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Having had 24 hours to recover, I am well and truly gutted that we haven't made it to the final of the cup. What hurts more is that is was all over after 10 minutes. However, a lot of people have been coming out with comments like "the players don't care" etc. I do not agree.


I was given complimentary tickets in the hospitality/vip section yesterday and was in the Arran Suite/players lounge. Guys like Jerel Ifil, Sone Aluko, Fraser Fyvie etc were there before the game and at half time, and after the game once all the players had showered they too came into the Arran Suite. I can tell you they did not look like they didn't care.


It looked as if Chris Maguire had fallen out with who I can only presume was his Dad over something to do with the game, Ryan Jack looked absolutely deflated when he was speaking to his girlfriend/family and Scott Vernon was just staring into space after he went over to see his wife and kid. Paul Hartley looked gutted too and some of the others like Rory McArdle and Zander Diamond looked fairly lost too. Had a chat with Willie Miller too, needless to say he was pretty pi$$ed off as well.


What I'm trying to say is that it was not a case of the players not caring, but certain players losing their bottle - making rash mistakes, losing concentration etc. Somebody pointed out on another thread that the players seemed to be treating it as a day out - there certainly was a lot of waving from those around me to the players. Didn't come across as very professional.

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Having had 24 hours to recover, I am well and truly gutted that we haven't made it to the final of the cup. What hurts more is that is was all over after 10 minutes. However, a lot of people have been coming out with comments like "the players don't care" etc. I do not agree.


I was given complimentary tickets in the hospitality/vip section yesterday and was in the Arran Suite/players lounge. Guys like Jerel Ifil, Sone Aluko, Fraser Fyvie etc were there before the game and at half time, and after the game once all the players had showered they too came into the Arran Suite. I can tell you they did not look like they didn't care.


It looked as if Chris Maguire had fallen out with who I can only presume was his Dad over something to do with the game, Ryan Jack looked absolutely deflated when he was speaking to his girlfriend/family and Scott Vernon was just staring into space after he went over to see his wife and kid. Paul Hartley looked gutted too and some of the others like Rory McArdle and Zander Diamond looked fairly lost too. Had a chat with Willie Miller too, needless to say he was pretty pi$$ed off as well.


What I'm trying to say is that it was not a case of the players not caring, but certain players losing their bottle - making rash mistakes, losing concentration etc. Somebody pointed out on another thread that the players seemed to be treating it as a day out - there certainly was a lot of waving from those around me to the players. Didn't come across as very professional.

I agree that it wasn't a case of players not caring just totally out of their depth it looked. Although no excuse for the defensive frailities which was bizzare considering how well they've defended recently. Feel sorry for your corporate day out to be deflated. Did you enjoy the experience otherwise?

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Things have changed a lot since the time earlier this season when it looked as though the players didn't care and were just going through the motions, some more than others.


Since Mr Brown and his team arrived, that attitude has been changed. However, after a defeat like yesterday it would be natural to be despondent when they realise how badly they performed. Maybe it also highlights some of their limitations.


As I said elsewhere when Aberdeen players put teams like Celtic on a pedestal as some seem to do, then it is not surprising that they get overawed and frightened. In Ferguson's day the Aberdeen team went out with confidence and self belief. It seems we are some way off that but in time Mr Brown may get to that point, but not with some existing players still in the team

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I agree that it wasn't a case of players not caring just totally out of their depth it looked. Although no excuse for the defensive frailities which was bizzare considering how well they've defended recently. Feel sorry for your corporate day out to be deflated. Did you enjoy the experience otherwise?


Aye despite the scoreline it was a really good experience. Had a chat with Sone Aluko about the injury - he feels it needs another week. Was quite surreal seeing all the famous faces. A lot of the Celtic players who weren't in their squad were sitting a few rows in front of me, guys like Shaun Maloney, Majstorovic etc. Fraser Fyvie fairly took advantage of the buffet at half time!


Was really interesting to see all the players after, and it was really nice of Willie Miller to come over and speak to me and the guy I was with. Was interesting to hear his views on things too. Felt sorry for Darren Mackie, still hobbling in the crutches. Seemed really keen to get out there playing!


Oh, and some of the wags of our players are frightening. Especially Josh Magennis' bird. Wow.

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Aye despite the scoreline it was a really good experience. Had a chat with Sone Aluko about the injury - he feels it needs another week. Was quite surreal seeing all the famous faces. A lot of the Celtic players who weren't in their squad were sitting a few rows in front of me, guys like Shaun Maloney, Majstorovic etc. Fraser Fyvie fairly took advantage of the buffet at half time!


Was really interesting to see all the players after, and it was really nice of Willie Miller to come over and speak to me and the guy I was with. Was interesting to hear his views on things too. Felt sorry for Darren Mackie, still hobbling in the crutches. Seemed really keen to get out there playing!


Oh, and some of the wags of our players are frightening. Especially Josh Magennis' bird. Wow.

Glad you enjoyed it despite result. You're right about Magennis' bird, i've never met her myself but she works at my old work and i've spoke to quite a few old workmates and they all agree she's stunning.

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  • 2 months later...

i had the privalage of being in the same lounge as the players family/girlfriends at hampden. bebo and jacks missus' are amazing. heard a rumour that zanders looks like miss piggy....its true.

magennis bird has shaved her heed?



did you not manage to get any sneaky pics of them?!

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