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Paul Hartley

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He had obviously lost pace at the start of the season, but still offered something. After he went out injured, he has come back even slower and seems to have so little impact on the games nowadays. Now with Milsom in, for a midfield 2 I would be looking to Jack and Milsom as our first choice two.


As for his personal discipline and attitude I am disappointed with it. In training and overall attitude he seems to have had a reasonable effect on team spirit originally. I think he is petulant himself though, and he doesn't lead enough by example on the pitch. He is meant to be the experienced one, yet he is one of the first to act like a child when things aren't going our way. When some other players have their moments of petulance, how can it be expected for our less experienced players to cut it out of their game. I hope the book is thrown at him by Brown.

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undoubtedly a good player in his day but his day has been and gone. he's now labouring and doesn't have the legs for football at this level. he won't still be an Aberdeen player next season, that's for sure.

I'd say he still has the legs to cope in the SPL but not with the midfield we had to start with tonight, Hartley in midfield with Jack, Aluko and Maguire is not going to end well due to the lack of support Aluko and Maguire offer the 2 in the middle and Jack maybe being a bit to inexperienced for the role he'd have to play alongside Hartley in a midfield thats being overrun so much.

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Past it he is a f&CKIN twat and a waste of sapce.


A professional football a captain and a player of his suppossed stature who kicks two footed at full force a professional in the chest deserves everything he gets


maximum fine

Strip of captaincy

for that alone terrible actions for a proffesional


if the SFA can review that incident and can increase punishment then there can be NO complaints whasoever -- even his mother would be embarrassed to see that



Jack had a poor game, hartley a usual standard and we wre totally oiverrun in the middle of the park, all our problems came in that area


when jack has a bad game then we see the real hartley who is no use to us, it shows how much he was being carried but young jack fyvie and milsom

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He had obviously lost pace at the start of the season, but still offered something. After he went out injured, he has come back even slower and seems to have so little impact on the games nowadays. Now with Milsom in, for a midfield 2 I would be looking to Jack and Milsom as our first choice two.


As for his personal discipline and attitude I am disappointed with it. In training and overall attitude he seems to have had a reasonable effect on team spirit originally. I think he is petulant himself though, and he doesn't lead enough by example on the pitch. He is meant to be the experienced one, yet he is one of the first to act like a child when things aren't going our way. When some other players have their moments of petulance, how can it be expected for our less experienced players to cut it out of their game. I hope the book is thrown at him by Brown.



disappointed? i'm absolutly bloody raging about it

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So we're playing sh*te, lucky to still be at 1-1 and what does our CAPTAIN Paul Hartley decide to do? He decides to kick someone in the face multiple times. OK, the boy went up for a header with Hartley and caught him with an elbow, but a 33/34 year old Club captain should know better and just stay down. The man maybe gets sent off/booked and we get our free kick and carry on with 11 men.


Paul Hartley, you've let your team mates down, the manager down, the coaching staff, the fans and the entire club. I do not expect that sort of actions from a captain.

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been saying this for months but was ridiculed


I asked you at the time who to replace him with and you came up with nothing. Since we have got Milsom and Jack has come to prominence (at the time McGhee was utilising him at full back). I admitted he wasn't the player he was (even the player he was before pre-injury, it is obviously a struggle for him to return now at this current age and physical condition). I also stated at the time that I thought other areas were key, in particular the wide areas. This seemed to be the view held by Brown first and foremost until Folly's injury.


I commented on his professionalism on the pitch after the United and Raith games where he was out of order in both, and lucky to stay on the pitch, so you have nothing on that one.


I don't see where you can take issue with anything there. Sure you will though.

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who said i was aiming my OP at you!?


me and you have had a few arguments in the past yeah, but youre one of a thousand im afraid!


for the record, i agree with you


You quoted my post, said unbelievable and then said you had been saying this for months. I just raised the point that months ago, when I asked you who in the squad at the time should have been playing before him (this was pre-transfer window) and if a central midfielder was priority at the time (it was pre-Folly injury). I may have asked it with calling you attention seeking, so you decided to focus this and then ignore the questions I asked because, at the time, I genuinely thought that we were not in a position to put a Hartley replacement at the top of our shopping list and that our squad didn't have enough players to eliminate him from a midfield 3 at the time (Jack had not been given the opportunity at the time to prove he was up to the task in central midfield, which I think he has since proven).

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Was well off it today, and didn't close down nearly enough before he was sent packing.


Don't think the recent pile up of fixtures has helped him, and I certainly don't think he should be playing twice a week - although that can't be levelled tonight. He wasn't the only one though, none of the midfield were closing down fast enough or doing enough work off the ball.


He's still an asset, but in a ideal world he'd be used less frequently on the pitch.

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i actually didnt mean to post directly in response to your message, apologies


however its interesting you brought that up


i was ripping into hartley first, saying he was FAR from the messiah you all thought...then you all labelled me an attention seeker




I called you an attention seeker because I was asking you questions and you ignored them to go on about your perception. I still don't believe he is a sh*t player, just that he should have been given more time post injury (which McGhee was obviously not willing to give him as his job was on the line) and that since then the complete lack of time to try and regain some fitness at his age has caused his lack of contribution of late. This combined with his petulance which has worsened (compared to his reasonable level of petulance before) has actually made him a liability. Milsom is better. Jack on his day is better (might be too early to put reliance on him). Folly is better than him. Fyvie, as long as he comes back without any major issues, is better than him. I don't buy that Young is better than him overall, but on current form may even edge it. Still think that means that for the rest of the season we will need to rely on Hartley a fair bit.

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Hartley's like me - old and in the way !


Must be highly delighted he got such a lucrative meal ticket for what will surely be his final year in the top flight. Is he developing this juvenile delinquent tendency or was it always there ? If he REALLY cared he would not lose his self-control so easily. If was nice to get a high profile player after such a reign of mediocrity but.....Charlie Nicholas he ain't.Won't miss if out for the next three games. Sorry Paul , you flatter to deceive. We might have won , or at least drawn that , if you'd stayed on the pitch.


There's only two Jamie Langfields ! Looked from our angle that both could have been saved tonight , yet he brought off some good eens as well. He may suffer from narcolepsy or possibly early onset of Alzheimers. Either condition might benefit from a kick in the erse. Allow me.







Diamond might have MS ! Or at the very least , a bad case of doughballitis.


There's the three guilty men tonight right there.





The rest pulled their weight and get pass marks with Chrissie playing a stormer. Could and should have been a three pointer and now makes top six all the more difficult.








Ffs ! :(















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Sadly Young isn't good enough either as much as he grafts, if he becomes the lynchpin of our midfield for the rest of the season then we'll turn into St Mirren.


I very much doubt he'd be as much of a liability as Hartley is at present mind.


Just makes the loss of Fyvie and Folly even more frustrating.


Feel Hartley has gone seriously down hill since Folly's injury. There was something that clicked between the two of them in midfield. However, it was all too defensive with them being paired up.


I feel in some capacity, Hartley can do a job for us. But it would be nice to have everyone fit: Milsom, Jack, Young, Fyvie, Folly etc so we could find the real partnership in there.

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Feel Hartley has gone seriously down hill since Folly's injury. There was something that clicked between the two of them in midfield. However, it was all too defensive with them being paired up.


I feel in some capacity, Hartley can do a job for us. But it would be nice to have everyone fit: Milsom, Jack, Young, Fyvie, Folly etc so we could find the real partnership in there.


Thing is that Folly and Hartley could work more now when we actually have natural fullbacks pushing up. The bank of 4 centrebacks and 2 holding midfielders effectively left us depending on 4 attacking players early this season.

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