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Paolo Madini

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Amazingly fantastic player, wish I'd got to see him play in the flesh, awesome career with a lot of winners medles won.



Lost his last ever game at the San Siro 3-2 to Roma tonight. Gracious in defeat as ever, THE model pro.


Might not be too long before he is coach at Milan.

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Guest SS RED
Wonder what the story behind that is.


Anyway, some career. Remember a few years ago when he took a pay cut to stay at Milan, and he said something along the lines of "MIlan made me, so I owe them this" or something along those lines.


Strange one very strange indeed.


Probably in the top ten greatest defenders in the past 20 years, an amazing player who I have the honour of saying I seen him play.

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I 100% agree with what Maldini did in 2005, he was entitled to be angry despite the team bottling the final. He is a legend as far as i'm concerned, a true professional and very modest man. Sadly there aren't many players like him nowadays i.e fully commited to 1 team and a fantastic attitude.


All the best Paolo in your future endeavours :( :thumbs: :trophy:

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