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Bouncers Are Lame


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So was oot in O Neils last night enjoying myself, when all my mates bugger off to Exodus. I couldn't be arsed with a night full of students in lumberjack shirts but reluctantly agreed to meet them. Ended up on the dance floor with my mate. I was a little drunk but not too bad.


Standing by the dj booth noticed an empty glass with a lemon in it, so took the glass and lobbed the lemon out of it at my mate for a laugh. Now he was standing next to me and there was nothing else in the glass (i.e. no drink or ice) and we just carried on dancing. About 2 minutes later some guy comes up to me. At this point I'm thinking "is this someone who knows me but I don't remember?" He then asks if I want to go downstairs, I was thinking "why if Triple Kirks is closed?" (or he might of been gay :thumbs: ). Noticed he had a badge on and stuff and realised he was wanting to chuck me out for the lemon incident :hysterical: I asked him if he was taking the piss but he was serious. He dragged me out with my arms tied full force, just like I'd tried to murder someone or something. He got all emotional when he threw me out the door, and shouted to his bouncer mates "ban him, ban him for life!". They weren't even really taking him seriously. My mate overheard the same bouncer saying to someone I had chucked a glass over the dj booth! What a fecking cheek!


What a w*nker. Why do some bouncers have to go on a power trip? Whilst lobbing a lemon at a mate isn't the height of maturity, it hardly even warrants a warning, never mind being chucked out :rolleyes:

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Looks like it's nothing new. Funny thing is I've never had any trouble ever every time I've been


Same here. I've never had any problems and when i see trouble the bouncers do then deal with it well, if a bit heavy handily.


I think from what i've heard they've gotten better. Although if you read that thread, some people were banned for just complaining about it on there


The bouncers know my face so i get no bother.

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Same here. I've never had any problems and when i see trouble the bouncers do then deal with it well, if a bit heavy handily.


I think from what i've heard they've gotten better. Although if you read that thread, some people were banned for just complaining about it on there


The bouncers know my face so i get no bother.


:hysterical: man aboot toon aye?

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  • Admin
:hysterical: man aboot toon aye?


Hardly. I've been going to that shitehole once a week for 5 years. Now there are kids that were in the years below me at school that are now bouncers there. Felt like an old man. Had no clue who they were but they remembered me. :thumbup1:

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Doesn't surprise me, especially with it being Exodus. Most of the problems I've had with bouncers in the past have come there, from being refused because 'I've had enough' even though I've had like 2 drinks, to being thrown out for being 'too drunk' or acting 'unsteady on my feet' when I've been fine but others in the place are bleezing and falling about all over the place. Bouncers there are the biggests pricks ever and love power trips and picking on folk they don't like the look of and the simple thing to do, which is what I did, is not to go back.

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