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New Signings In January

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As we would have expected, Mr. Brown has been busy in the transfer window making use of his promised increase in wages budget. At some point there will presumably have to be a rebalancing outward flow. Looks as though there could be something of an exodus at the end of the season. However under the new regime I guess that more of the squad will be playing for their places during their remaining time. I don't think Paton has figured in any of the games under Mr. Brown so far and Ifil seems to be more obscure now. Could they be possible candidates for departure?

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Ifil's contract is up at end of season, I cant see it being renewed. Paton's a weird one, as didnt he sign a 3 year deal last year? I thought he was good in a few games in the past, but seems to have dipped. Perhaps an attitude or confidence reason.


I also think diamond and maguire will both be off, but think Young will be offered a new short term deal.


Look forward to decent long term signings in the summer!

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Would imagine that any other deals for new players this window rely on players going out, which is what is holding up the Stephen Hughes deal - Brown will be trying to punt Ifil out the door, he's playing hardball.


Brown has obviously cut a deal with Milne to increase the wages budget to allow him to enlargen the squad, but ALL his signings so far are only until end of season, loan or permanent, so won't be having a huge affect on overall budget. McNamee will be on low pay, I'd have thought, as well as Anderson, who knows what we are contributing to Blackman's wages. Milson, phit £1500 a week?


Would have thought Diamond, Howard, Ifil and Maguire will leave, Dung and Clangers will stay.


On reading Shearer's autobiography, was stunned that Bisconti was on £4500 per week, and this was 9 years ago. Attitude stunk, as apparently did his rented house and car!

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Would imagine that any other deals for new players this window rely on players going out, which is what is holding up the Stephen Hughes deal - Brown will be trying to punt Ifil out the door, he's playing hardball.


Brown has obviously cut a deal with Milne to increase the wages budget to allow him to enlargen the squad, but ALL his signings so far are only until end of season, loan or permanent, so won't be having a huge affect on overall budget. McNamee will be on low pay, I'd have thought, as well as Anderson, who knows what we are contributing to Blackman's wages. Milson, phit

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He was a bloody good player though, have heard before he wasn't afa popular in the dressing room.


Paton and Ifil should be punted in the window if possible, neither good enough for AFC. Likewise Zander tho I'd wait until the end of the season for that so we can properly identify a replacement.


Disagree re Paton, there's a player in there alright, as we've seen in performances against the hun at Pittodrie and against Hibs at Easter Road. He seemed to be carrying a bit of timber when sent off up at Inverness, and his attitude certainly required adjusting in recent times.


Brown is the man to knock some sense into him, he is certainly good enough when he's in the mood. Brown heavily praised his performance in a recent bounce game so I feel he is worth persevering with.

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Would imagine that any other deals for new players this window rely on players going out, which is what is holding up the Stephen Hughes deal - Brown will be trying to punt Ifil out the door, he's playing hardball.


Brown has obviously cut a deal with Milne to increase the wages budget to allow him to enlargen the squad, but ALL his signings so far are only until end of season, loan or permanent, so won't be having a huge affect on overall budget. McNamee will be on low pay, I'd have thought, as well as Anderson, who knows what we are contributing to Blackman's wages. Milson, phit

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Best midfielder that we had for years ..... Only reason why he left was that he wanted AFC to pay for his kids to go to the International School or RGU.

The only player to come close was a Marcus H. in my opinon .... The team have been crying out for someone like these guys a.k.a A Battler ... Someone that can stick in a challenge win the ball and then feed it out to the wings or the creative midfielder.


Clearly Shearer thought he was a mercenary, and I'd have to agree, in it for the cash I'm afraid to say, good as he may well have been. You dinna play for AC Milan if you canna play football, but I don't think this player had any particular love for Aberdeen FC so I'm not sure I would fully agree with the best midfielder for years sentiment.


Richardson was a similar player but wore his heart on his sleeve and loved the club.

