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Is The Honeymoon Over?

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I was very pleased to witness the turn around in our fortunes when Mr Brown arrived and the minor miracle of apparently improving such a dismal team.


But yesterday, it must have been evident to him, if it wasn't already, where our difficulties are - too many players just found wanting and who allowed themselves to be completely overwhelmed by a much faster and more energetic Celtic team. OK, maybe the change to 3 at the back was a mistake, but we will never know.


It was worrying to hear about the "fans" who left before half time, but maybe we are better off without them, but it is obvious that there is a long way to go before the true faithful return, as this debacle won't have helped to rebuild confidence in those who have suffered so much in the last 15 years or so.


Many new managers have an initial honeymoon period, but in this case the experience of Mr Brown will, given time, get us closer to where we want to be.


Next Tuesday's game will be one of our biggest for a long time. It's up to the team to show us that we are right to have some hope. There are obviously a lot out there who still have to be convinced.

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I was very pleased to witness the turn around in our fortunes when Mr Brown arrived and the minor miracle of apparently improving such a dismal team.


But yesterday, it must have been evident to him, if it wasn't already, where our difficulties are - too many players just found wanting and who allowed themselves to be completely overwhelmed by a much faster and more energetic Celtic team. OK, maybe the change to 3 at the back was a mistake, but we will never know.


It was worrying to hear about the "fans" who left before half time, but maybe we are better off without them, but it is obvious that there is a long way to go before the true faithful return, as this debacle won't have helped to rebuild confidence in those who have suffered so much in the last 15 years or so.


Many new managers have an initial honeymoon period, but in this case the experience of Mr Brown will, given time, get us closer to where we want to be.


Next Tuesday's game will be one of our biggest for a long time. It's up to the team to show us that we are right to have some hope. There are obviously a lot out there who still have to be convinced.

If you wish to stay then so be it. I didn't. I wanted out of there. I was hurting along with thousands of other dandies and did not wish to stay to allow myself further hurt and the systematic destruction, with ease, of the club I love. Do not presume to call myself or others who left the ground early as lesser fans than yourself. You may wear the fact you stayed to the end as a badge of pride but others may view it as a folly and an act that led to more needless hurting on your behalf.

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If you wish to stay then so be it. I didn't. I wanted out of there. I was hurting along with thousands of other dandies and did not wish to stay to allow myself further hurt and the systematic destruction, with ease, of the club I love. Do not presume to call myself or others who left the ground early as lesser fans than yourself. You may wear the fact you stayed to the end as a badge of pride but others may view it as a folly and an act that led to more needless hurting on your behalf.


Exactly! I have maybe left 3 games early in my life. Yesterday was one. When the 4th went in i simply couldnt take it any more. Felt angry/hurt and just couldnt stay.


Anyone know what happened outside after the 4th? One guy was running and all of a sudden there was 20 vans and a few hundred police closing the street.

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One last question. Who are the true faithful? are they those like some I know who buy a season ticket despite working offshore and knowing that they may not get a lot of games out of it but do it so they put money into the club but may leave early or those that need tempted back. I know which one I think is more faithful and it is not the latter of those two.

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If you wish to stay then so be it. I didn't. I wanted out of there. I was hurting along with thousands of other dandies and did not wish to stay to allow myself further hurt and the systematic destruction, with ease, of the club I love. Do not presume to call myself or others who left the ground early as lesser fans than yourself. You may wear the fact you stayed to the end as a badge of pride but others may view it as a folly and an act that led to more needless hurting on your behalf.


Throwing scarves, flags etc, then dissapearing, is a sign of the weak. Glory hunters if you will. Takes much more to stand there in the face of punishment, than to say you care, but couldn't take any more. Man up ffs!!

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Throwing scarves, flags etc, then dissapearing, is a sign of the weak. Glory hunters if you will. Takes much more to stand there in the face of punishment, than to say you care, but couldn't take any more. Man up ffs!!

