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Mcfadden Words To Burely As He Came Off

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anyone seen this again?


as he walked up the stairs Burely was trying to say something to him but he wasnt taking him on. He turned to him (and im no lip reader) but i think he said something along the lines of "you dont have a frigging clue what your doing".


have to find it and watch it back.


Cue McFadden saying he wont play under Burley...

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Felt for Faddy yesterday as he wasn't given a chance in the game due to our obvious tactical short - coming and if that is what he said to Burley he had just reason for doing so. Why was our most creative player used as a battering ram for his time on the field? Also puzzling is why, when Burley finally accepted a change of system was needed and went with two up top, Mcfadden was deprieved of the chance to link - up with a partner?


Essentially faddy acted as a spokesperson on behalf of Scotland for i can't imagine there were many yesterday who could fathom wtf Burley was trying to do with almost every decision he made

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I think when he came off he was very surprised and couldn't believe it. I really hope he isn't saying he won't play for him again. What a farce at the moment. :hysterical:


Brave / foolhardy decision by Burley to take Faddy off yesterday - has a fair number of fans against him already and taking off the favourite was very risky. The boos echoed around Hampden the second Faddy's number went up.


It was one of those decisions that was a massive gamble - if either of the subs had come and stuck away the winner everyone would have forgotten about it and moved onto the next game. As it was they didn't, and now Burley has probably made even more enemies within the Tartan army. Like him or loathe him (and we do most saturdays) everyone of us in Hampden was thinking the same thing when THAT chance flew wide - Boyd would have scored that. Just like everyone was thinking the same thing when Ferguson just failed to connect a chance against Italy in the last campaign. Not sure about this whole 'he has to establish himself in a first team' argument, particularly bearing in mind the guys who have played for Scotland in the past without being anywhere near first team regulars at their club.

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Don't get me wrong, I hate the huns, but a McFadden/Boyd partnership for Scotland would be pretty mouthwatering when you think of the amount of times faddy cuts in and hits the byline for a cross across the box. Boyd scores goals, it's what he does and he should be playing.


I just don't think Burley has the fire to manage Scotland, I think there needs to be a fairly cultural old-fashioned desire with the national team and he seems to be stifiling the flame

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Brave / foolhardy decision by Burley to take Faddy off yesterday - has a fair number of fans against him already and taking off the favourite was very risky. The boos echoed around Hampden the second Faddy's number went up.


It was one of those decisions that was a massive gamble - if either of the subs had come and stuck away the winner everyone would have forgotten about it and moved onto the next game. As it was they didn't, and now Burley has probably made even more enemies within the Tartan army. Like him or loathe him (and we do most saturdays) everyone of us in Hampden was thinking the same thing when THAT chance flew wide - Boyd would have scored that. Just like everyone was thinking the same thing when Ferguson just failed to connect a chance against Italy in the last campaign. Not sure about this whole 'he has to establish himself in a first team' argument, particularly bearing in mind the guys who have played for Scotland in the past without being anywhere near first team regulars at their club.



I was just stunned just as much as Faddy when his number was up.


Agreed one of the reasons for Ilewumo inclusion was he was playing and Garry O'conner hasn't. Boyd was in the same situation and if you didn't have any intention of playing him because of that WHY pick him?? :(:hysterical:

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Guest rocket_scientist

I just don't think a a manager who speaks like a homosexual can be taken seriously in football.


The John Fashanu's of this world are not the majority in this sport.


Burley has zero lion heart. He's a fud. A woose. Even his nephew slated him in the Sunday Times today.


Although Craig Burley is a f***ing muppet an a.

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I just don't think a a manager who speaks like a homosexual can be taken seriously in football.


The John Fashanu's of this world are not the majority in this sport.


Burley has zero lion heart. He's a fud. A woose. Even his nephew slated him in the Sunday Times today.


Although Craig Burley is a f***ing muppet an a.


