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The buses got stopped before the QOTS game on way down not sure it was Stonhaven as think that might be a bit close. They also used the dip tests for testing if alcohol mixed in juice bottles. I remember everyone mentioning this on way down also think the trains were dryfrom Aberdeen. :banghead::banghead:

Don't remember this happening at all.

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Well maybe it wasnt that game but it was a game at Hampden or maybe the folk i was speaking were talking pish. Ah well but as Razor said don't be stupid and allow folk on with bottles, cans and stuff.


Trains were dry though. TBH i don't really care as i am heading fae Edinburgh and we should be fine.

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Theres been a couple cases recently where coopers have pulled buses just south of dundee before scotland games, only time cops have stopped our aberdden bus was about 5 years ago when we played the huns on a sunday and got taken to broadwood stadium carpark in cumbernauld and got searched. Rumours are that buses are to be stopped next saturday but this could just be scare mongering to stop people taking drink.


TBH, if you canna go 3 hours without a drink on a saturday morning then !!!!!!

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Theres been a couple cases recently where coopers have pulled buses just south of dundee before scotland games, only time cops have stopped our aberdden bus was about 5 years ago when we played the huns on a sunday and got taken to broadwood stadium carpark in cumbernauld and got searched. Rumours are that buses are to be stopped next saturday but this could just be scare mongering to stop people taking drink.


TBH, if you canna go 3 hours without a drink on a saturday morning then !!!!!!


That's not the point though, it's not a case of can't, it's a case of don't want to as it's a DAY out & want to enjoy the whole day.


Bus trips are a helluva lot better when bevy is allowed, even more so if it's a long bus trip.

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Not saying its right but only takes 1 numpty to break the law to f@ck up the whole day for everyone else cos the bus companies have been told that anyone found with drink on a bus will result in the bus being turned round and put back up the road-source victoria buses in PHD

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Whats the rule regarding this? No drink going to a sporting event but perfectly legal to drink coming back?


Its actually illegal to have drink on a bus returning from a sporting event as well


Should be noted that international rugby games are not classed as sporting events in Scotland only football games :rolleyes:

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Legally speaking: you cannot drink alcohol on a bus. Public or private. Police have the right to confiscate booze, issue fine for driver and turn bus around back to starting point . Also consumption of alcohol on a bus nullifies insurance for bus and driver.


However you can drink on a train or a car . As long as the driver isn't drinking I don't see the problem.


However from a police point of view: football fans + booze+ 3 hour coach trip+ big game= recipe for trouble .

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Its actually illegal to have drink on a bus returning from a sporting event as well


Should be noted that international rugby games are not classed as sporting events in Scotland only football games :rolleyes:


As bollocks as rubgay is, that's a joke! Although I suppose Finlay, Cameron and Farquhar are probably more civilised than us ruffians!


So is it only football that's classified as a 'sporting event' in Scotland then?

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I think its very rare for buses to be pulled, only if there has been reports by the public or police as they've driven by of unrowdy or anti-social behaviour. Basically don't take tinnies or bottles. Maybe a couple of half bottles selotaped to ur leg eh :P that'll keep em guessing. They'll just search the bus if u do get stopped. No reason for them to search u unless u give them reason to!

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Last time I was on a bus was before the league final against Dundee police in Cambuslang pulled us over said they were acting on a tip off !

We had stopped at a pub in Cumbernauld before that so all the empties were dumped there/

I have also seen buses pulled into a layby beside the BP garage south of Dundee van loads of cops there

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I was on a bus to the Wales v Scotland friendly in Nov 09 and my mate who organised the bus said we weren't allowed bevvy on it, so we mixed up some magic cola. However, just as we were leaving, my mate came on the mic at the front and said the driver said we could have a 'quiet drink', as long as we weren't rowdy and didn't take it too far. Before we'd even got to the M74, there was a guy stripped to the waist, wearing just a kilt, downing a bottle of Buckfast in a oner and by the time we got the border, an old guy at the front had tanned a litre of Whisky, k.o'd and pissed himself! Those crazy weegies!

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I was on a bus to the Wales v Scotland friendly in Nov 09 and my mate who organised the bus said we weren't allowed bevvy on it, so we mixed up some magic cola. However, just as we were leaving, my mate came on the mic at the front and said the driver said we could have a 'quiet drink', as long as we weren't rowdy and didn't take it too far. Before we'd even got to the M74, there was a guy stripped to the waist, wearing just a kilt, downing a bottle of Buckfast in a oner and by the time we got the border, an old guy at the front had tanned a litre of Whisky, k.o'd and pissed himself! Those crazy weegies!


Brilliant, but i'd recommend next time not to go watching the rugby? Football is the way forward :P

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