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Aberdeen Gavara T-Shirts

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sorry you've lost me completely with that statement. what is the point you are trying to make :dontknow:


My point is quitye simple. Now that you've clarified that rather than the obvious implication of your statement, you actually meant something totally different (work on your presentation skills would be appreciated here), this.........

an absolute abortion of an idea that led to fans of other teams world wide believing the aberdeen fanbase were left wing nutjobs.


.....is an even bigger load of twaddle than before.


Do you really think Aberdeen are a big enough club, that we are known the world over, and not just that, but fans the world over saw the Wille/Che t-shirt and, despite not having a clue who Willie was, still managed to realise it was about Aberdeen FC, and extrapolated that to then mean we were all left wing nutjobs?


You're nae right in the heid.

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My point is quitye simple. Now that you've clarified that rather than the obvious implication of your statement, you actually meant something totally different (work on your presentation skills would be appreciated here), this.........



.....is an even bigger load of twaddle than before.

Do you really think Aberdeen are a big enough club, that we are known the world over, and not just that, but fans the world over saw the Wille/Che t-shirt and, despite not having a clue who Willie was, still managed to realise it was about Aberdeen FC, and extrapolated that to then mean we were all left wing nutjobs?


You're nae right in the heid.


How can it be, it was his first post on said topic, so in essence it wasn't before anything else.


And he's right :checkit:

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A fashion statement?


Suppose so if you like the idea of strutting about with a murderer on your t-shirt :hysterical:

Well no, seen as it's Paul Hartley (who incidentally could have been a murderer after last night if things went wrong). People have hijacked the image and made it a brand. Much like a Stones top. Many people wear them and have never heard the Rolling Stones' stuff never mind like it.

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Well no, seen as it's Paul Hartley (who incidentally could have been a murderer after last night if things went wrong). People have hijacked the image and made it a brand. Much like a Stones top. Many people wear them and have never heard the Rolling Stones' stuff never mind like it.


Weird, imagine wearing a top of someone/something you didnt like :itch-chin:

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Yes, somebody/anyone wearing a top of a band/thing they haven't heard of/don't like!


For example some young pup walking about wearing a Ramones t-shirt cos they think it looks cool :ThumbsDown:

So you are essentially agreeing with my point that it has been hijacked for fashion? No?

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