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D O You Support Another Team

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I support Lazio, because they used to be on Channel 4 all the time with the likes of Mancini and Signori up front, even Gazza didn't put me off, got 3 of thier shirts at the moment, DVD's, even a cap, only seen them once, against AC Milan, but going to see them against Napoli at the end of March. they are a poor team at the moment but had a remarkable start to the season, and are still sitting 4th, although they are on the slide, and the likes of Inter, and Roma will soon be over taking them.

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Tottenham. The first football I ever watched was the World Cup in 1994, Klinsmann became a favourite of mine then and then he moved to Spurs.


I wouldn't go as far to say support though, just follow closely and like to see them do well. Seen them play a couple of times and hope to see them a few more times. Doesn't really put me up nor down if they win/lose on a weekend, not on the same level as Aberdeen anyways...

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Athletic Club Bilbao for me.

Been to see them on quite a few occasions now, a fantastic club with fantastic principles.

Allowing only Basques to wear the shirt, no Spaniards,no foreigners. What better way to instill a pride in your club by refusing to budge from these principles.

They were flirting with relegation a couple of years ago and it went to a members vote to see whether or not they would be prepared to relax their transfer policy and perhaps allow the signing of Spaniards or foreigners and the result was a resounding no, the fans would rather get relegated than change from their roots.


You cant help but admire them.

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Manchester United.


Because im a glory hunter =)


God a soft spot for Newcastle too as went to a few games when i was a young un.


Dont really care much for foreign football although i would love to go and see barca in person! You cant really gauge how good a team is until you see them in person (in my opinion)

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West Ham due to me moving from Aberdeen to the Midlands and the fact that my in-laws all support them. Traced it back and the support baton has been passed from father to son, father to son till this very day. My Brother-in-law had a baby boy 3 weeks ago (as did i) and he already has the scraf, kit, gloves etc etc. His son i'm sure will be a 5th generation supporter


As for mine he will be supporting Aberdeen as his 1st team!

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Aberdeen first and foremost.

Man Utd I take a keen interest in. Went to see them in 87 with a relative who lived in Cheshire. They weren't very good back then, Fergie hadn't been there long enough. I don't get to bothered if they get beat though, unlike my Liverpool supporting mate. You'd think the world had ended if they get beat. Don't understand it frankly.

I like Valencia in Spain. Was at the game versus the Huns earlier this season as me and my pal were passing through on our road trip.

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tup supports arsenal the f**kin gooner-lover.


A message to the sane members of the board:


No. I dinna.


This imbecile has picked up on one comment I made, one f**king comment, and it wisna even a comment to suggest in any way that I like Arsenal, and made it his personal crusade to label me an Arsenal fan, despite him being, ironically, the biggest Murdoch's dick sucking EPL whoremonger ever to darken the doorstep of an Aberdeen messageboard.


This clown disna even ken who plays for Aberdeen.

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A message to the sane members of the board:


No. I dinna.


This imbecile has picked up on one comment I made, one f**king comment, and it wisna even a comment to suggest in any way that I like Arsenal, and made it his personal crusade to label me an Arsenal fan, despite him being, ironically, the biggest Murdoch's dick sucking EPL whoremonger ever to darken the doorstep of an Aberdeen messageboard.


This clown disna even ken who plays for Aberdeen.



oooohhh! struck a nerve did i?


one incriminating comment i may add.


aye i do know who plays for aberdeen.

hands hillhouse and jim layton are my favourite players.

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