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Craig Brown Gtf!

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I still have full faith in Craig & Archie.

They will Bring us forward & not just mediocracy.


Give the players another whip though, they are starting to get complacent AGAIN.


This is supposed to be a good run of home games, so no time for passengers (Hartley included)


Right now I'd have Young in ahead of Hartley (even if Hartley wasn't suspended)

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I still have full faith in Craig & Archie.

They will Bring us forward & not just mediocracy.


Give the players another whip though, they are starting to get complacent AGAIN.


This is supposed to be a good run of home games, so no time for passengers (Hartley included)


Right now I'd have Young in ahead of Hartley (even if Hartley wasn't suspended)


No differant then from Mcghee so far.


Tactics against celtic have to be seriously questioned as to the persistance with Maguire / Blackman / Vernon up front And failing to Change Keeper after several horror shows.


certainly not filling me with any optimism just yet.

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No differant then from Mcghee so far.


Tactics against celtic have to be seriously questioned as to the persistance with Maguire / Blackman / Vernon up front And failing to Change Keeper after several horror shows.


certainly not filling me with any optimism just yet.



Some dons fans really are completely clueless. Sometimes makes me wonder if patients from cornhill are getting free season tickets and access to fan sites with posts like this one by Stoney.

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Yup and some are born losers who are willing to accept being second best as good enough.


Sorry for having standards =)


Nobody is accepting second best but the man is doing an amazing job with the tools he's got at the minute.


Are you honestly telling me you haven't seen an improvement in the team since Brown and Knox have taken over?


We're not going to become world beaters overnight and we're not going to win the league for some time to come but by no means am I accepting second best. I'm accepting what is possible at this moment in time in the situation we are in as a team, club, and a set up.


These are not world class players he is dealing with who see their bodies as their career, who strive to make the most out of what they have. I am not friends with any of the players so I don't know if there are some players who take their career and body seriously but I don't doubt for a second that the majority of the players are willing to do the required amount of training and coast by until their contract is up and be able to say "I am a footballer" when asked. I would love to believe that they put the extra time in to improve and get the very last drop of ability out of themselves but I can't see it.


So at the moment open your eyes and look at the bigger picture.

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Nobody is accepting second best but the man is doing an amazing job with the tools he's got at the minute.


Are you honestly telling me you haven't seen an improvement in the team since Brown and Knox have taken over?


We're not going to become world beaters overnight and we're not going to win the league for some time to come but by no means am I accepting second best. I'm accepting what is possible at this moment in time in the situation we are in as a team, club, and a set up.


These are not world class players he is dealing with who see their bodies as their career, who strive to make the most out of what they have. I am not friends with any of the players so I don't know if there are some players who take their career and body seriously but I don't doubt for a second that the majority of the players are willing to do the required amount of training and coast by until their contract is up and be able to say "I am a footballer" when asked. I would love to believe that they put the extra time in to improve and get the very last drop of ability out of themselves but I can't see it.


So at the moment open your eyes and look at the bigger picture.

After summer is when Brown will be judged for real. Initial boost and big improvement but the old cracks have reappeared and if not for extra cash given to take in few players we wouldn't have been able to field a team on Tuesday.

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After summer is when Brown will be judged for real. Initial boost and big improvement but the old cracks have reappeared and if not for extra cash given to take in few players we wouldn't have been able to field a team on Tuesday.


Yes, it's noticeable after the improvement in the way the defence was organised in the first 2 or 3 games after Brown arrived, the old complacency and lack of concentration seems to have returned. And the service to the forwards is degenerating to the long hopeful punt up the field again.


But I guess Brown realises he can only work with what he's got. He got rid of Ifil pretty quickly, so I'm sure he knows who else is dispensable.

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Milsom would have made a big difference in Midfield on Tuesday night I think.

Hope he's fit for Sat but with it being in his foot the cut is, it could be dodgey.


We really haven't had any luck as far as injuries go (especially in Midfield) we lost Fyvie a player we had high hopes for this season, then we lose Folly who had been solid for us & then we get in Milsom & he'd been probably one of if not our best player in all the games he played & we go & lose him. Glad now that the St Johnstone game was off cos we'd have struggled against them without him.


Hope Brown finds us a short term miracle for Midfield til May. (& beyond obviously)

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As I said when he and Knox were appointed, it is a fabulous coup to have procured their services, BUT they will only succeed IF and WHEN the Board give them the backing they need. They can only work with what they've got for now, but the haste at which they binned Imbecil and Verruka is promising. No doubt we will see a further cull of players in the Summer and with the contacts they have doon sooth, further promising loan deals are an inevitability.


In the short-term, I'm lukewarm about our prospects, due to lack of budget and predominance of donkeys, but in the medium to long term, I think we have the right men in place and if we all get behind them, our potential will be (at least somewhat) realised.

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It is going to take a lot of time for him to get his team the way he wants it. There is usually a bounce when a new manager takes over but this is usually a dead cat bounce.


This was always going to happen. If football were merely a game of confidence or 'passion' then all a manager would have to do would be to cuddle his players or shout at them. Unfortunately for us results are mainly determined by talent and the number of talented players in your team is a function of youth policy and money. We have half of that function.


If he wins something in the next 3 years he will have done a great job, if he gets us through to a final he would have been somewhat successful but arguably less successful than Calderwood (courtesy of our European run), if he doesn't achieve any of these things we are back to where we were before Calderwood took over....and no doubt it'll start all over again.

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Brown n Knox are the best partnership we could have hoped for, their ablity is not even under scrutiny as far as i am concerned.


Bare in mind we lost momentum thanks to 3 games in a row against celtic & got more injuries n red cards as well (best side in a poor league), then we have two new fullbacks, a new striker & midfielder to bed in on top of a new management team, who are trying hard to sort out the mess mcghee left, so far they've got shot of the two duffers mcghee brought in and i am sure a couple more will be let go.


If we could shake off this injury jinx we'd do well, Pawlett & Aluko need more games, McNamee needs to stop getting injured, we've lost Folly & Fyvie for the season, we've got a 1st division duffer like Young in midfield as a result of injuries and Hartley better get the finger out soon, as club captain he should know better, he effectively cost us a result.


Pre-season could see Smith, McNamee, Milsom, Anderson, Vudj, Langfield, Diamond, Aluko & McGuire all leave, if they do then CB has one major task replacing potentially 8 first team players on the peanuts our board offers, hope we can keep Milsom & Smith though, not fussed if Bebo leaves or Aluko (who's always injured unfortunately ever since he went AWOL),

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Brown n Knox are the best partnership we could have hoped for, their ablity is not even under scrutiny as far as i am concerned.


Bare in mind we lost momentum thanks to 3 games in a row against celtic & got more injuries n red cards as well (best side in a poor league), then we have two new fullbacks, a new striker & midfielder to bed in on top of a new management team, who are trying hard to sort out the mess mcghee left, so far they've got shot of the two duffers mcghee brought in and i am sure a couple more will be let go.


If we could shake off this injury jinx we'd do well, Pawlett & Aluko need more games, McNamee needs to stop getting injured, we've lost Folly & Fyvie for the season, we've got a 1st division duffer like Young in midfield as a result of injuries and Hartley better get the finger out soon, as club captain he should know better, he effectively cost us a result.


Pre-season could see Smith, McNamee, Milsom, Anderson, Vudj, Langfield, Diamond, Aluko & McGuire all leave, if they do then CB has one major task replacing potentially 8 first team players on the peanuts our board offers, hope we can keep Milsom & Smith though, not fussed if Bebo leaves or Aluko (who's always injured unfortunately ever since he went AWOL),

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