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English fitba is rotten to the core.


The EPL is a like a group of old slappers who drop their drawers at any old foreigner who passes by with a few bob in their hippers. (sorry Keith)


Every other day you read about some club or other selling out its heritage and its roots to some Arab or Yank or likeweise. There is very little English about it anymore - apart from the geography. The vast majority of their stars are foreign, the only managers who achieve are foreign. Its a joke.


You look at Match of the Day and when the cameras pan round the crowd you see all these "football-tourists" etc at Stamford Bridge,Old Trafford etc. Id truly hate the day when that happened to Aberdeen - yes the big-money signings would be good and the success would be good but it would rip the heart out of the club and i genuinely dont think that the people would want that.


Im glad Barcelona beat Man United last night - disappointed for Ferguson - because it shows the EPL that they are not the be-all and end-all in football.They outclassed them completely with their passing and general play - it shows them that they have a hell of a lot to learn and a hell of a long way to go. They also need to learn a bit of humility and lose their arrogance - like the other week when suggesting that Norwegian refs arent fit to officiate games at Champions League level - what a lot of drivel.


Portsmouth my arse - who are ye?

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Guest LondonScottish
English fitba is rotten to the core.


The EPL is a like a group of old slappers who drop their drawers at any old foreigner who passes by with a few bob in their hippers. (sorry Keith)


Every other day you read about some club or other selling out its heritage and its roots to some Arab or Yank or likeweise. There is very little English about it anymore - apart from the geography. The vast majority of their stars are foreign, the only managers who achieve are foreign. Its a joke.


You look at Match of the Day and when the cameras pan round the crowd you see all these "football-tourists" etc at Stamford Bridge,Old Trafford etc. Id truly hate the day when that happened to Aberdeen - yes the big-money signings would be good and the success would be good but it would rip the heart out of the club and i genuinely dont think that the people would want that.


Im glad Barcelona beat Man United last night - disappointed for Ferguson - because it shows the EPL that they are not the be-all and end-all in football.They outclassed them completely with their passing and general play - it shows them that they have a hell of a lot to learn and a hell of a long way to go. They also need to learn a bit of humility and lose their arrogance - like the other week when suggesting that Norwegian refs arent fit to officiate games at Champions League level - what a lot of drivel.


Portsmouth my arse - who are ye?



ok then....... :rolleyes:

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English fitba is rotten to the core.


The EPL is a like a group of old slappers who drop their drawers at any old foreigner who passes by with a few bob in their hippers. (sorry Keith)


Every other day you read about some club or other selling out its heritage and its roots to some Arab or Yank or likeweise. There is very little English about it anymore - apart from the geography. The vast majority of their stars are foreign, the only managers who achieve are foreign. Its a joke.


You look at Match of the Day and when the cameras pan round the crowd you see all these "football-tourists" etc at Stamford Bridge,Old Trafford etc. Id truly hate the day when that happened to Aberdeen - yes the big-money signings would be good and the success would be good but it would rip the heart out of the club and i genuinely dont think that the people would want that.


Im glad Barcelona beat Man United last night - disappointed for Ferguson - because it shows the EPL that they are not the be-all and end-all in football.They outclassed them completely with their passing and general play - it shows them that they have a hell of a lot to learn and a hell of a long way to go. They also need to learn a bit of humility and lose their arrogance - like the other week when suggesting that Norwegian refs arent fit to officiate games at Champions League level - what a lot of drivel.


Portsmouth my arse - who are ye?


They won the Champions League last season and were in the final this season!!

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