Don't you mean JUSTIN Fashanu? :(


I agree with you in a sense, though. I would love to be a fly on the wall when he's demonstrating his (lack of) tactics through a limp wrist and camp falsetto tone. :hysterical:

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Guest rocket_scientist
Don't you mean JUSTIN Fashanu? :hysterical:


Sorry. I have no expertise in matters homosexual, he said, proving machoness and zero pinkness in his persona and potential future proclivities....


I still believe in burning them at the stake. That is how hard and macho I am. I'm like the druggie's father in American Beauty. Rather than Spacey.

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Thing is here aswell Faddy hasna been playing for Brum, there for shouldna be in the team.



Mcfadden has been on the bench only twice this season and played the other 6 games for Birmingham which doesnt legislate not playing him at international level, besides he is the current top scorer and by far the best player Scotland has at the moment- how can you possibly leave him out!!! Have you forgotten the performances that Mcfadden produced in the world cup qualifiers last year???

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Mcfadden has been on the bench only twice this season and played the other 6 games for Birmingham which doesnt legislate not playing him at international level, besides he is the current top scorer and by far the best player Scotland has at the moment- how can you possibly leave him out!!! Have you forgotten the performances that Mcfadden produced in the world cup qualifiers last year???

Birmingham have had 12 games this season. Faddy started 4 and 2 as sub.

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Mcfadden has been on the bench only twice this season and played the other 6 games for Birmingham which doesnt legislate not playing him at international level, besides he is the current top scorer and by far the best player Scotland has at the moment- how can you possibly leave him out!!! Have you forgotten the performances that Mcfadden produced in the world cup qualifiers last year???


yes he is, and boyd is 3rd top scorer (2nd top scorer in squad on saturday) so by that rationale should be playing whether he's in his club side or not.

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Thats more to do with Eck playing the rotation game with his 4 main strikers. None of them have had a continued run in the team.

Exactly the point. Same with Boyd. Yet Burley comes out with ridiculous comments saying you have to be established in your club side before you get game for Scotland. Anyone who thinks 1 goal this season Faddy was a lone striker needs their head examined!!

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Exactly the point. Same with Boyd. Yet Burley comes out with ridiculous comments saying you have to be established in your club side before you get game for Scotland. Anyone who thinks 1 goal this season Faddy was a lone striker needs their head examined!!


i think there's two points there - and they are both valid.


first point - many clubs play rotation systems and so although getting a long run in your club side is preferrable, its not essential - particularly if you are a striker and you STILL have a good goalscoring record.

second point - faddy as lone striker = inept management.

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i think there's two points there - and they are both valid.


first point - many clubs play rotation systems and so although getting a long run in your club side is preferrable, its not essential - particularly if you are a striker and you STILL have a good goalscoring record.

second point - faddy as lone striker = inept management.

So a regular football is necessary for Boyd to get game for Scotland but not for Faddy?

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Taking McFadden off and bringing Iwelumo on worked in the sense that we started to dominate the play and created an opportunity that should have won us the game. If Iwelumo had finished his chance (which he would have done 99 times out of 100) we'd probably be hailing it as a tactical masterstroke. I'd say the way we started the game was far more worthy of criticism than the substitutions.

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Taking McFadden off and bringing Iwelumo on worked in the sense that we started to dominate the play and created an opportunity that should have won us the game. If Iwelumo had finished his chance (which he would have done 99 times out of 100) we'd probably be hailing it as a tactical masterstroke. I'd say the way we started the game was far more worthy of criticism than the substitutions.

It worked as we went with attacking 4-4-2. Would have been better to keep on Faddy and play him wide where he is much more comfortable and could supply the balls for the 2 big forwards whoever they were.

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eh no. hence why i said regular football is preferrable not essential, particularly if your scoring record is still good. like boyds.

I agree. Unfortunately Burley doesn't and says Boyd has to prove himself at club level and establish himself in the team. Same rules don't apply to likes of Faddy, Morrison and Iwulemo pointing to maybe he just doesn't like Boyd. On this occasion as much as Boyd has spat the dummy and looks a bit childish, who can really blame him?


