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How Wrong Can You Be?

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Good find. Very laughable.


A friend forwarded it to me....


The authors email, incase you'd like to congratulate him: Rob.Smyth@guardian.co.uk


my favourite bits:


"No matter how many people they move in for - and if reports are to be believed, United have made offers for dozens of players - nobody wants to go near them. And the one person who surely would, Damien Duff, was allowed to slip into the arms of Newcastle for less than United paid for Patrice Evra. You couldn't make it up. You don't have to."


"Ferguson has taken this end-of-an-empire template and, incredibly, managed to develop it: he's added a sprawling, outsized squad chock-full of obscenely well-paid deadwood; insultingly obvious spin that a two-year-old could see through (the Van Nistelrooy saga); economy with the truth (Ferguson ridiculed a journalist for saying that Paul Scholes had been scouting for United; a few days later Scholes confirmed the story); a coaching set-up that had Wayne Rooney playing wide for a season and turned Ronaldo from the world's most thrilling off-the-wall talent into a run-of-the-mill winger when he plays for United, as was confirmed by his liberated displays for Portugal at the World Cup."


... and we all remember what happened Ronaldo from the beginning of season 2006/07

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A friend forwarded it to me....


The authors email, incase you'd like to congratulate him: Rob.Smyth@guardian.co.uk


my favourite bits:


"No matter how many people they move in for - and if reports are to be believed, United have made offers for dozens of players - nobody wants to go near them. And the one person who surely would, Damien Duff, was allowed to slip into the arms of Newcastle for less than United paid for Patrice Evra. You couldn't make it up. You don't have to."


"Ferguson has taken this end-of-an-empire template and, incredibly, managed to develop it: he's added a sprawling, outsized squad chock-full of obscenely well-paid deadwood; insultingly obvious spin that a two-year-old could see through (the Van Nistelrooy saga); economy with the truth (Ferguson ridiculed a journalist for saying that Paul Scholes had been scouting for United; a few days later Scholes confirmed the story); a coaching set-up that had Wayne Rooney playing wide for a season and turned Ronaldo from the world's most thrilling off-the-wall talent into a run-of-the-mill winger when he plays for United, as was confirmed by his liberated displays for Portugal at the World Cup."


... and we all remember what happened Ronaldo from the beginning of season 2006/07






United finished second last season, but that as much about the deficiency of the Premiership as their own quality. Arsenal will surely not have a four-month blind spot this season, while all evidence suggests that Liverpool's gradient will continue on its upward trajectory. With Tottenham getting stronger, even with the loss of Carrick, it is conceivable that, if they start slowly and get significant injuries, United could finish fifth; in today's environment, that would be disastrous.



. . . . . . . . . .


The two articles show he clearly has an agenda and has made himself look like a bit of a rafa.

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Received an almost instantaneous after sending him this email:


Hi Rob,


I've just been forwarded a copy your 2006 article entitled "Shredding his legacy at every turn (http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2006/jul/31/sport.comment)," and I wanted to thank you for giving me the biggest laugh I've had in months. The first time I read the article in it's entirety, I thought it must have been some sort of elaborate internet prank, however, on contacting my source they inform it is entirely genuine! On the second time of reading, I must admit, the tears were streaming down my face!


Keep up the good(sic) work,




"it's sad you feel that way, sonoftherock, because the opinion of line-toeing student revisionists who don't even know when to leave an apostrophe out of 'its' is really important to me."


- Well done on spotting my grammatical error - a pity his journalism isn't so sharp! :laughing:

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Ha ha, I got an awesome reply. What a tool.



My email:

Hey Rob,


I'm just loving your 2006 article on Manchester United (http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2006/jul/31/sport.comment). It is truly comedy genius. Have you ever considered a career in comedy? Stand up perhaps? I feel you have 'bitter'(see what I did there) prospects in humour than as a journalist. I've not laughed that much in a while!


Alex Ferguson? Incompetent? Genius! Please update with Rafa-esque rants more often! Its great entertainment! You fud.


Oh, and I just thought I'd add, I hope you enjoy being mocked!







yes, i really give a flying sh*t what aberdeen fans think, especially those

who think that the great fergie is above criticism and honestly didn't get

it wrong when, say, he bought djemba-djemba, kleberson, bellion and co.



Fergies the only manager in history to make a bad signing, apparently...

