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Watford V Tottenham

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Must have been bought from the same shop as the ASC One lol



JimboJim copied the ASC one, scum bag.


HE ALSO copied me and my mates Spurs one, LOSER.

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Yeah and he's a fooking bell end :suicide:


No offence to a certain poster that I know is good mates with him, but he is a tosser!


Who are you on about? His name doesn't even start with R.

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His brother. I think JBJ is ok. I had a fallen out with him one game about JC, but soon saw the error of my ways, however think he's cool enough - its his brother I'm not a big fan of.



I hope your fishing.


He doesn't even have a brother.



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that flags my mates. Watford are his english team. He bought a yellow and red st georges flag with aberdeen across the front and w f and c in 3 of the corners. In the 4th corner it says we hate rangers. Brilliant!!


Who are you Dazzy Deff?


Watford are his english team and Leeds, Doncaster and Spurs as well.

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What the frigg it that about then ?


Leeds is who his first english team was, watford is because he has mates there, doncaster you don't even want to know and spurs he likes because me and a couple other folk support them.


He's a freak.

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Leeds is who his first english team was, watford is because he has mates there, doncaster you don't even want to know and spurs he likes because me and a couple other folk support them.


He's a freak.



Complete and utter, I can understand people having a second team doon sooth but four because of the above reasons is idiotic.

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His brother. I think JBJ is ok. I had a fallen out with him one game about JC, but soon saw the error of my ways, however think he's cool enough - its his brother I'm not a big fan of.


I'm glad you've seen the error of your ways. calderwood is a buffoon and always has been.


and it is me and my cousins flag. and as for you ss red, you can frigg off you nut. :hysterical:

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I'm glad you've seen the error of your ways. calderwood is a buffoon and always has been.


and it is me and my cousins flag. and as for you ss red, you can frigg off you nut. :hysterical:


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if ure from bod u will know who i am if u know mr r!! And as far as im aware, he dont like leeds donnie or spurs, only watford. U maybe are talkin about his cousin!


u from bod?



Nah I am JimboJims mate, it's him who likes all those teams.

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