No its a sign of "weve all been looking forward to this for months and have spent alot of money on you, but you took the piss and f**ked it up after half an hour, so laters"

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I think the main problem is, we have improved as a team still having a lot to prove after the 9-0 game many thought yesterday would be the day that we got revenge on them. Unfortunately it wasn't said it before the game we are going to have our bad days still. Browns still done a good job and I think we will finish high in the league under him to judge him against the OF as someone says is wrong.

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I was very pleased to witness the turn around in our fortunes when Mr Brown arrived and the minor miracle of apparently improving such a dismal team.


But yesterday, it must have been evident to him, if it wasn't already, where our difficulties are - too many players just found wanting and who allowed themselves to be completely overwhelmed by a much faster and more energetic Celtic team. OK, maybe the change to 3 at the back was a mistake, but we will never know.


It was worrying to hear about the "fans" who left before half time, but maybe we are better off without them, but it is obvious that there is a long way to go before the true faithful return, as this debacle won't have helped to rebuild confidence in those who have suffered so much in the last 15 years or so.


Many new managers have an initial honeymoon period, but in this case the experience of Mr Brown will, given time, get us closer to where we want to be.


Next Tuesday's game will be one of our biggest for a long time. It's up to the team to show us that we are right to have some hope. There are obviously a lot out there who still have to be convinced.


Is that not a contradiction?

Canny really be called 'true faithful' if they've stopped following the team in the first place can they?


Anyway it's all bollocks anyway, who cares who's the 'best' fan or most faithful :dontknow: people can leave early or even stop going if they want as far as I care.

It's their prerogative if they chose to stay or go or return or whatever the choice as it's their time, their money & their decision.

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Is that not a contradiction?

Canny really be called 'true faithful' if they've stopped following the team in the first place can they?


Anyway it's all bollocks anyway, who cares who's the 'best' fan or most faithful :dontknow: people can leave early or even stop going if they want as far as I care.

It's their prerogative if they chose to stay or go or return or whatever the choice as it's their time, their money & their decision.


Yesterday was a very sore one to take but we must be pragmatic in this. How long as Brown and Knox been here? 4 or 5 weeks, can't people remember what we were like just 6 weeks ago? This season has been a write-off since October. Brown and Knox has steadied the ship and have us safe from the drop, the rest of the season should just be thought of as 1 great big pre-season where we can start rebuilding the team. This means we are going to have to take a few beatings, it'll sting but eventually we shall be better for it.


It's just like Skovdaal's first season, he knew there was no relegation and used a large chunk of that season to build for the next. It worked we got into Europe through the league and gave Hertha Berlin a fright.


Keep the faith, folks.

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Throwing scarves, flags etc, then dissapearing, is a sign of the weak. Glory hunters if you will. Takes much more to stand there in the face of punishment, than to say you care, but couldn't take any more. Man up ffs!!

What utter tosh. Standing there letting someone boot you in the balls repeatedly, as that is what it felt like, is not a sign of the strong but a sign of being foolish. It doesn't make you a better fan or a martyr for the cause. Oh I agree about the throwing scarves and flags. I don't get that.

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I still think Brown/Knox will turn it around but they have to take their share of the blame for yesterday. Changing tactics for a semi final was stupid, he knew that which is why he changed it back after 30 minutes. In saying that, the 2nd and 3rd goals were shambolic defending, the first was a fluke and the 4th utter stupidity from Young. We created plenty of chances but just didn't take them. The tactics at the start allowed the tims to over run our midfield and defence. Brown/Knox must do better if they are lucky enough to get another chance in a semi.

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Whilst the first half yesterday wasnt good at all obviously, it needs to be remembered that when CB & AN came into the job we couldnt see where our next result was coming from and we have lost 2 games against clearly the best team in the league in Glasgow. Was never going to change overnight but they have done a fantastic job so far although they have to take some of the flak for yesterday with the change of tactics.

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The honeymoon continues. If McGhee had presided over yesterday's debacle then it could've gone beyond 9-0. Brown took action & at least gave the lads the belief to have a go in the second half.


You can't polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter & Brown's managed to roll our lads in glitter for the last few weeks to get points on the table, which is all he can be expected to do with such a weak senior squad. We've got the best management team we could've hoped for and now we need to get the best players we can hope for.


