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Any Websites Showing The Game Tomorrow?

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Anyone got any websites that will be showing the Scotland game tomorrow night? I would have been going except I'll be stuck in school with the rest of my Higher Product Design Class doing our design assignments until 10pm. We're all at computer desks so could watch the game if there's any websites that we can get onto that pass the school blocker. Tried the Footy Doctor one today but the school block it.

If anyone could give me a list of some websites that will be showing it, I'l give them a try and see if they work - will mean we'll all get to watch it rather than be stuck with the radio!

Thanking you in advance.

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Guest LondonScottish
Anyone got any websites that will be showing the Scotland game tomorrow night? I would have been going except I'll be stuck in school with the rest of my Higher Product Design Class doing our design assignments until 10pm. We're all at computer desks so could watch the game if there's any websites that we can get onto that pass the school blocker. Tried the Footy Doctor one today but the school block it.

If anyone could give me a list of some websites that will be showing it, I'l give them a try and see if they work - will mean we'll all get to watch it rather than be stuck with the radio!

Thanking you in advance.



try justin tv tomorrow

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