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Got My Uefa B License Assessment Topic


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Shitting myself already. Put in to be assessed so im due to do it on march 30th.


topic is "defending with a back 4". need to do a 20 min phase of play then a 25 minute game.


60% of candidates fail because its such a massive leap from the C license.


Hopefully ill be in the 40%, then ill be straight on the phone to AFC trying to blag a volunteer position in the academy.


Im quietly optimistic. Ill use my uni squad and ive got them playing 4231 this season. weve worked hard on defending as the 4-2 shape so its not something i cant do, its just like your driving test. You know you can do it, its just making sure you do everything the way they want it done on the day.

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chars peeps.


ive spoken to the football development officer down here since i usually get work from him and he reckons thats one of the better topics you can be given.


just got to start hammering it out and practicing now over the next few weeks. crossed fingers though

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Best of luck Robbo. Be expressive and you'll sail through. Turned down the opportunity while at Glentanar to start my badges as I still thought I had something to offer on the playing side. Although it's not a regret, it's something I should have took them up on as I have no time at present. PM me when you pass and I'll put a word in to Jim Crawford :thumbs:

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Impressive stuff min. I've been running a Sunday League team this season, along with a coupla others, and none of use have any qualifications behind us (except a collection of kids coaching certificates). Could really do with a bit of formal training like. Far did you start?


i chose glamorgan uni specifically because they said they would fast track me through the badges as part of the course and id get work experience with cardiff city as part of a 2 year foundation degree.


so 1st few weeks we did the 1st aid, child protection and level 1. once that was over they put us straight onto the C badge. sent us away to get experience, came back start of 2nd year and passed that 1st time. some failed which stalled the course somewhat but they moved us fairly quickly onto the B. finished 2nd year, wasnt ready to sit it then ive rested on my laurels thinking im not ready.


finished that uni 2 1/2 years ago and its come time to just suck it up and do it.


if you want any drills you can use for your team, PM me, ive got literally hundreds and hundreds of drills knocking around.


anyone interested in starting their badges, its well worth it. most folk just go up to C because thats all you really need unless you want to work in professional academies but it genuinely makes you a better player because you start reading the nuts and bolts of how to do - a long lofted pass - shooting - tackling. breaking everything down to 6 or 7 specific things. once their highlighted to you, you start doing these things without thinking. you improve so quickly.

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Shitting myself already. Put in to be assessed so im due to do it on march 30th.


topic is "defending with a back 4". need to do a 20 min phase of play then a 25 minute game.


60% of candidates fail because its such a massive leap from the C license.


Hopefully ill be in the 40%, then ill be straight on the phone to AFC trying to blag a volunteer position in the academy.


Im quietly optimistic. Ill use my uni squad and ive got them playing 4231 this season. weve worked hard on defending as the 4-2 shape so its not something i cant do, its just like your driving test. You know you can do it, its just making sure you do everything the way they want it done on the day.

You've came a long way......

Good luck min! :thumbs:

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  • 3 months later...

i passed.


been 11 weeks or so since i sat it but my assessor is the most sought after guy in wales and kept forgetting about me regardless of the 50 odd missed calls.


so hes got back to me just now to say ive passed and my certificate is in the post.


so afc, gimme a job starting late august!

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if you need any drills for your log book i can easy help you out. found a couple of very good sites wi clear instructions.


I actually have reams of coaching manuals going as far back as the 50's!


I find the concept held by a few Dutch coaches very interesting.


Basically, at youth level, the kids are allocated a position on the park (and they interchange these) round which a circle 3 feet in circumference is drawn. Basically they can move three feet in any direction, that's it. They cannot go outwith the circle.


This makes the ball do all the work, and teaches positional awareness, early.


In Scotland, kids are like bees swarming round a honey jar, the biggest loons get picked, nepotism is rife, the whole thing is ill thought out to say the very least.


Which gravitates into agricultural football later, and allows neanderthals to make it at the highest level.

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I actually have reams of coaching manuals going as far back as the 50's!


I find the concept held by a few Dutch coaches very interesting.


Basically, at youth level, the kids are allocated a position on the park (and they interchange these) round which a circle 3 feet in circumference is drawn. Basically they can move three feet in any direction, that's it. They cannot go outwith the circle.


This makes the ball do all the work, and teaches positional awareness, early.


In Scotland, kids are like bees swarming round a honey jar, the biggest loons get picked, nepotism is rife, the whole thing is ill thought out to say the very least.


Which gravitates into agricultural football later, and allows neanderthals to make it at the highest level.


TUP my loon has just turned 7 and is playing u9, he seems to have a habit of great positional sense in a game, (dosent run aboot like a heeldess chicken) he has a knack of scoring, but his work rate seems limited.....he looks a right lazy git, but finds space and scores when given the chance.


fitz yer thoughts

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TUP my loon has just turned 7 and is playing u9, he seems to have a habit of great positional sense in a game, (dosent run aboot like a heeldess chicken) he has a knack of scoring, but his work rate seems limited.....he looks a right lazy git, but finds space and scores when given the chance.


fitz yer thoughts

Sounds just like his 'Da.


Apart fae the great positional sense and knack of scoring.


Robbo, good on ye son and well done.

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i passed.


been 11 weeks or so since i sat it but my assessor is the most sought after guy in wales and kept forgetting about me regardless of the 50 odd missed calls.


so hes got back to me just now to say ive passed and my certificate is in the post.


so afc, gimme a job starting late august!


Well done. What is the next step? How many levels are there to this UEFA License?

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TUP my loon has just turned 7 and is playing u9, he seems to have a habit of great positional sense in a game, (dosent run aboot like a heeldess chicken) he has a knack of scoring, but his work rate seems limited.....he looks a right lazy git, but finds space and scores when given the chance.


fitz yer thoughts


Take him out to the back garden and break one of the stretchers for the washing over his back. Make him FIGHT you, there and then. That should rattle him out of his slovenliness.


No, seriously, positional awareness and ability are much more important than work rate. Kids, although they are bracketed into age groups, develop at massively different levels, some grow early, some later. Sounds as if he's just under developed. Leave him be. Work rate can come later. He's doing the right things :thumbs:

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