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Was trying to think what to say on the way home


You it sort of feels "normal" played st mirren beat them 2-0 enuff said really


saw individual defensive errors but covered by a working unit


saw shape and width as well, couple of players were perhaps trying too hard Magennis and Milsom not to criticise them but you feel if they let the ball do the work a bit more they may have had better luck


Milsom had a good first half, very similar to derek young in style of play but more of a goal threat. fell out of the game as it went on though but perhaps more fitness and 1st team action lacking but a solid performance all the same. Magennis just want to have the ball and wants to score but he tries too hard, just needs to let the ball do its thing as well and he will be much more of a threat


Bebo went wide in the second half, good move by brown and changed the game, it look stifled first half but he had more freedom in the second and saw hi with two deep lofted crosses to the back post both bundled in by vernon. Tell you what knock a deep ball to the back post and you know he will be lurking around there.


Vuj was a bit funny in this game, came on and was mopping everything up, then got forced wide and played a back pass that st mirren had read but diamond was still looking at the pics but got back to help. After that he seemd a bit of a liability to be honest and was like ifil on a good day.


Overall though it just fely like normal service was under way


we had a game we won nuff said

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With the obvious exception of Bebo and Vernon's contributions to the win i thought our two best players were Young and Considine. Both look transformed under Brown and Knox. St Mirren really are an awful team though so i'm not getting too carried away with the win. Next Saturday will give us an idea of what this team of ours can do under serious pressure.


COYR :applause:

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First half was poor, Maguire was soo bad it was unreal, he is a defenders dream and will be found out soon enough, however in the second half he played a bit better, two great balls, although one was a shot that was it for him, maybe should have been red carded aswell for a wee kick out on another player.


Bamber would disagree with you on Vuja, he reads the game soo well it is like day and night between him and Diamond (who had a fairly good game today actually) the mistake by the war lord was a howler but we got off with it, other than that I thought he played really well as did our other defenders, especially Considine who just seems to be getting better every week, he was rampant at times and hit a fairly good shot.


Overall I am happy, feel more confident even at 1-0 which I havn't down for a while, Vernon looks to be a fantastic buy, drifts in and out of the game but 9/10 times he will be in the right position at the right time.


P.s Young had a very good game, him and the new lad played well and would give Young and extra year deal too.

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First half was poor, Maguire was soo bad it was unreal, he is a defenders dream and will be found out soon enough, however in the second half he played a bit better, two great balls, although one was a shot that was it for him, maybe should have been red carded aswell for a wee kick out on another player.


Bamber would disagree with you on Vuja, he reads the game soo well it is like day and night between him and Diamond (who had a fairly good game today actually) the mistake by the war lord was a howler but we got off with it, other than that I thought he played really well as did our other defenders, especially Considine who just seems to be getting better every week, he was rampant at times and hit a fairly good shot.


Overall I am happy, feel more confident even at 1-0 which I havn't down for a while, Vernon looks to be a fantastic buy, drifts in and out of the game but 9/10 times he will be in the right position at the right time.


P.s Young had a very good game, him and the new lad played well and would give Young and extra year deal too.


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Do that all you want but I know what I seen to day especially in the first half, brushed off the ball with the slightest of touches, there was also one incident, defender stood his ground , Maguire falls over St Mirren player goes to take the throw Maguire trips him, also a nice elbow in the first half on the halfway line next to south stand.

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Do that all you want but I know what I seen to day especially in the first half, brushed off the ball with the slightest of touches, there was also one incident, defender stood his ground , Maguire falls over St Mirren player goes to take the throw Maguire trips him, also a nice elbow in the first half on the halfway line next to south stand.

As soon as you see any topic on Bebo and yourself, K9 or Stoney are the last poster I'd bet my house on it being negative.

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And I can also guarantee if Maguire had knocked in a goal bound Vernon shot Stoney would be telling us all Maguire is a goal greedy b*stard, just out for himself blah blah blah rather than complimenting him as we should be for Vernon today.

Haha, agenda against us, we know what we see, I'm not the only one about 10 or 15 folk around me today noticed it, some boy started being a dick "oh aye Maguire is sh*te, he is really sh*te" when he crossed for the second goal trying to be funny, Maguire done some good but some 'fickle' fans let two crosses cloud their judgement on the player, maybe I look too much in to the negatives but when someone who has played over 120 games can't hold his own against a defender, can't look up for a simple pass and goes for crazy shots fae 30 odd yards then he still has alot to learn and also needs to screw the nuts and not complain, kickout or try elbow players when things don't go his way..

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Haha, agenda against us, we know what we see, I'm not the only one about 10 or 15 folk around me today noticed it, some boy started being a dick "oh aye Maguire is sh*te, he is really sh*te" when he crossed for the second goal trying to be funny, Maguire done some good but some 'fickle' fans let two crosses cloud their judgement on the player, maybe I look too much in to the negatives but when someone who has played over 120 games can't hold his own against a defender, can't look up for a simple pass and goes for crazy shots fae 30 odd yards then he still has alot to learn and also needs to screw the nuts and not complain, kickout or try elbow players when things don't go his way..

We need a pot and kettle emoticon.

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19 goals in 115 games. But you think he's a dick, slag his lisp etc. That's nothing to do with his ability, you just don't like the guy.

I havn't slagged his lisp, it's the way he acts on the pitch, we scored the second he went away himself to celebrate then joined the others then as walking away started doing a "shhhh" with finger over his mouth to one of the defenders, who does he think he is?

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Another win and i'm happy.

Bebo was much better in second half and two great crosses for the goals.

