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Well Done Maguire

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Just wanted to congratulate Maguire on making his Scotland debut last night. It's brilliant a Dons forward has been capped. I reckon it's down to a real change in his attitude over the last 12-18 months. Really hope he considers us a good place to stay and he signs on again.


Look no further than Lee Miller who at one point would've been ahead of Maguire in terms of the Scotland team. Sign a new deal Chris!

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Just wanted to congratulate Maguire on making his Scotland debut last night. It's brilliant a Dons forward has been capped. I reckon it's down to a real change in his attitude over the last 12-18 months. Really hope he considers us a good place to stay and he signs on again.


Look no further than Lee Miller who at one point would've been ahead of Maguire in terms of the Scotland team. Sign a new deal Chris!

Yep totally agree with the Lee Miller thing, Maguire should stay and learn fae Broon and Erchie for another couple of years

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Well done in getting your first cap Chris, hopefully the first of many, shame you'll probably nae get them with us.


I'd just like to add, not so well done Rory McArdle, you were utter sh*te. Do you have nightmares about Chris Commons at night? why do managers insist in playing this guy at right back where he looks a complete donkey?

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Pleased for him, only goes to show though that for the last few years Chris didn't really "get it", but now that he's applying himself the rewards come. Hopefully Chris can put two and two together and realise this himself, and maintain these great performances.


Was amused when he came on, he immidiately wanted to whack one in from 25-30 yards!


Suddenly Scotland have too many good players!

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Well done in getting your first cap Chris, hopefully the first of many, shame you'll probably nae get them with us.


I'd just like to add, not so well done Rory McArdle, you were utter sh*te. Do you have nightmares about Chris Commons at night? why do managers insist in playing this guy at right back where he looks a complete donkey?


was thinking that last night watching the game....was embarressing...Commons has beat him that many times he gets to keep him!


anyway well done Maguire, perfect game to get his first cap, but as said previously i doubt his next cap he will be playing with us!

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Sign a new deal or f**k off and die :)



Well done Bebo. Was a bit strange to see him linking up with Hutton after previous comments!


Good to see the confidence he had in himself to strike one as soon as he came on. He didn't have much time to do anything though so it seemed pointless putting him on then. Hopefully he gets another chance and a longer run out in the next fixture.

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Pleased for him, only goes to show though that for the last few years Chris didn't really "get it", but now that he's applying himself the rewards come. Hopefully Chris can put two and two together and realise this himself, and maintain these great performances.


Was amused when he came on, he immidiately wanted to whack one in from 25-30 yards!


Suddenly Scotland have too many good players!


Because we beat Northern Ireland's B team 3-0? Good display but don't think many of the Scotland players on show are international class to be honest.

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His cap will mean even more likely to move on in summer. Agent will expect more money from us that he wont get and his agent will be now touting around down south as full intenational player.


I'll be surprised if he gets another call up any time soon. always good to see a dons player playing for Scotland though


Because we beat Northern Ireland's B team 3-0? Good display but don't think many of the Scotland players on show are international class to be honest.


say what you want but Scotland have struggled to put too passes together when playing teams similar to that last night, they were professional and hungry for more even at 3-0 up. they can;t win with some fans.


We were also missing 4 potential starters last night. 5 if Steven Flecther didnt take the huff

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His cap will mean even more likely to move on in summer. Agent will expect more money from us that he wont get and his agent will be now touting around down south as full intenational player.

Brown refusing to deal with his agent and has asked his Dad to attend future meetings.

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Magic, well done Chris, hopefully the first of many and fully deserved.


The only small regret is he never got more time on the park but we were playing well and winning so that's entirely understandable.


McArdle is neither a right back or a centre back capable of playing at our level. We should get rid of him sharpish, we need defenders who can compete with the likes of Commons, and he was found wanting last night and has also been found wanting many times for Aberdeen.


He's an honest player but not good enough for Aberdeen.

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Because we beat Northern Ireland's B team 3-0?


No you dour bugger, because our B team pumped Norn Irelands B team 3 going on 6 last night. We clearly have quality in reserve, which is great news.


Maguire's agent clearly fabricated the story about Derby, I mean what great timing right on the back of his Scotland debut. Also there is no way he has signed a pre-contract, AFC would know about it espcially with the tribunal scenario.


He's offski though, would have signed on by now if he was staying - little c+nt.

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Brown refusing to deal with his agent and has asked his Dad to attend future meetings.


Not surprised at this at all if it's true cos his agent seems to be a complete tosser.


Although Maguires form has been a lot better off late, I really believe his first cap has a helluva lot to do with Broon & his contacts & he's probably said this to Bebo, that basically stick with us & you WILL get recognition, leave & you may drop into obscurity as far as further International caps go.


Maguire would be crazy to listen to his agent (who basically doesn't give a flying fk about the players he deals with & only cares about HIS own percentage) & he should listen to his dad.

Whether his dad is of the opinion that Maguire should stay on with us I do not know but the one thing that is sure is that you'd imagine his dad really has his sons best interests at heart.

Whether Bebos best interests personally are swinging more towards financial gain sooner rather than later, or career gain long term, then only he knows this.


It is a huge decision for him & I hope he signs on again because I want him to finally progress at Aberdeen & hopefully this will encourage the other youngsters at the club that they can also do it

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