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Nottingham Forest

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Just wanted to start a thread congratulating Forest on promotion back into the Championship! After a dodgy period just after Christmas, they fought back and timed their return to forum perfectly!


Gutted I couldn't make it along to the game... was fitting that a local lad from the academy got the goal that put them back into the Championship! Realy looking forward to next season... money will be made available and should Calderwood buy well this summer I reckon we can make the playoffs next season! I'd probably buy a season ticket for next season if I didn't play saturdays myself. Next season should be brilliant with matches against Leicester and Derby County!


There were 28,500 at the game yesterday... the City Ground is a fantastic place to watch football. I honestly don't think it'll be long before Forest are back where they belong, in the Premier league.



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Good to see a team with a great hostory get back to what they used to be all about, that is also an amzing crowd for a league one match, both Forest and Leeds have been getting some fantastic crowds for their matches considering where they are playing.

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Good to see a team with a great hostory get back to what they used to be all about, that is also an amzing crowd for a league one match, both Forest and Leeds have been getting some fantastic crowds for their matches considering where they are playing.


Yes, It just goes to shown what can happen if, even the biggest football clubs suffer from gross miss-management. Forest were ruined by David Platt and the blank cheque book he received, and wasted back in the 1990's.

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Guest rocket_scientist
Yes, It just goes to shown what can happen if, even the biggest football clubs suffer from gross miss-management. Forest were ruined by David Platt and the blank cheque book he received, and wasted back in the 1990's.



Forest and AFC plc may have more in common than the surnames of their current managers therefore...

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Just wanted to start a thread congratulating Forest on promotion back into the Championship! After a dodgy period just after Christmas, they fought back and timed their return to forum perfectly!


Gutted I couldn't make it along to the game... was fitting that a local lad from the academy got the goal that put them back into the Championship! Realy looking forward to next season... money will be made available and should Calderwood buy well this summer I reckon we can make the playoffs next season! I'd probably buy a season ticket for next season if I didn't play saturdays myself. Next season should be brilliant with matches against Leicester and Derby County!


There were 28,500 at the game yesterday... the City Ground is a fantastic place to watch football. I honestly don't think it'll be long before Forest are back where they belong, in the Premier league.




Wouldn't be so sure about that!



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alot of thanks has to go to their fitness coach - Ryland Morgans.


Hes a bit of a ***ker of a man but really knows his stuff (personal experience, he led my course last year before he got the call from Calderwood begging him to join forrest). Has gone the whole season pretty much without a day off coz hes completely overhauled the whole clubs training. Not just the 1st team but the academy and development centres aswell. So hell work mon-fri with the seniors then the weekend with the juniors, then hell take the recovery sessions aswell so he pretty much lives at the ground.


Hes built like the side of a barge. I remember the team photo at the start of the season, hes sitting next to neil lennon. Lennon looks like a starving ethopian next to Ryland.

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alot of thanks has to go to their fitness coach - Ryland Morgans.


Hes a bit of a ***ker of a man but really knows his stuff (personal experience, he led my course last year before he got the call from Calderwood begging him to join forrest). Has gone the whole season pretty much without a day off coz hes completely overhauled the whole clubs training. Not just the 1st team but the academy and development centres aswell. So hell work mon-fri with the seniors then the weekend with the juniors, then hell take the recovery sessions aswell so he pretty much lives at the ground.


Hes built like the side of a barge. I remember the team photo at the start of the season, hes sitting next to neil lennon. Lennon looks like a starving ethopian next to Ryland.

That's going some!

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Just wanted to start a thread congratulating Forest on promotion back into the Championship! After a dodgy period just after Christmas, they fought back and timed their return to forum perfectly!


Gutted I couldn't make it along to the game... was fitting that a local lad from the academy got the goal that put them back into the Championship! Realy looking forward to next season... money will be made available and should Calderwood buy well this summer I reckon we can make the playoffs next season! I'd probably buy a season ticket for next season if I didn't play saturdays myself. Next season should be brilliant with matches against Leicester and Derby County!


There were 28,500 at the game yesterday... the City Ground is a fantastic place to watch football. I honestly don't think it'll be long before Forest are back where they belong, in the Premier league.




Leicester just got relegated today though, didn't they?

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I also think Leeds should get a mention, without that 15 point deduction who knows what would have happened, I know they ended up 16 point behind Forrest but things would have panned out differently if Leeds had started off on an even keil.


It's sad to see big clubs like Forrest and Leeds in the lower divisions but at the end of the day you get what you deserve I suppose.


Sorry to go off topic but it was mantioned how poorly Forrest were run in the 90's, similar situation happened at Leeds more recently. Well Milne almost did the same at AFC but thankfully managed to save the situation to a degree before it got us into even deeper water. Could you imagine if we had went down and didn't go straight back up, what sort of mess would we be in now?

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Hes built like the side of a barge. I remember the team photo at the start of the season, hes sitting next to neil lennon. Lennon looks like a starving ethopian next to Ryland.


Maybe he should take some of the advice he gives out then! Something a bit ironic about having a big fat bloke telling you what excercies to do and what to eat!

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Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.............erm......yeah, because Liverpool would care what I have to say about Leeds. Get a grip you muppet!


Speak sense boy.

Insulted by a Scouser, just isn't going to happen. Keep your slagging match and think about what you right in future, that way you might not embarrass yourself further when someone has a difference of opinion to you.

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