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Terry Butcher

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butcher should f()ck off. He is really starting to p!ss me off about this its F()cking Scotland Argentina!!!!England are not in this.

Maradonna was completley right last night when he said that England won the world cup with a goal that should not have stood these thing balance themselves out in football.


I didnt care about his appointment at first but now im sure he is a total c()nt who shouldn't be in the Scotland set up!!


Talk about Scotland ffs not something that happened 20 years ago when England would not have won the world cup anyway!!!

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butcher should f()ck off. He is really starting to p!ss me off about this its F()cking Scotland Argentina!!!!England are not in this.

Maradonna was completley right last night when he said that England won the world cup with a goal that should not have stood these thing balance themselves out in football.


I didnt care about his appointment at first but now im sure he is a total c()nt who shouldn't be in the Scotland set up!!


Talk about Scotland ffs not something that happened 20 years ago when England would not have won the world cup anyway!!!


i didnt want butcher from the start as his appointment was bound to turn into a frigging circus. it was always going to be a case of the media turning it into this and as soon as Maradonna was appointed coach of the argies i saw this coming a mile off.


get him te frigg.

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Guest LondonScottish


butcher is starting a fight which has nothing to do with scotland and if a non-national wants to coach or manage scotland then they need to forget anything about their own country and concentrate on us


butcher...frigg off



Or the media.

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Or the media.


yes the media have been asking the questions but is he forced to answer them??? no he isnt.


its easy to avoid it.


simply answer - "that game was 22 years ago, i'm the assistant manager to scotland now and i'm focused on this"


did butcher think that those comments would be left alone and the media wouldnt turn it into the circus they have

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Guest LondonScottish
erm, he's quoted as saying it wont be "hand of anyone" they are talking about after game, will be "fist of" if butcher sees maradona in tunnel




no no, you work for scotland terry so unless you warmly embrace diego when you see him, as he's a visitor to our stadium, then you can frigg off



did you see the interview?

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Guest LondonScottish
it was from the metro paper, so no, i didnt


i consider myself to be a loyal scotland fan however and i go to EVERY home game there is, so im qualified to judge


i dont like the way butcher is acting and he should remember he's representing OUR country, not his, so he should behave



He said it laughing, tongue in cheek. People need to get off their high horse and calm down.

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Guest LondonScottish


this is the problem.


he's english and in being so, is bitter.


they as a nation cant let things go and its spilling over now.


scotland and argentina have a good relationship and that prat is trying to sour it


he should be sacked



Pathetic. He will be doing his job with Burley to help Scotland excel tonight to the best of their ability. Why are you finding it hard to see its the media whipping this up into a frenzy not Butcher.

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Guest Donforlife
Pathetic. He will be doing his job with Burley to help Scotland excel tonight to the best of their ability. Why are you finding it hard to see its the media whipping this up into a frenzy not Butcher.





utter pish.


Im with Millertime 100%.


Butcher is a b*stard, ENGLISH and a sh*t coach.




He should never ever have been allowed to be selected as Scotland's Assistant Manager. I find it obscene.


I also never miss a Scotland home game and shall be there tonight and will be belting out:





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Guest LondonScottish
Well said MT, call me racist but, he's being a typical english person.



Have you met a lot of English people?


Are you a typical member of the Turra intelligentsia, as I wonder how that place survives on a day to day basis, if you are a typical example.

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Guest LondonScottish


utter pish.


Im with Millertime 100%.


Butcher is a b*stard, ENGLISH and a sh*t coach.




He should never ever have been allowed to be selected as Scotland's Assistant Manager. I find it obscene.


I also never miss a Scotland home game and shall be there tonight and will be belting out:







What nationality was Hoddles assistant. What nationality is Capello? Have you met Butcher? How do you know he's a bastard?

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Guest Donforlife
What nationality was Hoddles assistant. What nationality is Capello? Have you met Butcher? How do you know he's a b*stard?


why would I care what nationality Hoddles assistant (John Gorman - Scottish) was? Im not English and dont support England


Why would I care what nationality Capello's assistant is? Im not English and dont support England


Never met Butcher - have you?


I have seen enough of him a Santa TV and when he was manager of Motherwell to deduce that I think he is a cock.

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Guest LondonScottish
why would I care what nationality Hoddles assistant (John Gorman - Scottish) was? Im not English and dont support England


Why would I care what nationality Capello's assistant is? Im not English and dont support England


Never met Butcher - have you?


