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Just Another Reason To Hate The Old Firm c**ts

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It is, it's the clubs best interests to get their own squads fit for the rest of the games, the Scottish players hould not need a friendly to get ready for the Holland match.

it would have been good for them to get game together before they play the dutch though. i'd be happy to bet that any of the players outwith the OF would have gladly played in it too as they will give just as much for their country as they would for their club. if there was a game this week then we'd see a few call offs from the OF.


everything not just the national team seems to revolve around them. the league structure, the TV deals. f**k me the SPL even extended the season for one half last year.


i doubt any other football association works this way

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What a dick. Can you imagine calling games off two days before they are going to be played. The guy's a balloon.


Yeah but we can't upset the rangers fans coming from Northern Ireland..... YES WE CAN, annoy the b*stards, the c**ts should stay at home, remember the famine is over in Northern Ireland aswell!

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SPL hitting back today saying the SFA wanted them to start season a week earlier so players in SPL would play 2 games before Scotland game so would be up to speed.


But few other points:


1) Why when sitting down to pan out fixtures did SFA agree to arrange game against Norway away just 2 weeks into new season, knowing Norwegian league season is well past half way at that stage?


2) Players based in English league wont have played any games by this fixture making point 1 even more bizarre.


3) Points 1 and 2 kind of diluted as large number of Norway side play in English leagues aswell.


4) Seems this week Burley and SFA pandering to old firm as they have huge match this weekend so never organised a friendly when almost every other country has one, but yet the same old firm teams wont recipricate when other way round by allowing season to start a week earlier as they have money making friendlies against Premiership clubs lined up.

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SPL hitting back today saying the SFA wanted them to start season a week earlier so players in SPL would play 2 games before Scotland game so would be up to speed.


But few other points:


1) Why when sitting down to pan out fixtures did SFA agree to arrange game against Norway away just 2 weeks into new season, knowing Norwegian league season is well past half way at that stage?


2) Players based in English league wont have played any games by this fixture making point 1 even more bizarre.


3) Points 1 and 2 kind of diluted as large number of Norway side play in English leagues aswell.


4) Seems this week Burley and SFA pandering to old firm as they have huge match this weekend so never organised a friendly when almost every other country has one, but yet the same old firm teams wont recipricate when other way round by allowing season to start a week earlier as they have money making friendlies against Premiership clubs lined up.


hearing elsewhere that mcmanus, hartley, miller and robson have pulled out of the get together

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Why does that not surprise me in the slightest, they should be dropped altogether and never play for Scotland again. mink b*stards


reading a brilliant point on TAMB this morning.


Italians and Brazilians travel from across the world to play in a friendly yet some of our best cant even be bothered to travel from glasgow to st andrews.


Scotland are 1 of only 4 nations (in Europe) who do not have a friendly to prepare for their next qualifier which just happens to be against one of Europes best. why is this??? because theres a f**king old firm match on.


The milan derby is this weekend yet Italy still play their friendly at a neutral venue.


its a joke that everything needs to revolve around these c**ts. they dont want OF games near CL games, they dont want them near international dates. they get whatever they want whilst the rest of us just have to accept it.


scottish football is laughable

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