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Slightly Dissapointing

Guest SS RED

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Guest SS RED

Robbie Keanes move to Liverpool leaves a bad taste. Spurs captain and a fans favourite but went behind the clubs back to try and engineer a move to Liverpool. All players are interested in now is money it would seem. With spurs signing Modric, Dos Santos and possibly Bentley the would have been challenging for 4th place IMO but probably not now and definately not if Berbatov goes. Keans first club in years where he settled down and scored over 100 goals at but all for 2 seasons on the Liverpool bench, good luck.


A dissapointed Spurs fan.

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Guest LondonScottish
Robbie Keanes move to Liverpool leaves a bad taste. Spurs captain and a fans favourite but went behind the clubs back to try and engineer a move to Liverpool. All players are interested in now is money it would seem. With spurs signing Modric, Dos Santos and possibly Bentley the would have been challenging for 4th place IMO but probably not now and definately not if Berbatov goes. Keans first club in years where he settled down and scored over 100 goals at but all for 2 seasons on the Liverpool bench, good luck.


A dissapointed Spurs fan.



This would seem a big loss for Spurs. Major upheaval round there, BUT with Ramos' track record I'd have every faith he'll do some amazing things round at the Lane.


He's got potentially

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Guest SS RED

Kaboul aswell and possibly one or two from Baerbatov and Bent, also Defoe left 6 months ago also (again) talk of Malbraque leaving.


I make that to be around 300,000 pounds in saving on wages alone every week.

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Robbie Keanes move to Liverpool leaves a bad taste. Spurs captain and a fans favourite but went behind the clubs back to try and engineer a move to Liverpool. All players are interested in now is money it would seem. With spurs signing Modric, Dos Santos and possibly Bentley the would have been challenging for 4th place IMO but probably not now and definately not if Berbatov goes. Keans first club in years where he settled down and scored over 100 goals at but all for 2 seasons on the Liverpool bench, good luck.


A dissapointed Spurs fan.


What a shame...from an amused gooner :rolleyes:

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Guest LondonScottish
Spurs v Norwich on Channel 423 just now if anyones interested.



Keane's off and Bent steps up to the plate. Tonights game may restore some of his shattered confidence in a 5-1 thrashing of Norwich where he scored 4.

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Not sure how much this came into his decision but think Keane was subbed after 60 odd mins in just about every single Spurs game i saw last season and he normally wasn't too happy at being taken off.


Quick check and he never got the full game in 12 of the last 16 games!!

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It's a lot of money to pay but i think Keane will prove to be a great siigning. Far too often Liverpool relied on Torres or Gerrard last season so it will give them more options up front.


Spurs fans will obviously be disappointed but Ramos will have something up his sleeve. David Villa perhaps? Mate today was saying he heard Villa would consider moving to Spurs. Couldn't believe it myself but you never know.

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Spurs fans will obviously be disappointed but Ramos will have something up his sleeve. David Villa perhaps? Mate today was saying he heard Villa would consider moving to Spurs. Couldn't believe it myself but you never know.


As well as Bently, I heard Spurs are trying to get Arshavin and Pavluchenko or maybe Milito. They are also looking for another central defender and back up keeper.


They have loads of money to spend, especially after getting rid of all those crap players and Keane. With Ramos at the helm I will be expecting a top 6 finish (maybe higher?).


SS RED - Robbie Keane is a Spurs legend but I don't blame him for wanting a move to Liverpool. He is at an age where if he doesn't do it now then he never will. He supported them as a kid and he will get Champions league fitba. To say he is only after the money is wrong, he had 6 great years at Spurs, hardly Anelka is he? :thumbup1:


If he does half as good for Liverpool as he did for Spurs then he will do well. All the best Robbie and thanks for the memories....

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Robbie Keanes move to Liverpool leaves a bad taste. Spurs captain and a fans favourite but went behind the clubs back to try and engineer a move to Liverpool. All players are interested in now is money it would seem. With spurs signing Modric, Dos Santos and possibly Bentley the would have been challenging for 4th place IMO but probably not now and definately not if Berbatov goes. Keans first club in years where he settled down and scored over 100 goals at but all for 2 seasons on the Liverpool bench, good luck.


A dissapointed Spurs fan.

Can't really agree with that SS, he didn't engineer anything (unlike Ronaldo's attempts), but Liverpool certainly did some ebhind the scenes poaching, so much so that they've publicly apologied to Spurs for it.
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Guest LondonScottish
Can't really agree with that SS, he didn't engineer anything (unlike Ronaldo's attempts), but Liverpool certainly did some ebhind the scenes poaching, so much so that they've publicly apologied to Spurs for it.



I didn't really understand that one by Spurs. So Liverpool tapped up a Spurs player, Spurs aren't happy but let the deal go through.


Previously they threatened Liverpool with FA action, which has now been dropped because Liverpool said sorry, and that theywould make a donation to some charity.


Mind you its amazing how

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not sure if they will miss keane greatly, bent is finding form in pre season, be it against lower level opponents but scoring them non the less. 4 against norwich and 3 against leyton, cant ask for more at this stage


Bent just needed a run of games i felt.


I see Spurs are now in talks with Pavlyuchenko. Looked a really good player at the Euros but he did miss a lot of chances.

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i would agree with that, last season defoe and bent never got enough time in my eyes to find form, defoe clearly had the ability which he is now showing at pompey


to be honest id be more worried about the selection headache that ramos is facing, spurs have an attack that will strike fear into most managers: berbie, bent, dos santos-was surprised barca let him go; or do they know something we dont?, modric, lennon, bently; the list goes on.....

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Guest LondonScottish
i would agree with that, last season defoe and bent never got enough time in my eyes to find form, defoe clearly had the ability which he is now showing at pompey


to be honest id be more worried about the selection headache that ramos is facing, spurs have an attack that will strike fear into most managers: berbie, bent, dos santos-was surprised barca let him go; or do they know something we dont?, modric, lennon, bently; the list goes on.....




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