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Also dropped him an e-mail very similar to yours SOTR. Got this reply within literally seconds.


yes, clearly i was the only person doubting ferguson in the summer of 2006,

which is why even his media mouthpiece, hugh mcilvanney, suggested he

should retire. clearly i got it wrong; sometimes i even get it right, like

prescribing the sale of van nistelrooy 18 months before the great fergie

realised he was a busted flush at united. show me a united fan who says he

didn't doubt ferguson between 2003 and 2006 and i'll show you a



His own grammatical accuracy seems to have deserted him.

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After pointing out he seemed a bit angry I got this one.


angry about getting death threats over a piece of writing that is three

years old? yeah, a bit. angry about people coming out of the woodwork armed

with hindsight, the ultimate c**ts' trick? yeah, a bit. happy with three

titles in a row and holding off liverpool? yeah, massively.

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yes, i really give a flying sh*t what aberdeen fans think, especially those

who think that the great fergie is above criticism and honestly didn't get

it wrong when, say, he bought djemba-djemba, kleberson, bellion and co.



Fergies the only manager in history to make a bad signing, apparently...


What an arrogant piece of work... I'm working tonight, but I'll continue my discussion with him tomorrow. Anyone who attempts to defend what he's written, particularly by way of clutching at straws regarding Fergie, is clearly an idiot. It's a pity a reputable paper like the guardian have given this guy column inches.


The guy is clearly a hack, no better than the likes of Keevins or Guidi...

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Oh Rob, how wrong were you, having a go at the legend that has made Man United the club they are today and gave Aberdeen soo much in a short time, you must be a bitter newcastle or Liverpool fan to have done this, very poor article on a whole. Ronaldo, for a run of the mill winger has had two cracking season on the trot now, Scholes, he wouldn't look out of place in the 1970s' Brazil side and the fact you even attempted to slate the signing of Evra who is now the bets left back in the league and maybe the world is just wrong, soo so wrong, you make me laugh soo much.




Also in an email you sent to guy on a forum I use you slated the fact SAF bought a few dud player, who at the time when bought were seen as prospect, not all prospect turn out good and SAF is not the only manager to do this, look at the boy Lucas for Liverpool, he makes me look like a world class player and I am fat.




Away and write another "cutting piece" on how SAF has lost it and away and bum up Rafa, bam.


Sent him this, I don't care if he gets torn in to me, everyone here knows I aint the cleverest but I want to wind this prat up.


EDIT- Reply below.


i'm a united fan, i got it badly wrong. sometimes i even get it right.sometimes fergie even gets it wrong.
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Admit it a lot of people thought that ronaldo was finished in Englandshire after the world cup. I did. So f**k the boy wrote an article 3 years ago that now seems foolish. Most of us manage that in one day on here rather than three years ago.

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Perhaps not a Man U fan then!




I note that despite his derision of the extra apostrophe, he doesn't know a Proper noun when it hits him in the face!




Neither do I but I'll take your word for it A1! ;)


Funny stuff chaps. "Like I care what Aberdeen fans think". Dinna get in such a state about it then!

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Following his initial sarcastic reply, I felt compelled to return the compliment.... it's pretty obvious we're dealing here with an arrogant individual who needs brought down a peg or, two. Admitedly I'm having a bit of laugh with my reply - but when you break down the comments he's made within his article and email responses, you do start to think... "what a jumped up little twat - how dare he?"


I'll let you know if I receive a response.



Ah, the irony of mocking students, when you, yourself, look and dress like one, if your picture on the guardian website is any reflection.


Also, well done on picking up on the grammatical error in my previous correspondence - a pity your journalism ain't so perceptive. Incidentally, as you were arrogant enough to proclaim that you don't care about the opinion of those who buy your paper, can you explain, just why are you working as journalist and publishing your ill-informed views in public? For your own gratuity? Just filling column space, in order to pay the bills? I suspect the latter, as it'd explain the lack of commitment and poorly researched arguments, which as it would appear, have become a hallmark of your work.


It's interesting, also, that you retain enough faith in your work to brand me a revisionist... thus inferring a measure of credibility in your opinion that;


(1) Damien Duff represented a better investment at left back, than, the then Champions league finalist Patrice Evra - who presumably, you'd never bothered to watch before unceremoniously writing him off. Just as well the main focus of your attack (a man who

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Good on the boy taking the time to reply to all yer emails.

I thought Sir Alex should have retired as well. I'm in complete admiration at how he has proved me wrong, though.

He must be the best of all time. We maybe dinna see too many scots in the EPL nowadays, but he is fair makin up for it.


On a side note it's also pleasing to see Fletcher turning it around this season too. I swear I even saw Rooney pass to him once.

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