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James Bulger Documentary


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Documentary on ITV the night. Supposed to be from the mothers perspective. It was a bit, but it was mostly a re-telling of the story. Horrific even all these years later. Gut wrenching hearing the police re-count what happened and what the boys said. And to think those two evil little sods got away with 8 years. I know they were only 10 at the time; but still.

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I remember that happening, I was only 7 at the time but remember seeing the CCTV images of Bulger being lead away on the news in the morning before school. A truly disturbing crime.


When I was in 6th year at secondary there was a rumour that one of his killers had relocated to the village I went to school, Aboyne. Some guy got brutally assaulted with a hammer or something like that. Probably just a load of crap as most rumours were but even the teachers were talking about it.

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Confirmed by a reliable friend who lives in the vicinity.

As Zinc says, if that's the case then he is lucky that is all. I mind the mood at the time. The crowd outside the court rioted. Would have ripped them apart if they could. Dunno, evil little bastard they are, but could you really attack a 10 year old???

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I wonder what the script was with the murderers parents?

Not surprisingly both boys were from broken homes. It did say in the documentary. One of the boys parents had divorced at the age of 3. I think the other one's parents were divorced also??? I imagine they would be keeping their heads very, very low.


Interestingly during the initial enquiries they took in 20 boys for questioning. They turned up at the one lads house and took him away in a police van. There was a near riot on the street. The boy was innocent and released; but even given that the family was forced to move away!!!

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Eight years was twenty too short, but the law then - arguably now - wasn't/isn't equipped for crimes of this nature. Even now, in the modern world of unbelievable horror we see sometimes, who could really imagine two ten year old boys torturing and murdering a toddler?


I don't know about gents, but I find it hard to believe even now. I'm not surprised Law of the Land at the time was equally ill-equipped.

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My niece who is coming up for 10, I love her to pieces and probably one of the smartest kids around - and I'm being totally serious......she watches countdown and can get the conundrums (sp?) and can get quite a lot of answers on Weakest Link / Eggheads.....and kid with a real good future ahead of her....


Anyways the point i'm going to make is, I wouldn't be standing outside the court - if someone done something to my niece, I can assure you I would be in the court and would do everything I could to get to the accused of them who had done something to my niece. I think most of us would also.


I would take the years in prison for disrupting a court and assault charges that would probably be dished out also. I reckon big males would go light on my wee hoop given the circumstances of what I'd be in jail for :angry2: .


As for the James Bulger thing, its a disgrace that only 8 years was dished out!!!!!!!!!!


The point about doing something to a 10 yr old was with reagrds to the two boys that killed Bulger.

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Eight years was twenty too short, but the law then - arguably now - wasn't/isn't equipped for crimes of this nature. Even now, in the modern world of unbelievable horror we see sometimes, who could really imagine two ten year old boys torturing and murdering a toddler?


I don't know about gents, but I find it hard to believe even now. I'm not surprised Law of the Land at the time was equally ill-equipped.



twenty years too short????? try life inside with no chance of release, if i found out one of them was living in my neighbourhood the cop's would find the guy with a slit throat

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  • 4 years later...

There seems to be more outrage in this case because the killers were only 10 years old, I agree it was a shocking crime but it surely isn't worse than an adult committing the same crime.


They were from poor broken homes and were misfits and no doubt the victim of bullying themselves, I'm not excusing them but I'm sure they didn't stop to think of the ramifications of what they were doing, they deserved to be punished and did their time, I might be the only one but I'm glad they've been given new identities and a chance to have an adult life, one of them has fucked up as an adult and he can stay locked up for all I care but the other one appears to have got on with his life, fair play to him.


The huge mistake they made as children shouldn't be enough to stop them ever being released and I'm glad we have a system that recognised that.


Leave your real anger for the Robert Blacks and Ian Huntleys of this World not a couple of children.

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There seems to be more outrage in this case because the killers were only 10 years old, I agree it was a shocking crime but it surely isn't worse than an adult committing the same crime.


They were from poor broken homes and were misfits and no doubt the victim of bullying themselves, I'm not excusing them but I'm sure they didn't stop to think of the ramifications of what they were doing, they deserved to be punished and did their time, I might be the only one but I'm glad they've been given new identities and a chance to have an adult life, one of them has fucked up as an adult and he can stay locked up for all I care but the other one appears to have got on with his life, fair play to him.


The huge mistake they made as children shouldn't been enough to stop them ever being released and I'm glad we have a system that recognised that.


Leave your real anger for the Ian Huntleys of this World not a couple of children.



Nah.....that Venables cunt deserves to be kicked to within an inch of his life......and then left for a few days....and the same to be done again.

repeat ad nauseum until he's no longer breathing.

Child murderer turned paedo.


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Nah.....that Venables cunt deserves to be kicked to within an inch of his life......and then left for a few days....and the same to be done again.

repeat ad nauseum until he's no longer breathing.

Child murderer turned paedo.



I agree and made that point, he had his chance and has proven he's evil, It was correct that he was given the chance to prove himself was more what I was saying.

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Funnily enough it was the main instigator, Thompson, who has gone on to keep his head down and live a normal-ish life. Even though he's managed to stay out of trouble you have to wonder whether he is actually rehabilitated or does he have evil lurking within him.


Hopefully we never find out.


Venebles will be locked up for some time yet, for his own saftey if anything. Apparantly he has a habit of telling people who he is when he's pissed :clangers2:

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Either that or he's discussing abortion with his now pregnant missus.


you have to ask yourself if its ultimately a good thing to bring a child into this world.


what you can give it, what society is there for it.


not enough people do that. they just think have a kid, job done. id say about 2/3 of all children born in the uk are up against it from day 1.

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My kid will have an incredible life.


It'll very much be worth it, and trust me - I've asked so many questions, probably about myself - but now isn't the time to get deep with an alcoholic propping up the bar on AFC Chat, so I do think it's worth it, yes.


Why wouldn't it be worth it?


Because of an incident 20 years ago, or because North Korea are plotting to blow up the world?


Fuck, I've survived the world ending on many occasions, so I'm sure my kid will be fine if I bring one into the world.


thats a bold statement.


i hope you can back it up, sinceerely do, but i have my reservations.


can anyone live up to that? you have to make sacrifices to be a good parent and surprisnglyly few people are good at that.


can you give a child everything you have?

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Hopefully oor bairns can make the world a better place, Bluto :thumbup1:


Or as you'd call it; a bteter palce.


people enter into parenthood too lightly imo


we are all made to produce off spring but its perhaps teh ultimate selfless act to defy that if you cannot give a child what it needs


im thinking about family structure and material things like money, house etc.

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