Several things didn't come off for him but he's developing well but still

work in progress. He needs to curb his temper cos another day and he could have been sent off.

Young again put in a shift and deserves another year.

Vernon's a goalscorer who also works hard, a great signing.

Milsom certainly looks a player and hopefully he can kick on and

show why he was with Fulham for so long.

Vuja sometimes appears a bit laid back and gets caught on the hop but he's

still a decent asset.

Mageniss, as Bamber said, trys a bit too hard but he's got something and works his socks off.

This team's going places.

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Another win and i'm happy.

Bebo was much better in second half and two great crosses for the goals.

Several things didn't come off for him but he's developing well but still

work in progress. He needs to curb his temper cos another day and he could have been sent off.

Young again put in a shift and deserves another year.

Vernon's a goalscorer who also works hard, a great signing.

Milsom certainly looks a player and hopefully he can kick on and

show why he was with Fulham for so long.

Vuja sometimes appears a bit laid back and gets caught on the hop but he's

still a decent asset.

Mageniss, as Bamber said, trys a bit too hard but he's got something and works his socks off.

This team's going places.



it feels a bit strange after the last few months for criticising a player for trying too hard , but he really does need to let the ball be part of the partnership


Thought his goal may have helped last week but I guess he wants to score a few more, I like him and I feel that i'm not the only one and has a lot of support in the crowd.


If some one buily a brickwall in front of him he WOULD run through it to get at the ball but then he seems to think it needs loads of work to get it to move .


Could be a real threat once he learns to play with a ball instead of into the ball

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Pretty awful game but 3 points and job done professionally.


2 great moments for the goals but pretty much nothing else major to talk about in the game.


Terrible first half and the 2 up top were awful although starved of any chances as we had nothing wide at all. Poor Magennis completely lost on the left and Jack similar on the right. Only when moved Magennis into middle and Maguire wide did we actually start to look like we might score and it was 2 wonderful magnificent balls from Maguire to put 2 goals on a plate for Vernon to bundle in from close range.


Thought Young and Milsom in middle did a pretty good job, with Milsom looking our main goal threat in first half. Milsom tired badly late on but be good to get 90 mins under his belt.


Maguire's 2 crosses were the difference (and Vernon's 2 goals) so probably has to get MOTM but thought Diamond, Young and Milsom run it close. Langfield a complete spectator today but kicking still awful.


As said at start professional job done and 3 points which was the must today.

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Pretty awful game but 3 points and job done professionally.


2 great moments for the goals but pretty much nothing else major to talk about in the game.


Terrible first half and the 2 up top were awful although starved of any chances as we had nothing wide at all. Poor Magennis completely lost on the left and Jack similar on the right. Only when moved Magennis into middle and Maguire wide did we actually start to look like we might score and it was 2 wonderful magnificent balls from Maguire to put 2 goals on a plate for Vernon to bundle in from close range.


Thought Young and Milsom in middle did a pretty good job, with Milsom looking our main goal threat in first half. Milsom tired badly late on but be good to get 90 mins under his belt.


Maguire's 2 crosses were the difference (and Vernon's 2 goals) so probably has to get MOTM but thought Diamond, Young and Milsom run it close. Langfield a complete spectator today but kicking still awful.


As said at start professional job done and 3 points which was the must today.



Delighted with result - despite the absence of Hartley and Aluko a solid performance which is encouraging. We are now on a real run which I hope we can carry through the next more challenging games.


The next test for the squad is how they deal with defeat but hopefully we want need to worry about that for a while. It is remarkable what a difference a bit of confidence and a good manager makes.

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I wasn't at the game, so haven't got any idea how it was but the fact we had 16 attempts/shots at goal with nine of them on target is a good start & sign that we're finally heading in the right direction with regards slightly more attack minded football though surely & from what I've heard it wasn't even so much long ball kind of stuff either.


Not getting carried away but we've won three very important games lately & even though (or because of this if you like) it's the three teams that are below us in the table that we've beaten it still bodes well for the future.


We now have a few hard games coming up without even mentioning the cup game cos that takes care of itself really, so after the next two league games against celtic & the game agains ICT it will be interesting to see where we stand in the league. Anywhere above 9th would be fantastic but I'd say right now that I'd be happy enough with 9th place.



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Pretty woeful first part of the first half.

Looked really disjointed, but once the midfield settled down we started to make things happen.

Magennis really struggled out on the wing and it showed. But the loon really needs to start showing something other than enthusiasim IMO.

Try's just too hard, which is no bad thing, but he just seems ineffectual. Again my opinion. Showed up a bit better when CB moved him into the middle in the 2nd half.


I was impressed by Milsom and Young in the middle. Milsom had our only chances on goal in the first half, and once he got to grips with the pace of the game he showed up well. He reminded me of Rico when he made his debut. Went about his business in good fashion and wasn't scared to get involved or make himself available. Once he gets up to speed I reckon we could have a good midfielder on our hands.

Young did well to and has rewarded the faith shown in him by CB & AK.


2nd half was much better and Maguire started to show himself. Getting down the wing and got 2 great crosses into the back post for Vernon to get on the end of. Great to have a striker with the nous to be in the right place and put the ball in the net with any part of his body.


We were never in danger in the 2nd half and despite on error by Vuda we were very comfortable.


The win is tainted a bit by MacNamee looking like he'll be out for a couple of weeks at least with a nasty groin injury according to CB.


But all in all, I came away from Pittodrie having enjoyed myself. And that's what's important to me. By no means a classic. But cheers Brooner & Knox for enhancing my enjoyment of watching my team.

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