napper was shown.




Sure I read that somewhere else yesterday - hence the ??


Read a couple of rumours that Drogba done him!

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Guest LondonScottish


plenty other players have been hit in the face before and dont wear that crap.



How many other players can you name with a "depressed skull fracture"?

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Sure I read that somewhere else yesterday - hence the ??


Read a couple of rumours that Drogba done him!


Perhaps in the collision. If it were an actual punch or if Drogba intended to do him damage then he really is pond life. Imagine hitting a team mate in the face knowing fine well about his fractured skull from the previous year.

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Guest LondonScottish
havent heard anything about him recieving medical advice to wear this.



Why would you. He received a serious skull depression, which could have been fatal. A skull depression of this kind, although healed will never be as strong, so surely a rugby head guard is the ideal protection.


What medical advice would you like to see.


I would imagine it would have been something along the lines of : Surgeon..." Peter, you've had a serious injury, but you can play on as long as you wear a head-guard"...... :dontknow:

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From Wiki:


Head injury


Čech being stretchered off after colliding with Reading's Stephen Hunt.On 14 October 2006, Čech and Reading's Stephen Hunt challenged for the ball in the first minute of a league game at the Madejski Stadium, resulting in Čech's head colliding with Hunt's knee and leaving the keeper concussed. After immediate replacement by Carlo Cudicini (who was also left unconscious during the game after a challenge with Sonko), Čech was taken to Royal Berkshire Hospital's Accident and Emergency unit, and that evening taken to Oxford's Radcliffe Infirmary's specialist neuro-surgical unit. Čech then underwent surgery for a depressed fracture of the skull.[6] The injury nearly cost Čech his life.[7] As a result of the collision, Čech suffered intense headaches and was warned by his doctor that returning too early could be fatal.[8] Speaking shortly afterwards, Čech's father claimed his son would be out of football for a year.[9]


Chelsea manager Jos

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So if any of you got a fractured skull...you would rather risk getting knocked again than have folk speaking taking the P155 out of your for a supposed fashion accessory :dontknow:


Ok wearing it round public and out and about would be a bit over the top but hes playing football and escpecially as a keeper it's probably the easiest position to take knocks to the head in.

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My brother got a fractured skull and 2 blood clots playing amateur football good few years back and was told by the doctor he could play on if he wore one of those skull caps like Cech wears. He went back to playing without one and only lasted 2 games before nearly collapsing on the park so he gave up totally and has never kicked a ball again.

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Guest LondonScottish
I know, but hit sounds so much better, and the sun newspaper might be on this site and they may latch on it and cause some unrest in the dressing room just before the champions league semi final :)



You won't need any unrest, Liverpool are as good as through. :itch-chin:



Although speaking of unrest, Liverpool's chief executive Parry, has been asked to resign by one of the American owners this afternoon......

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