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Fits Yer Favourtie National Team.

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For fitba, not Scotland. The tartan army are fuds. France favourite nation. Fav national team is Scottish amateur golfers. Fav fitba national team is Cameroon, or maybe Columbia. A nation that shoots deid their full back for a f**k up in the World Cup is a nation that cares. Or maybe it was perpetrated by a f**ked up coke-heid, acting unilaterally. Whatever. Jamaica possiby. But not Norway or Sweden. Boring people. I quite like Denmark. Austria sucks. Finland I can take or leave. Wales are pisch. Love Norn Ireland for that 25/1 win against the Engerlish. Like Eire. Germany can suck my balls. Humour-less b*stards but admittedly technically excellent. Argentina are ace. Cambiasso. Brazil are the gods. Japan no way. South Korea cool. Espana por fa vor. He's Portuguese, he's one of these - wrist genuflections to illustrate the repeated retractions of the foreskin - Italy cheating scum, Czech Rep is cool, Ukraine are not and I know f**k all about Slovenia, Moldova and the People's Republic of Taiwan, or is that China now? South Africa's an arsepit. Mon the Hondurans.

I like Wales. Any country that can rival Scotland's hatred of England gets my vote.

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It was cool when Iraq won the Asian cup just cause the people were in bad times and it united the country.


When I'm playing PES or FIFA the teams I use most are Russia, Mexico, Czech Republic, Croatia, Holland, Ukraine. I think this demonstrates accurately your true favourite national team(s). If I'm playing against someone where I need to use one of the top teams I'll go Argentina, Brazil or Italy

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For fitba, not Scotland. The tartan army are fuds. France favourite nation. Fav national team is Scottish amateur golfers. Fav fitba national team is Cameroon, or maybe Columbia. A nation that shoots deid their full back for a f**k up in the World Cup is a nation that cares. Or maybe it was perpetrated by a f**ked up coke-heid, acting unilaterally. Whatever. Jamaica possiby. But not Norway or Sweden. Boring people. I quite like Denmark. Austria sucks. Finland I can take or leave. Wales are pisch. Love Norn Ireland for that 25/1 win against the Engerlish. Like Eire. Germany can suck my balls. Humour-less b*stards but admittedly technically excellent. Argentina are ace. Cambiasso. Brazil are the gods. Japan no way. South Korea cool. Espana por fa vor. He's Portuguese, he's one of these - wrist genuflections to illustrate the repeated retractions of the foreskin - Italy cheating scum, Czech Rep is cool, Ukraine are not and I know f**k all about Slovenia, Moldova and the People's Republic of Taiwan, or is that China now? South Africa's an arsepit. Mon the Hondurans.


Post of the year.

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England, Wales and Ireland, being British, we have to support out other nation when we arn't doing well.


surely this is worthy of a ban???


if not scotland then eire or sweden for me. failing that i'll support anyone playing against eng, serbia and usa

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I dont understand people who like to see Northern Ireland do well. It's a bit like wanting the huns to do well in Europe if there is any comparison.


For tournaments that Scotland aren't at (so, all of them pretty much) I want to see the Azzuri win.

I didnt mind NI until we played them in a friendly (last year, the year before)? Dont anymore. It is like huns in Europe, you're right.


Scotland for me. And not everyone who goes to watch Scotland is a fud RS.

Like to see Argentina, Holland and Italy do well in tournaments

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Yes I know. Obviously. There are some excellent people who watch Scotland. Met tons of magic folk, vast majority from smaller towns/didn't support the OF.


Just got sickened at the growing percentage of downright neds, embarrassments to the nation and the Dam 6-0 was my final straw.

Aye agreed (not about the Dam 6-0 being my final straw; wis only my 6th game I think) . Its worse when Scotland play away on a Saturday as theres more stag do's and neds than would normally go midweek

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