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I find it difficult to get excited when we get a corner. I never feel like we'll even threaten the goal let alone score most of the time.


Does anyone know of any stats regarding goals created from corner kicks for SPL sides and do they prove we're as hopeless at them as I seem to think we are?

Used to score most of our goals from set pieces but delivery this season has mostly been abismal.

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Used to score most of our goals from set pieces but delivery this season has mostly been abismal.


Delivery woeful, and less of a willingness from our players to put their heads in to a dangerous areas. Couple of years back you quite often had the likes Anderson and even Diamond attacking the ball with their head with elbows and feet hurtling straight at them. Nowadays, we don't seem to have that at all, from any player.

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Another area where Hartley has been a disappointment, and it's got little to do with being out of puff.


Maguire's corners are truly hilarious, it's like being back in primary school when nae c**t could get the ba' off the ground.


It isn't just this season though. Even last season when we had Charlie "set-piece specialist" Mulgrew, we still rarely got a decent deliver from a corner and when we did we still rarely had anyone willing to attack it at all costs.


What was our last goal from a corner? McArdle against Alloa? Diamond against Hamilton the only other one this season? A quick look at both match reports, and both were due to a failure by the defence to clear, not delivery and attacking it as such. McArdle's other goal came from a free-kick, which was well executed (but poorly defended). Vernon has scored a few headers, but none from corners that I can recall.


Piss-poor whatever way you look at it.

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