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Jose Mourinho

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There's not a hope Mourinho would manage to keep any non-OF SPL team unbeaten at home for years unless he was given dosh to spend.

Agree. No doubting his managerial ability, he's just got it, but yes money has definitely been a factor.


Best way for him to prove otherwise would be managing a so called 'smaller' team.

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Why would the special one opt for Brechin, Peterheid or Stenny just to prove your point when the biggest clubs in the world want him?


I don't care where he's been. To do that at four different clubs (at least) is an incredible record. Records are there to be broken.


One of the most impressive records achieved in my lifetime was Arsenal's season-undefeated.


Thank allah that Wolves beat MU cos this MU team aint on the same planet despite being in the same league.

Because the sign of a true manager is to prove that your managerial ability shouldn't just be judged on success with heavily bank-rolled teams. I mean Fergie for example did great at St Mirren before us. Jock Stein at Dunfermline. Ok i know it's a different ball game nowadays but then again that's just my opinion at the end of the day, what do i know ;)

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Because the sign of a true manager is to prove that your managerial ability shouldn't just be judged on success with heavily bank-rolled teams. I mean Fergie for example did great at St Mirren before us. Jock Stein at Dunfermline. Ok i know it's a different ball game nowadays but then again that's just my opinion at the end of the day, what do i know ;)

Just as well he done well at Leiria before Porto.

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I don't think we're giving him enough credit here instead citing money as the reason he's acheived this record. Money alone doesn't achieve a record like that. Like him or loathe him, he's an immense manager in this day. Winning the Champions League with Porto was no mean feat either.

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I don't think we're giving him enough credit here instead citing money as the reason he's acheived this record. Money alone doesn't achieve a record like that. Like him or loather him, he's an immense manager in this day. Winning the Champions League with Porto was no mean feat either.



Correct. Its all about relativity. He's not been in a league where his team has outspent everyone else many times over. Inter, ManU, Barca, AC, Real etc etc all have money to spend. Porto was the step that got him to a big team which was the hardest one if you talk solely on money. Mourihno could well go down as one of the best football manager ever, if not already. I read once he had a 90 page document on how to beat Newcastle when he was at Chelsea. He is hugely successful because of his intelligence and people skills amongst many other traits.

Not disputing his record, it's incredible and i do think he's a great manager but the big question is would he have got that status without spending money? Even at Porto he spent the cash.

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Not disputing his record, it's incredible and i do think he's a great manager but the big question is would he have got that status without spending money? Even at Porto he spent the cash.


probably not, no. sadly football has changed a lot since the days of fergie and small provincial clubs like Aberdeen being able to win european trophies. that isn't possible anymore, well unless there is serious cash injection involved.

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CHELSEA boss Jose Mourinho has called for Celtic to be added to the English Premier League, insisting: “They would bring something special to the league.”

Both the Hoops and Rangers have explored the possibility of moving down to England, but have repeatedly had their dreams quashed by English club bosses.
But the ‘Special One’ believes Celtic would be a great addition to a revamped top flight.
He said: “They are a big club, with a big support and a famous history. When I have been in England I have asked my colleagues why Celtic are not playing in the Premier League.
“They had a strong run last season in the Champions League, but they will always be limited because competition does not seem to be there for them up in Scotland.”
And Mourinho - who managed the Porto team that defeated Celtic 3-2 in the UEFA Cup final in Seville - refused to rule out managing the Parkhead side, adding: “Would I manage them? You never know what can happen in football.”


What a fud.

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Scotland is extreme. We have the worst national psyche on the planet.


We can't stand people who are better than us. They remind us how shit we really are.


A typical Scot with a firmly entrenched fixed mindset.


Worst of all, it's the resentment that is felt towards successful people by the everyman in the street and pub.


It's also why they keep on voting Labour in certain parts of this country. They don't have the intelligence to understand what's happening within themselves let alone in their own neighbourhoods, let alone the country or the planet. Their gnat attention spans rely on the Daily Record, the Sun and the Daily Star for all their "thinking" and "opinion".


The majority of people in Scotland are shit.

A good manager he most definitely is, but he has been out of order lately.


He loves to talk about every other club just now.




Guys a cunt.


He does actually, irks my happiness.

The court asks for the reason why you can't stand him. The case for the prosecution is quite obvious.

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Jose is correct. This is the worst Barcelona team for a long time. But it's relative given their previous exceptional standards. They are the most beatable they've been but very few can beat them. Jose did, with 10 men, when they were at their peak.

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The court asks for the reason why you can't stand him. The case for the prosecution is quite obvious.

I think it's more because the man's job has him create the illusion that he is a penis. He's successful at his job, ergo, being successful at being a penis.


Chelsea have been flying under the radar for a while now. He's getting them in the headlines and people are now speaking about Chelsea again.

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I think it's more because the man's job has him create the illusion that he is a penis. He's successful at his job, ergo, being successful at being a penis.


Chelsea have been flying under the radar for a while now. He's getting them in the headlines and people are now speaking about Chelsea again.

You can't stand him too? I didn't understand your rationale at all although we might agree about one thing. He is certainly a bit of a penis but this doesn't make him unlikeable given the many positive things he brings to the game. As an overall character, I don't understand how somebody can be so small-minded as to hate him, particularly as he acknowledges his great talent, something for which admiration comes as default.


Then again, if one admits knowing nothing of politics and has the proven intellect of a child, there is an overwhelming case that berto doesn't even know himself why he can't stand him, being afflicted with the same defects as most Scots. There have been a phenomenal number of corroborative statements from him over many years to prove this beyond any reasonable doubt.

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