All the best to Brown and COYR for Tuesday!

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I dont think our bubble has burst on the back of yesterdays game. Celtic are on fire at the moment and there front 2 were electric. Had Vernon scored when he hut the post to make it 2-1 then you never know. I dont think the change of formation would have helped things either. We will just have to wait and see what happens on Tuesday. Hopefully have another player in for then and Blackman will be available too.


2-1 win on Tuesday is what I see coming.

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"Is The Honeymoon Over?"


If I'm being honest, I don't think there was ever a honeymoon in the first place. I don't buy into this rubbish of the "new manager effect". If a team plays well when a manager comes in it is down to what has changed and as a result what has worked. I do not believe that it is possible to just then fall back to where you were before.


We have to remember the opposition we were against yesterday. Yes, there were big mistakes made on our part, but that Celtic team were very good. Quick, skillful and ruthless. I think they can beat anybody in this country and feel that they will win the league. Things just seem to be clicking for them now and Commons' arrival will aid that. Izaguirre is the best full back in the league, Scott Brown has really started to hit some form now he's fully recovered from injury and Hooper and Stokes are developing into a great partnership.


For us, we still knew there was hard work to be done. Obviously CB & AK recognise that. But you can't fix everything in the transfer window and their experience will hopefully get us through this season so they can begin to think more long term in the summer.


Still feel we'll have a good second half of the season, I don't think the two defeats to Celtic should really be disrupting the feel good factor that has returned to the club.

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If you wish to stay then so be it. I didn't. I wanted out of there. I was hurting along with thousands of other dandies and did not wish to stay to allow myself further hurt and the systematic destruction, with ease, of the club I love. Do not presume to call myself or others who left the ground early as lesser fans than yourself. You may wear the fact you stayed to the end as a badge of pride but others may view it as a folly and an act that led to more needless hurting on your behalf.



And signs were most certainly there for those who went to Inverness on Wednesday. But i walked aswell then get sneery "fans" and "maybe better off without them" bollocks.

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We f**ked up parking the car and had to walk all the way from the ground to the car absolutely surrounded by Celtic fans :poster_oops: There were a few, mostly the young ned types who I felt the urge to smack.

I was just completely gutted, drained and frankly embarressed at that time!!

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Brown and Knox were brought in to save us from relegation... as stated by Craig Brown himself.


If he does that then mission accomplished, and anything beyond remaining in the top flight is gravy... because I've zero doubt that sticking with McGhee would have seen us relegated.


If next season he's given the job of winning us a cup I would want to see him given the resources to make that possible. I'd be near stricken with a heart attack if he were to see anything like that kind of money though.


For me the honeymoon period will be over if we get relegated, which I can't see happening now.

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Cup doesn't need money though, as shown by the umpteen teams that have made it to either of the finals since we last made one, despite us having the 4th biggest budget in the country. It is all about setting up right on the day for whatever opposition and getting the best out of your available players. There is the element of bottle-jobs in our team, but tactically, yesterday was all wrong to start off with and I found it strange that Brown decided to try this yesterday after doing not too bad against them last week. That seemed the more logical time to try that out, and use it this week if it worked. Maybe the performance on Wednesday aided his decision.


I am not saying Brown is the wrong choice or anything ridiculous like that. Just that he has to take on an element of the blame for yesterday. At least, I hope he takes from it not to start trying new tactics with players who struggle to adapt for the remainder of the season...

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I dont think our bubble has burst on the back of yesterdays game. Celtic are on fire at the moment and there front 2 were electric. Had Vernon scored when he hut the post to make it 2-1 then you never know. I dont think the change of formation would have helped things either. We will just have to wait and see what happens on Tuesday. Hopefully have another player in for then and Blackman will be available too.


2-1 win on Tuesday is what I see coming.

Good decision by pyramid on sat afternoon when we left after the fourth goal to take us to a 'really good bar' that was the most tim infested place I've ever been into. The c4nts even had a go and threatened to lob us out for celebrating when we scored, horrible b*stards...

If diamonds nae dropped we might get beaten worse on Tuesday.


And if you pays your cash you can walk whenever you like say.

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