I have seen enough of him a Santa TV and when he was manager of Motherwell to deduce that I think he is a cock.



Yes I have met Butcher on numerous occasions. I was actually shocked how my opinion of hating him for all those years since his Rangers days, could change to actually realising he is a totally sound guy. I'm more bothered about Pressley being on the coaching staff.


But you make your mind up from a few snippets on TV.

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Guest Donforlife
Yes I have met Butcher on numerous occasions. I was actually shocked how my opinion of hating him for all those years since his Rangers days, could change to actually realising he is a totally sound guy. I'm more bothered about Pressley being on the coaching staff.


But you make your mind up from a few snippets on TV.


I shall and I have.

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Yes I have met Butcher on numerous occasions. I was actually shocked how my opinion of hating him for all those years since his Rangers days, could change to actually realising he is a totally sound guy. I'm more bothered about Pressley being on the coaching staff.


But you make your mind up from a few snippets on TV.


i've got nothing against butcher personally, or his nationality, and i dont want him sacked, but FFS someone should be having a word in his ear and saying get over it you tool.


however much the media have made of it, he still said it and its got feck all to do with scotland vs argentina.


he's taken soor grapes to new levels. tongue in cheek or not.

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As a proud Scot who has lived in England I am thoroughly ashamed of the comments on this thread.


As someone who used to know Terry when he was Rangers captain, I can confirm that he is a really decent guy with a very dry sense of humour, and that humour was clearly being employed here. The remarks have been blown out of any sense of proportion and also utterly divorced from the ironic context in which they were intended. Do any of you actually think that Butcher is going to lamp Maradona in the tunnel!? FFS get a grip!


Well said MT, call me racist but, he's being a typical english person.


Hoo blimey, where to begin? A typical English person? Let's keep this simple; in a country with a population of c. 50 million, which is infinitely more racially diverse than Scotland and also features enormous regional differences, can there be any such thing as a 'typical person'? Of course there can't.


he's english and in being so, is bitter.


they as a nation cant let things go and its spilling over now.


Oh the irony! We're still harping on about a goal which Maradona scored over 22 years ago - bitter/failure to 'let things go'? I don't think I could find anything more emblematic of the 'Scottish cringe' if I tried.


I never thought I'd hear myself getting all biblical on a football chat site, but some of you need to remove the plank from your own eye before you go removing the speck from other people's.

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As a proud Scot who has lived in England I am thoroughly ashamed of the comments on this thread.


As someone who used to know Terry when he was Rangers captain, I can confirm that he is a really decent guy with a very dry sense of humour, and that humour was clearly being employed here. The remarks have been blown out of any sense of proportion and also utterly divorced from the ironic context in which they were intended. Do any of you actually think that Butcher is going to lamp Maradona in the tunnel!? FFS get a grip!




Hoo blimey, where to begin? A typical English person? Let's keep this simple; in a country with a population of c. 50 million, which is infinitely more racially diverse than Scotland and also features enormous regional differences, can there be any such thing as a 'typical person'? Of course there can't.




Oh the irony! We're still harping on about a goal which Maradona scored over 22 years ago - bitter/failure to 'let things go'? I don't think I could find anything more emblematic of the 'Scottish cringe' if I tried.


I never thought I'd hear myself getting all biblical on a football chat site, but some of you need to remove the plank from your own eye before you go removing the speck from other people's.


agreed and butcher should have known this is exactly what would happen so he should have just moved on to the next question

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Yes I have met Butcher on numerous occasions.



As a proud Scot who has lived in England I am thoroughly ashamed of the comments on this thread.


As someone who used to know Terry when he was Rangers captain, I can confirm that he is a really decent guy with a very dry sense of humour, and that humour was clearly being employed here.


feck sake, am i the only person on here who doesnt "ken" butcher..? :sherlock:

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Met him at his hotel in Bridge of Allan once.


A toff of a bloke.

Ditto and took time to yap about football aswell.


But don't agree with his actions at this point and don't agree an Englishman should be assistant for Scottish national team. Would take him at Pittodrie though!! (tin hat on)

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Guest Donforlife
Butcher is a dirty stinking Hun, but as Huns go I can think of loads that are a lot more detestable :sherlock:


Think he's a decent enough coach, sadly he'll never be accepted by a large proportion of the population because he's English.



How about this for tonight?


" oh oh he's an alien, he's an illegal alien..."


" he's an Englishman coaching Scotland!!""


I would love to hear that roaring around hampden.


the b*stard might take the hint then.

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