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Middlesbrough tell fans: Pipe down by The Riverside


At a time when many clubs are desperately trying to whip up some atmosphere at their soulless new stadiums, Middlesbrough are asking their loudest fans to shut up.


Supporters in the Riverside's south-east corner were bemused to arrive for Saturday's snoozefest against Wigan and be handed a letter from safety officer Sue Watson urging them to pipe down.


"I am receiving more and more complaints from our own fans also seated in this area about both the persistent standing and the constant banging and noise coming from the back of this stand," she wrote. "Please stop. Make as much noise as you like when we score but this constant noise is driving some fans mad."


Incredible stuff, especially at a ground which has seen only 10 home goals this season, worst in the Premier League. Luckily fans showed what they thought of the noise ban with a series of chants during the Wigan game including "we are not criminals", "we are not allowed to sing" and the brilliant "it's just like watching a film".




This sort of stuff really annoys me. Seems the fans who want to create noise and an atmosphere are being targeted again :hysterical:

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another step towards the death of football as we know it in the UK


is it any wonder crowds are down with certain clubs

Boro have apologised for the letter on their club site. The last para in particular is a joke, and written by a woman is it any surprise, think she may have got a slapping on Monday morning. :thumbup1:



Boro's Apology To Fans Over Letter Confusion


BORO have apologised to supporters who have been annoyed by the wording of a club letter directed at a section of fans in Block 53a in the Riverside Stadium's South-East corner.


The letter from the club's Safety Officer Sue Watson was designed to tackle an issue that has arisen only since a large number of fans moved from the North Stand to Block 53a to create a loud atmosphere in another area of the stadium.


However, the club had received a number of complaints from fans who have sat in 53a for some years that supporters new to the block were causing annoyance by constantly banging on the plastic sheeting at the back of the stand and blocking their view of the game by standing for long periods.


Boro have held consultations with the new supporters, who called themselves the Red Faction, aimed at agreeing a compromise that would result in the best possible atmosphere for all fans.


It was also decided that a letter would be handed out to Red Faction supporters encouraging their "noisy, passionate support" but asking them to refrain from constantly banging the plastic sheeting and reminding them that the ground's Safety Certificate does not allow permanent standing.


However, Boro's Chief Operating Officer Neil Bausor said he understands how the wording of the letter could easily have been misunderstood as discouraging fans from creating a loud atmosphere.


Mr Bausor said: "We want to make it absolutely clear, as Sue says in her letter, that Middlesbrough FC encourages the fans to back the team with passion and noise.


"The fans' backing is absolutely essential and we would never discourage passionate support.


"Sue's letter was a result of a number of fans moving from the North Stand to Block 53a to create a louder atmosphere in that area.


"Unfortunately, other supporters who have sat in that area for some years have been upset by those new to the block constantly standing and banging on the plastic sheeting at the back of the stand.


"We have been consulting with supporters in the area and indeed held a meeting with them on Friday with the aim of achieving the best atmosphere for all fans.


"The letter was designed to ask those fans new to Block 53a to continue to back the team with passion and noise but to have respect for their fellow fans too.


"However, we do understand the strength of feeling on this issue and we do accept the letter could easily have been misunderstood.


"We apologise to any supporters who have therefore been understandably annoyed.


"The club's fans have been excellent throughout what has been a difficult season and we are going to need their support and backing throughout the remainder of the season.


"We thank the fans for their ongoing support of the team."

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However, the club had received a number of complaints from fans who have sat in 53a for some years that supporters new to the block were causing annoyance by constantly banging on the plastic sheeting at the back of the stand and blocking their view of the game by standing for long periods.

What a trick - wonder how they manage that one!!

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club have oly done a U-turn ater reaction from the public/media. Lead to believe that the area, which is normally largly empty bar a small number of fans wanting to sing, is close to a sell out for their game tomorrow night. Hopefully those fans can show the club where to stick their letter.


Supporters, not spectators.

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didnt expect this from Newcastle


a club where the fans have a reputation for their passion too.


Must be a NE thing, let's hope just a NE of England thing though! Surprised we never get told to sit down at the back of the RDS actually. Think back of RDS Upper and away end at Ibrox are the only grounds I've never seen folk being made to sit down by coppers/stewards.

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Must be a NE thing, let's hope just a NE of England thing though! Surprised we never get told to sit down at the back of the RDS actually. Think back of RDS Upper and away end at Ibrox are the only grounds I've never seen folk being made to sit down by coppers/stewards.


Police and Steward don't dare tell the old firm to sit down in the South Stand at todders, while we're not allowed to stand in the SS.

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