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Youth Coaching

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anyone do this, manage a kids primary/academy/juvenile team etc?


looking to get into this but not sure how? going to take one of the SFA courses in youth or childrens coaching i think, basically looking for some advice/help from anyone involved.

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anyone do this, manage a kids primary/academy/juvenile team etc?


looking to get into this but not sure how? going to take one of the SFA courses in youth or childrens coaching i think, basically looking for some advice/help from anyone involved.

If you contact Stuart Anderson at the Community Coaching Dept at Pittodrie he will tell you when the courses are running.

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If you contact Stuart Anderson at the Community Coaching Dept at Pittodrie he will tell you when the courses are running.


cheers, I downloaded the brochure from the SFA website that tells you when the courses are running, just want to get some experience first before taking one of the courses.

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cheers, I downloaded the brochure from the SFA website that tells you when the courses are running, just want to get some experience first before taking one of the courses.

The first few levels of the coaching are pretty basic really, I used to enjoy coaching the kids especially the ones who were interested but not so keen on the ones who were dumped on you as a baby sitting service, will probably do it again when i become a granda.

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There is a new complex opening up in Balmedie for kids, and I was thinking of doing the same. Just take time out on a Thursday evening or something to do coaching with kids.


I was asked by my neighbour who works at the Leisure Centre if I wanted to do it.....and it's something I have thought about and wouldn't mind doing to be honest.

With a packet of crisps and a cheeky smile.....

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There is a new complex opening up in Balmedie for kids, and I was thinking of doing the same. Just take time out on a Thursday evening or something to do coaching with kids.


I was asked by my neighbour who works at the Leisure Centre if I wanted to do it.....and it's something I have thought about and wouldn't mind doing to be honest.


get me involved!

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the scottish system by all accounts looks quite complicated compared to the english & welsh system. its probably not that complicated but the amount of different stages there are makes it look intimidating.


its no secret what i do so youd think id be in a position to offer advice. I dont know how similar they are in practise but im guessing the principles will be the same.


what i would say is dont rest on your laurels. once you get started badges wise, keep going. I got my level 1 then immedialy signed up for the level 2 because the basic stuff isnt so much about coaching as it is being able to stand there and recognise if that avalanche or godzilla attack is likely to have an effect on your session. Level 2 is about actual development - passing, shooting, defending. Fairly simple principles that need to be learned. The youth team im with didnt have this taught to them when they were younger so are fairly useless at simple comcepts now that they are 18.


the best way for you to learn is to watch other people who have experience. watch how these people interact with the players and just show an interest in what your players have to say.


these books are good:




id say the psychology for football one is excellent if your working with young players. all the little things you wouldnt normally think about, spelled out for you.



it sounds strange but if you go in being yourself, you dont get the best from your players. You learn to have a "coaching persona" which you switch on and off so go in as this larger than life character that gets peples attention and gets them having fun.


Once you have a team, get signed up to this website:




you can either pay the 97p a week to get a shed load of info you probably wont read...or do what everyone else does and just take the 1 free drill a week they send you. Its aimed at developing young players so will be invaluable for you.


Not going to bullshit you, it will get tiresome at some point in the season. Its especially hard if your losing every week and the players show no signs of improvements. Thats really demoralising but that feeling passes. The kids look to you for inspiration so you have to try to hide your disappointment.


Other than that, just have fun. Your going to have the biggest impact on how some of these kids play football for the rest of their lives so just make sure they have fun and want to keep coming back so that when they are in their 30s and 40s, they are still desperate to go for a random kickabout.

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