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Clearly Shearer thought he was a mercenary, and I'd have to agree, in it for the cash I'm afraid to say, good as he may well have been. You dinna play for AC Milan if you canna play football, but I don't think this player had any particular love for Aberdeen FC so I'm not sure I would fully agree with the best midfielder for years sentiment.


Richardson was a similar player but wore his heart on his sleeve and loved the club.

When did he ever play for AC Milan? AC Monza yes, but nae Milan.

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Clearly Shearer thought he was a mercenary, and I'd have to agree, in it for the cash I'm afraid to say, good as he may well have been. You dinna play for AC Milan if you canna play football, but I don't think this player had any particular love for Aberdeen FC so I'm not sure I would fully agree with the best midfielder for years sentiment.


Richardson was a similar player but wore his heart on his sleeve and loved the club.


Shearer tells the story of his and Paterson's initial talk to the squad, and Bisconti just sat on the floor shaking his head as both Shearer and Paterson took turns at addressing the players. He was gone within days.


First season, he was immense. Mine the Berlin game, 5pm KO at Pittodrie? Almost took on the Krauts himself that afternoon/evening.

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Shearer tells the story of his and Paterson's initial talk to the squad, and Bisconti just sat on the floor shaking his head as both Shearer and Paterson took turns at addressing the players. He was gone within days.


First season, he was immense. Mine the Berlin game, 5pm KO at Pittodrie? Almost took on the Krauts himself that afternoon/evening.


Aye, I remember a cruncher of a tackle he made in that game, and he did play a blinder. We were very unlucky not to win that 0-0 was it?


But I think overall he was here for the money rather than the club.

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Would imagine that any other deals for new players this window rely on players going out, which is what is holding up the Stephen Hughes deal - Brown will be trying to punt Ifil out the door, he's playing hardball.


Brown has obviously cut a deal with Milne to increase the wages budget to allow him to enlargen the squad, but ALL his signings so far are only until end of season, loan or permanent, so won't be having a huge affect on overall budget. McNamee will be on low pay, I'd have thought, as well as Anderson, who knows what we are contributing to Blackman's wages. Milson, phit

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Shearer tells the story of his and Paterson's initial talk to the squad, and Bisconti just sat on the floor shaking his head as both Shearer and Paterson took turns at addressing the players. He was gone within days.


First season, he was immense. Mine the Berlin game, 5pm KO at Pittodrie? Almost took on the Krauts himself that afternoon/evening.


Still the single finest performance I have seen from an Aberdeen player. Fair enough, I've only really seen lean times as a fan, but I think it's fair to say that that day Bisconti was world-class.

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I can't help feeling sorry for Fyvie, Folly and Mackie. Layed off on the long term and Pa Broons brought in new faces. I can see them struggling to regain their places back. Mackie will no doubt retire soon and become some part of AFC coaching the under 3's or something. Love the fella he's a top bloke and always scores important goals but doesn't do it regularly. His effort in the past two seasons i must say has been phenomenal and he took one for the team when he got layed off with his injury.

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I can't help feeling sorry for Fyvie, Folly and Mackie. Layed off on the long term and Pa Broons brought in new faces. I can see them struggling to regain their places back. Mackie will no doubt retire soon and become some part of AFC coaching the under 3's or something. Love the fella he's a top bloke and always scores important goals but doesn't do it regularly. His effort in the past two seasons i must say has been phenomenal and he took one for the team when he got layed off with his injury.

Out of the 3 Fyvie will find it easier to get into the reckoning.


Mackie will drift off into obscurity and Folly should be sub at best when everyone is fit. IMO

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On the Bobby Bisco debate I thought he was great, and agree he was our best midfielder in years, was dissappointed when I read Shearers comments on him. Have to say, on the pitch, I never saw any evidence the guy didn't care.

Even when he walked off against Rangers in a sulk when 1-0 down shaking his head and guesturing he had had enough?

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