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Maybe someone who has an actual paper to hand can confirm or deny this, but looking online at this morning's P&J, there appears to be NO stories about AFC.


Jocky Scott's new job at Stirling, Caley Thistle interested in some young jakey, Andy Murray, Tam O'Shanter, Our Wullie.... but nothing at all about the Dandy Dons.


This, on the eve of a triple header against the league leaders, is somewhat bizzare.


Paper is going down the tubes :banghead:

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I dont see this as being a problem. In the past we've seen pages of drivel about the up and coming game, usually about how one player thinks he's going to turn it on against "his old club" or "friendship put to one side" or some pish, and then they end up having an absolute nightmare of a game!


Aye, agreed, less is more, the last thing I wanted to see in the death throes of the previous regime was Young or Langfield banging the drum about our next opponents.


Do the talking on the park, and then you can speak about it afterwards.


Mind you, the Depressing Journal is not exactly a treasure trove of informative up to minute news at the best of times, front page screams 'Chimney fire in Keith' or 'Lady loses purse in bakery in Nairn'.

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Aye, agreed, less is more, the last thing I wanted to see in the death throes of the previous regime was Young or Langfield banging the drum about our next opponents.


Do the talking on the park, and then you can speak about it afterwards.


Mind you, the Depressing Journal is not exactly a treasure trove of informative up to minute news at the best of times, front page screams 'Chimney fire in Keith' or 'Lady loses purse in bakery in Nairn'.



That first one has clearly never happened as they have yet to discover fire in Keith.


The wheel is scheduled for 2016 though so it's looking promising for the bale chucking weirdos.

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Aye, agreed, less is more, the last thing I wanted to see in the death throes of the previous regime was Young or Langfield banging the drum about our next opponents.


Do the talking on the park, and then you can speak about it afterwards.

Mind you, the Depressing Journal is not exactly a treasure trove of informative up to minute news at the best of times, front page screams 'Chimney fire in Keith' or 'Lady loses purse in bakery in Nairn'.


That's fine and I agree. But a decent journalist doesn't need to get soundbites or quote a player out of context, to write a good insightful article and review about an upcoming fixture. It's a big match for both teams, so how about previewing how they think it might go, how this could be the first game Brown loses and how he thginks the players may handle that. I dunno.... but it doesn't take Darren Mackie saying for the billionth time that he's going to make the other team pay blah glah....


Use your creative juices - if you bloody well have any!


Utter nonsense of the highest order.

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Could this be Brown and Knox asking the players not to speak about the game in the build up? Good if it is.


As for creative journalism not sure the P&J sports department has any.


Doubtful, Blackman's got a bit in the Evening Express saying how he aims to "mark his debut with a goal and a win at Celtic"

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No news is good news & all that


So you'd rather the local papers didn't print any news about AFC at all then?


News and stories about AFC is in a sense, a free form of marketing.


It doesn't have to include quotes from anyone. I want to read good sporting journalism in my local paper. It's generally speaking, why you bother buying a newspaper is it not?

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A good idea would be to give each of the players some column inches to write about anything they want. Not ghostwritten, not spell-checked, not edited. Just the players' words...


...that would be magic.


And suicidal PR, most of them I would guess have never read a book in their lives.


They've committed literary hari kari on Facebook and Bebo in the past, to great controversy.


It would be magic, but only in the reading it through your fingers and cringing sense.

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