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Diving b*stards, That is all.

I hate Fabregas. A great player without a doubt but he's like Ronaldo i.e Arrogant c**t. And what the f**k is the deal with players wanting other ones booked? I thought this was supposed to result in that player being booked? Yet the Dago b*stard gets away with it. Disgusting and very unprofessional, something that has to be eradicated from the game.


Spurs 4-0 down at HT and their captain sent off.



Incredible scoreline even taking the red card into account.

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I hate Fabregas. A great player without a doubt but he's like Ronaldo i.e Arrogant c**t. And what the f**k is the deal with players wanting other ones booked? I thought this was supposed to result in that player being booked? Yet the Dago b*stard gets away with it. Disgusting and very unprofessional, something that has to be eradicated from the game.



Incredible scoreline even taking the red card into account.


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Oddjob just has a problem with foreigners. He's proven that in this thread with his ethnic slur towards Fabregas and past comments about French people.


He's also the first to express mock outrage about anything.


oddjob has a point, Fabregas is a c**t and I don;t believe theres an argument against that. Wasn't he one of the players on the Spanish open top bus tour after they won the world cup that spat on a coach or something?


he's a greetin faced sh*te bag, if he'd quit moaning he'd be an even better player

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oddjob has a point, Fabregas is a c**t and I don;t believe theres an argument against that. Wasn't he one of the players on the Spanish open top bus tour after they won the world cup that spat on a coach or something?


he's a greetin faced sh*te bag, if he'd quit moaning he'd be an even better player

So you think he is a Dago c**t because he moans? Does that mean I can call a black man a negro for moaning?


No that was Pique. Fabregas was there and laughed.

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sorry but where did I post anything racist bobo?


I said he had a point and I agreed that fabregas is a c**t

When I make a post complaining about the fact OJ (who is a mod) feels it's fine to make offensive remarks about someones ethnicity (I said nothing about whether the player was moaning c**t or not) and you quote the post opening with "Oddjob has a point" surely you can see why I might think their is a racist tone behind your post?


I do think Fabregas is moaning c**t but most of the best players in the world moan. There's better players who could be considered c**ts and act unprofessional before the likes of Fabregas IMO.

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When I make a post complaining about the fact OJ (who is a mod) feels it's fine to make offensive remarks about someones ethnicity (I said nothing about whether the player was moaning c**t or not) and you quote the post opening with "Oddjob has a point" surely you can see why I might think their is a racist tone behind your post?


I do think Fabregas is moaning c**t but most of the best players in the world moan. There's better players who could be considered c**ts and act unprofessional before the likes of Fabregas IMO.


wires being crossed here bobo. I simply agree that he's a c**t, oddjob has his own opinions on other things.


I was only discussing Fabregas's behaviour last night and no other players.

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Fabregas - brilliant player, cheating c**t. Apologise for insult, he just pisses me off with his arrogance, just like Ronaldo. It detracts from their genuine ability.


And Bobo when have i mocked the French before? That i won't apologise about because i've had many run-ins with them before and they're dicks. Simple as that. Oh and i don't generally have a problem with foreigners, in fact about over 70% of folk at my work are foreign and we get on brilliantly.

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Fabregas - brilliant player, cheating c**t. Apologise for insult, he just pisses me off with his arrogance, just like Ronaldo. It detracts from their genuine ability.


And Bobo when have i mocked the French before? That i won't apologise about because i've had many run-ins with them before and their dicks. Simple as that. Oh and i don't generally have a problem with foreigners, in fact about over 70% of folk at my work are foreign and we get on brilliantly.

I don't see how he's a cheat but I can understand the c**t comment.


I don't remember the exact threads but I do remember you were pretty offensive about them in the Henry had ball thread.


@Roberto - I just don't see the need for pointless racism. He could say he was a cheat or whatever without having to call him a dago.


If Minj, Rocket or MT had slagged off Drogba calling him a lazy mare/nigger I'm fairly certain they'd get plenty hassle for it. Shouldn't be different because it's another race.

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Fabregas - brilliant player, cheating c**t. Apologise for insult, he just pisses me off with his arrogance, just like Ronaldo. It detracts from their genuine ability.


And Bobo when have i mocked the French before? That i won't apologise about because i've had many run-ins with them before and their dicks. Simple as that. Oh and i don't generally have a problem with foreigners, in fact about over 70% of folk at my work are foreign and we get on brilliantly.





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Edited my post. Never realised my typo there :laughing:


Not surprised i went ape sh*t after the Henry handball, blatant cheating and i've already made my feelings clear on that subject before and won't change my opinion on that matter. The French really are horrendous people. I mean we all know the arrogance of the Yanks, Germans and Guffs to name a few but they take it to ludicrous levels. Not saying they are all like that, but unlike other arrogant countries i think it's a fair amount of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arsenal are my top EPL side, great to watch, maybe 3 class players away from a title winning side


Goalkeeper (Shay Given or Lloris would be good)

Big hard center half to partner Varmalen a must (Cahill might be the man)

Plus a real experienced class act solid ball winner to play along side Fabregas as they can be a bit lightweight, although Song is really good

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