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British Olympic Football Team

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The Football Association chairman, Lord Triesman, is set to confirm that an agreement with the Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland FAs to field both a Great Britain men's and women's team at the London 2012 Olympics is nearing completion.


Speaking at the Annual Women's Football Awards ceremony in London, Lord Triesman said: "I am happy to say that although the job is not 100% done, that I'm very close now to getting agreement with Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales to ensure that we compete in the 2012 Olympics, both women's and men's football teams.


"I think it would have been extraordinary to have hosted a tournament as great as the Olympic Games and not to have competed, so I'm very pleased with the work we've been able to do and I hope within a day or two to be able to confirm that the whole of that is done."


Fae the guardian. Looks ominous.

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Fae the guardian. Looks ominous.

Just noticed this thread. It was in the Mail on Sunday that the SFA arenae happy that this came out because it hasnt been finalised. That report said that the team will be only english players. Doesnt mak a difference where the players come from, its still a threat to our independent status

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A deal is very close


A deal to allow an England football team to represent Great Britain at the 2012 Olympics is set to be agreed on Friday, the Press Association reports.


Under it, the Scottish, Northern Irish and Welsh football associations will have no involvement in the 2012 Games.


But they will not seek to prevent England from representing Great Britain in London on a one-off basis.


A document has been prepared by the Scottish Football Association (SFA) and sent to the others bodies to sign.


Football's world governing body Fifa had set a deadline of the end of the month for the four home nations to come to an agreement over Olympic representation.


Fifa president Sepp Blatter made it clear he would accept an English side representing Britain but warned the other three associations from becoming involved in case it threatened their separate status in the future.


The development should see the end of a dispute that has raged since 2005, when London won the right to host the Games.


The SFA was furious last week with FA chairman Lord Triesman, accusing him of breaking an agreement for the issue to remain confidential until a deal was signed.


That led to fears the SFA board meeting on Tuesday would reject any move to allow an Olympic team.


However, it appears concerns about international opinion have changed their stance.


SFA spokesman Rob Shorthouse told PA Sport earlier this week: "We've been testing the water, speaking to countries, getting opinion from within Fifa and various other places about the mood at the moment.


"The worry is, by just saying 'No' all the time, we're doing ourselves a bit of damage internationally."




Seems like a sensible compromise. All this fuss over a diddy tournament but hopefully after this that'll be the end of this and we can all move on.

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