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Chris Clark

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Guest LondonScottish
Proof, if it were needed, that the championship is an average league.



Or he's playing in his proper position, by a manager who knows what he's doing. :blink:

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Guest LondonScottish
Decent enough winger (but powderpuff as a central midfielder Jimmy) think he would have been good to have on the bench this season.



Or on the wing even?

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Guest LondonScottish
Can't go past a man. Can't cross. No thanks.



Have we got one of those? (if Aluko's up front)


Not seen too much of Plymouth this year, but he's an ever present and regularly gets 7/10 in the player ratings. Maybe his game has improved under a different coach.

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Guest LondonScottish
True, but I don't think CC is the answer.



Times have moved on. We wouldn't take him back now anyway. Its just interesting to see a player doing well after leaving us.

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We've become significantly worse since we lost Anderson, Hart, Nicholson, and Clark (in order of importance). On the whole, we've replaced them with inferior quality. And this after one of the most financially successful seasons in the last 20 years or so. I think that Jimmy's done a semi-decent job given the constraints he's had to work under.

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We've become significantly worse since we lost Anderson, Hart, Nicholson, and Clark (in order of importance). On the whole, we've replaced them with inferior quality. And this after one of the most financially successful seasons in the last 20 years or so. I think that Jimmy's done a semi-decent job given the constraints he's had to work under.


Yep. Kerr is a poor man's Clark and McDonald is poor man's Nicholson. Not necessarily always the same job they do, but you get the point.

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championship is a totally different league to the SPL.


championship tactics are basically give the ball to the centre half, he hoofs it up the pitch for the 6'5 striker to bring down. Chris Clark offers something that the teams down there have forgotten how to deal with - wide men. Hes still crap but it does just show that a change of scenery is sometimes all a player needs.

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Thought i'd drop by to let you know how your old boy Chris Clark is getting on.


Last season he was absolutely awful and most people wrote him off as a total waste of money but this season it's hard to believe it's the same player.


Without question Clark is the most improved player in our team and has been an absolute revelation playing on either flank and being effective on both.


He's the hardest working player in our team and that was summed up in our home match against Sheff wednesday when he got himself injured in the last 5 minutes of a game we were winning 4-0 chasing after a ball everyone else had given up deep in the opposition half. He was however given a standing ovation as he walked around the side of the pitch as the crowd sung there's only 1 chris clark.


I'm not sure who plays out wide for your national team but if Chris keeps up his current form he can't be too far away from making the squad at least.


Check out the link below to see what other Argyle fans are saying about Chris and who knows if the Greens keep up our current good form you might be seeing him on Match of the Day next season.

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Wouldn't get into my starting XI, wouldn't be good enough to displace Smith and Aluko on the wings and I don't think the boy is a central midfielder.


Better option than JDV though.


he'd get a game on the wing here, Smith's never fit and doesnt look like he ever will be. he was maybe powder puff in the middle but compared to McDonald Seve and Kerr he's the incredible hulk.


Plymouth fans seem to think he's a tough tackling player.

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Remind who this Smith boy is that plays on the wing...?

You took the words right out of my mouth, if he works so hard at his fitness and trainees like a man possessed, and is so hard as nails as Calderwood put it why is he always out injured. He seems to me to come in play one game then is out for six seven weeks, that's not fit in my book.

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