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4th Place

Guest SS RED

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Who do you think will get it? Arsenal or Villa?


I think Villa will get it, and I hope so to, fed up of all the big 4 sh*te, although Arsenal have just bought Arshavin and Eduardo is du back soon so it could be a hard fight for 4th.

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Who do you think will get it? Arsenal or Villa?


I think Villa will get it, and I hope so to, fed up of all the big 4 sh*te, although Arsenal have just bought Arshavin and Eduardo is du back soon so it could be a hard fight for 4th.


Quite possible that both could finish higher than 4th, granted Arsenal have a bit of catching up to do. Chelsea look doomed and yesterdays result aside, Liverpool are always likely to drop points. Championship is United's to throw away, but 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place are up for grabs.

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Guest Donforlife
Who do you think will get it? Arsenal or Villa?


I think Villa will get it, and I hope so to, fed up of all the big 4 sh*te, although Arsenal have just bought Arshavin and Eduardo is du back soon so it could be a hard fight for 4th.


i think the league will finish with the same 4 at the top as always -Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal. in that order.

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Both Chelsea and Liverpool could easily drop out the top 4, only needs a couple of poor results.


Villa have been pretty consistent all season and Heskey has been a quietly inspired signing by MON - wouldn't be shocked to see the finish as high as second (although that is not a prediction :ThumbsDown: ) just as easily as they could be 5th.

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Arsenal will find their form at some point in the season. They are too good-a-team to go a whole season playing poorly.


Consider that Villa, playing at the peak of their power, are only a few points better off than a woefully short of form Arsenal. At some point in the season Arsenal will pull things together and overtake Villa.


1) Man United

2) Chelsea

(7 or 8 point gap)

3) Liverpool

4) Arsenal

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Used to follow Villa when i was younger, even went down to a few games during the Brian Little and John Gregory years, they had a decent run in Europe round that time and got knocked out of the UEFA Cup by A Madrid 3-2 on agg. Great atmosphere at Villa Park that night. If they carry on picking up results like they have been then i fancy them not being far off Chelski and Liverpool.

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