If Boyd's 81 goals in his 2.5 years since signing for Rangers (when not getting regular game) is not enough to "prove himself at club level" then what is the point since clearly not going to get the chance?

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I agree. Unfortunately Burley doesn't and says Boyd has to prove himself at club level and establish himself in the team. Same rules don't apply to likes of Faddy, Morrison and Iwulemo pointing to maybe he just doesn't like Boyd. On this occasion as much as Boyd has spat the dummy and looks a bit childish, who can really blame him?


If Boyd's 81 goals in his 2.5 years since signing for Rangers (when not getting regular game) is not enough to "prove himself at club level" then what is the point since clearly not going to get the chance?


This is the old "the manager has a grudge against him" thing though, if that was the case why is it that Smith, McLeish and Le Guen all came to the same conclusion that Boyd isn't good enough to be a first choice striker?

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This is the old "the manager has a grudge against him" thing though, if that was the case why is it that Smith, McLeish and Le Guen all came to the same conclusion that Boyd isn't good enough to be a first choice striker?

All have thought of him as a sub to take off the bench when they need a goal and more often than not he has come up with the goods. And he has managed 83 starts under these managers and under them managed 81 goals so can't think that badly of him?

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I agree. Unfortunately Burley doesn't and says Boyd has to prove himself at club level and establish himself in the team. Same rules don't apply to likes of Faddy, Morrison and Iwulemo pointing to maybe he just doesn't like Boyd. On this occasion as much as Boyd has spat the dummy and looks a bit childish, who can really blame him?


If Boyd's 81 goals in his 2.5 years since signing for Rangers (when not getting regular game) is not enough to "prove himself at club level" then what is the point since clearly not going to get the chance?


spot on. i think refusing to play for your national team is wrong and cant understand how you could do that, but i do understand his frustration.


i think scotland should play 4-4-2 all the time and have boyd up front with someone like mcfadden putting a shift in. we all know he's lazy but i couldnt give a flcuk because he'll score goals. all this p1sh about 'who's he scored against' is nonsense. Whoever posted that he's played against Italy twice, he was on the park for a total of 10 mins over those 2 games.


Boyd's record is 7 goals in 15 games for scotland - but lets break it down a bit more shall we:


Number of time's he's played the full 90 mins = 3

Number of goals when playing full 90 mins = 3

Number of goals when coming on as sub = 4

Total number of minutes played for Scotland = 661

Average minutes on park = 44


i couldn't give a toss if he's getting a game for the loathsome huns. 7 goals in 15 games at international level with an average of 44 mins on the park.

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All have thought of him as a sub to take off the bench when they need a goal and more often than not he has come up with the goods. And he has managed 83 starts under these managers and under them managed 81 goals so can't think that badly of him?


If they rated him then they wouldn't have him as a sub to take off the bench. He doesn't have any special skillset which makes him more suited to being a substitute than a starter, it's a simple question of who they rate more as a player. Time after time Boyd has found himself behind the likes of Cousin, Novo, Miller, McFadden, Darcheville and the rest in any game of importance. Exactly the same argument that's now being made with respects to Burley has been made for the last year about Smith at Rangers and to a lesser extent McLeish. They can't all just have an irrational dislike of him.

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i think boyd is a very underrated player in all honesty. he may be a prick but find me a decent footballer who isnt up their own arse. Even at semi-pro level, you have to be a cock.


im going out on a limb but i reckon boyd would be your ideal striker in a 4-3-3. Looking for someone to stand on that deep lying centre half and can allow your c.mids to push up to the edge of the D.


McFadden out left forward, let him run and create things

Boyd in the middle as a battering ram

Miller right forward. Has the pace and will still get into positions to score from.

Boyd goes front post, wide striker comes in at the back post. Fletcher or Brown or whomever from c.mid tracks upfield to the edge of the D to pick up the scraps.


If youve got a player like boyd whose main strength is being a predator, you play to his strengths. Not ask a creative player like McFadden to do the hard work, only time that worked was a wonder goal against France.


Im no tactical genius but ffs

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