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Scotland V Argentina

Guest Donforlife

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Guest Donforlife

Steven Fletcher and Kenny Miller have pulled out of the squad and Ross McCormack is struggling to be fit.


Anyone else think Lee MIller might be given the nod?

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Guest Donforlife
Not a chance. Maloney, Iwulemo, Fletcher and Clarkson all still way ahead of Miller.


i dont know if you read what I posted but Steven Fletcher has pulled out of the squad.


so regardless if YOU think he is ahead of Lee Miller at the moment, Steven Fletcher is unfit and Burley may replace him with another striker.



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Burley should do what Capello's done with Gerrard. Liverpool pulled him out from the Germany game with an "injury". Capello's made him join up with the squad so his team can assess the injury themselves.


Burley of course won't have the bollocks.


nobody ever will have the bollocks to do such a thing as it will upset the OF and the media.


the OF is the media's cash cow and they will not upset that

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Guest LondonScottish
nobody ever will have the bollocks to do such a thing as it will upset the OF and the media.


the OF is the media's cash cow and they will not upset that



Why should it affect the cash situation. Country comes first.

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Guest Donforlife
No chance he will get nod to play, just as if Langfield was called up to cover again he wouldn't get nod.

surely Miller will look a better option than Iwelumo in training?

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Guest LondonScottish
you are right but the OF matter more to this country


i see cappello has told Terry to report to the squad too



Capello does it his way. Good man.

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Will this be the first time Maradona and Buther will come face to face since 86 ?


Canna see Butcher saying he was a hero to most Scots in 86. More likely lay him out.


It'll be interesting to see if Butcher shakes hands with Maradona at the end of the match.


I don't think I could stomach shaking hands with someone I believed to have cheated me out of a place in the world cup final.

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It'll be interesting to see if Butcher shakes hands with Maradona at the end of the match.


I don't think I could stomach shaking hands with someone I believed to have cheated me out of a place in the world cup final.


when you consider maradonnas other goal then England were never going to any final.



Country for me first unless it is a friendly then it is club, especialy when you are in a fight for the league.


when theres an international on its scotland when its club football its the dons.


For all you Scotland fanatics............does it not piss you off that Butcher is ONLY talking about how England were cheated in 86 and not even mentioning Scotland in the build up?


I heard his interview this morning, if I cared that much about Scotland football team I'd be raging by what he was saying............"england, 86, hand of god, england, world cup, never forgive him"


you put your left arm in....................:lolrangers:


you only heard a snip of his interview. his actual interview went along the lines of this is not about England and 86 its about scotland playing a great team in preperation for the next qualifier.


in saying that i'm not defending the frigger. cant stand the man and didnt want him there in the first place.

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you only heard a snip of his interview. his actual interview went along the lines of this is not about England and 86 its about scotland playing a great team in preperation for the next qualifier.


in saying that i'm not defending the frigger. cant stand the man and didnt want him there in the first place.

Aye in fairness to Butcher, he's only asnswering what the boring English media ask. FFS, we've got '66 going on still 40 years later, and "hand of god" 22 years later. They are frigging boringly predicatable.

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Scotland team for tomorrow:


Allan McGregor

Alan Hutton (RB)



Kirk Broadfoot (LB)

Barry Ferguson







Source probably not 100% reliable... but was spot on with the Norway line-up for the last Scotland game.


Clubfoot at left-back is a disaster waiting to happen IMHO.


Not sure how the midfield will line-up, but I'd imagine Iwelumo will start as the lone striker, with Commons and McFadden working the flanks. Central midfield of Brown and Ferguson with Hartley picking up Aguero?

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Scotland team for tomorrow:


Allan McGregor

Alan Hutton (RB)



Kirk Broadfoot (LB)

Barry Ferguson







Source probably not 100% reliable... but was spot on with the Norway line-up for the last Scotland game.


Clubfoot at left-back is a disaster waiting to happen IMHO.


Not sure how the midfield will line-up, but I'd imagine Iwelumo will start as the lone striker, with Commons and McFadden working the flanks. Central midfield of Brown and Ferguson with Hartley picking up Aguero?


you could be right but he hasnt let scotland down (yet)

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