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Martin O'neill

Guest LondonScottish

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Guest LondonScottish

O'Neill really is one of the best managers around these days. Wherever he's gone, he's worked wonders, and is now within touching distance of breaking into the EPL top 4 with what was a very poor Aston Villa side a couple of seasons ago. Is he going to be Fergie's successor I wonder?

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Guest LondonScottish
I hope not, not good enough to even try and fill fergies boots but he has worked wonders with villa.



Somebody will have to take over. What qualities is he lacking?

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Somebody will have to take over. What qualities is he lacking?

Some of his tactical decisons annoy me butseem to work, but for some reason jsut don't think he is good enough or ready to take over fergie, would ruin a very fluent side at united as he likes to play with big cloggers with the odd wuick player chucked in it, gets boring after a few seasons.

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Some of his tactical decisons annoy me butseem to work, but for some reason jsut don't think he is good enough or ready to take over fergie, would ruin a very fluent side at united as he likes to play with big cloggers with the odd wuick player chucked in it, gets boring after a few seasons.



Have to agree that O'Neil likes the big lads through the middle of his team, But that may be more to do with his limited budget (yes i know he spent a lot in the summer but that winna last every season)

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Guest LondonScottish
Some of his tactical decisons annoy me butseem to work, but for some reason jsut don't think he is good enough or ready to take over fergie, would ruin a very fluent side at united as he likes to play with big cloggers with the odd wuick player chucked in it, gets boring after a few seasons.



He's built a team at Villa that can play football. They might have some big strong players, but he doesn't always rely on long ball.

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The player-manager of my Sunday amateur team was Martin O'Neills first signing as manager of Grantham Town, after being released by Birmingham City. He also played a couple of games, under Brian Clough at Nottingham Forest when he was a kid. He reckons that Martin O'Neill copied much of Cloughies management style... with his strong emphasis on man-management and keeping the tactical side of the game as simple as possible.


Apparently Cloughie made it his business to know everything about his players professional and personal lives... if he thought a player wasn't pulling his weight, he'd go absolutely mental - but apparently the very opposite was the case for players who were giving their all. I can't remember the name of the player, but he reckons after one particular match, back in the changing room, Cloughie was so delighted by the player in questions hardworking performance, he unlaced the players boot and proceeded to give him a foot-massage infront of the entire dressing room. If you were doing well for him, he give you unbelievable, unrelenting praise, which is the main reason, my manager thinks he was so successful... every player wanted to play well and receive this sort of treatment.


He also said Cloughie would never work on any tactics in training. Training everyday, would be really relaxed and would mostly consist of a few 5- or 7-a-side kick-about matches. He'd also let a few players a way with murder during training - he reckons Des Walker would barely ever train, and when he did turn up for training, he'd always volunteer to play in goals, or would just hang around literally proping-up one of the goalposts. Cloughie would just say, "as long as he keeps performing for me on a saturday afternoon, he can do what he likes during the week at training."

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A great manager, first proved from his amazing time at Leicester.


Worked wonders at Grantham Town and Wycombe Wanders long before he was at Leicester. I do believe he is a genius.


Won't ever get the Manchester United job because of the style of football he plays... Manchester United demand entertaining football, something a Martin O'Neill team will never manage. The next Manchester United manager will be an internal appointment, or someone like Queiroz.

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Guest LondonScottish
he is not a genius ran away from celtic once the chequebook disappeared



Not one of your brighter posts. Nothing to do with his wife, maybe?

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Guest LondonScottish
the cynical view would suggest otherwise



Or maybe taking time out to care for his seriously ill wife was more important to him than managing a football team.

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With regards to him taking over from Fergie, I'm of the opinion that whoever takes over from him is in a lose lose situation given the mans success at the club. It'll take a brave man to succeed him and I dont think they'll last too long personally.

He's quite possibly going to think he's better off where he is anyway as much for that reason as any, but also because whoever takes over is likely to be less successful at Man U, so more chance of gaining that Champs League spot. Villa are also improving, and once again he's building his reputation as a coach that can do no wrong, so they may already be a top 4 team by then anyway. He's also spent most of his career around the Midlands and may fancy staying put.


The only thing wrong with O'Neill is that he dresses like a pikey, and even when he does change into a suit, it looks like it's a hand-me-down.

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