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Honeymoon Period

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Is it safe to say our honeymoon period is over?


The turnaround has been chalk and cheese, the attitude of not only the players but everyone involved with the club has had a massive boost.


We've made some fantastic addition to the squad and have certainly bridged the gap between oruselves and relegation.


After our recent defeats to Celtic and our narrow escape to Dunfermline, are we now back to the grind?

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Is it safe to say our honeymoon period is over?


The turnaround has been chalk and cheese, the attitude of not only the players but everyone involved with the club has had a massive boost.


We've made some fantastic addition to the squad and have certainly bridged the gap between oruselves and relegation.


After our recent defeats to Celtic and our narrow escape to Dunfermline, are we now back to the grind?


I think it will be a grind it out until the end of the season attitude, I'm afraid.


Unfortunately we have too many wasters still in the squad who need to be moved on before we have a chance of winning anything.


In particular everyone forget about Scottish Cup success when we have a bottler between the sticks.

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I think we'll make the Scottish cup final.


The semi lesson in the league cup won't happen again, so it may have been a blessing in disguise in that sense.


And Celtic will beat Rangers in their replay, and then have to go to Inverness, who have turned over Celtic in the cup before, and won't fear them, then there's a chance we won't meet one of the Old Firm in the final.


I'm quietly confident of a Hampden appearance at May, but perhaps not the victory we all crave.

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I think it will be a grind it out until the end of the season attitude, I'm afraid.


Unfortunately we have too many wasters still in the squad who need to be moved on before we have a chance of winning anything.


In particular everyone forget about Scottish Cup success when we have a bottler between the sticks.

Pretty confident Brown knows who these wasters are. Two goalkeepers have to be priority this summer.

I'm holding out for a top 6 finish. Tough draw in the Scottish cup but it could've been a helluva lot worse.

Got to be looking at capitalising at this run of home games we have.

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If Brown hasn't spotted the bottlers I think Archie Knox will. I reckon Brown might be more laid back and willing to give guys several chances but with any luck Archie will tell him not to waste his time and to get the to fook. After all most of these guys have had several chances under the previous management.


As for the honeymoon period - i think it only truly ends when we got knocked out of the scottish cup - or win it!

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Is it safe to say our honeymoon period is over?


The turnaround has been chalk and cheese, the attitude of not only the players but everyone involved with the club has had a massive boost.


We've made some fantastic addition to the squad and have certainly bridged the gap between oruselves and relegation.


After our recent defeats to Celtic and our narrow escape to Dunfermline, are we now back to the grind?

Yes - can add in Inverness as horrific performance aswell but got the luck and the breaks that day for the win. We certainly haven't turned into great team overnight though.

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Broon has clearly made an improvement to the team however, it will be a long time before we can properly judge him.


What I will say for him is he has taken Mcghee's team and improved it with a couple of temporary signings. I think it shows how much football is a confidence game. Long-term we can judge his effectiveness by his signings and if he gets more out of the players he has.


Players like Considine and Diamond have the talent to do well for any team in the SPHell, except probably Rangers and Celtic. If we assume we have no money we have to assume players like Consi and Diamond will feature heavily and it is improving their consistency which will be one of Broon's big jobs.


If we have to set a target then mine would be winning something in the next three years.

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i think the real honeymoon starts next season when CB get's shot of the numpties and get's in guys that can put bottom 6 sides to bed regularly, i'm sure he'll have us a top 4 side next year, he's worked wonders considering the damage mcghee & injuries did, but it depends on the board, if we can hold onto Smith, Milsom & Mcnamee (when not injured) we'll have a good side to build on, add Vernon, McGuire, Fyvie, Jack, Aluko (when fit) we have the makings of a very decent side


just need a good center half maybe two, better backup keeper to really push langfield, right/left wingers especially with Aluko's injury probs to add more natural width and hope than anderson & mcgennis make good progress as well


good thing is CB brings in guys to play the position they're best at, simple and effective way to manage, no idea how mcghee could not grasp that, also was good to see ifil & velicka shipped out pronto

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Is it safe to say our honeymoon period is over?


The turnaround has been chalk and cheese, the attitude of not only the players but everyone involved with the club has had a massive boost.


We've made some fantastic addition to the squad and have certainly bridged the gap between oruselves and relegation.


After our recent defeats to Celtic and our narrow escape to Dunfermline, are we now back to the grind?

Daft comment - you sound like a lazy hack. We're building a new team out of scraps. We've hardly been world beaters since the old boys took over but we've been solid, other than against Celtic. We were solid against Dunfy & we'll go on being more solid than we were under McGhee. The honeymoon will start when we actually do something impressive. When will it end? Well, let's do something worth celebrating before we start trying to predict that...

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Daft comment - you sound like a lazy hack. We're building a new team out of scraps. We've hardly been world beaters since the old boys took over but we've been solid, other than against Celtic. We were solid against Dunfy & we'll go on being more solid than we were under McGhee. The honeymoon will start when we actually do something impressive. When will it end? Well, let's do something worth celebrating before we start trying to predict that...

Deary me.


Weren't solid up at Inverness, Dunfermline deserved a draw outta that match.


Your blowing the use of 'honeymoon' way out of context. Wasn't meant to symbolise winning anything was used in regards to getting a new management team and some new blood in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whether you call it a honeymoon or not, the initial euphoria after the new Management Teams appointment was bound to fade at some point. However, they have given us much to be optimistic about, with a team that has been transformed since their arrival. There is still a lot to be done, but in the relatively short time they have been here, a great deal has been accomplished. If only more consistency could be established, there is still a tendency to be too erratic from one match to the next.

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