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St Mirren Players

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As a supporter of a non-OF team may i just say a big f**k YOU to the St Mirren players who were more concerned with watching the OF match than focusing on a crucial SPL clash with one of the teams they are in a relegation dog fight with.


Jamie McClusky you can especially go f**k yourself. Yes you may have grown up supporting Celtic but you are a f**king St Mirren player now!! A lot of the Gothenberg team grew up supporting the OF, but they focused their energy on the team that paid their wages - see Mark McGhee's comments! That's probably why they won and why you c**ts keep on f**king losing!!


And thanks for giving Sky Sports the opportuniy to say "You see, we told you! Everyone in Scotland loves the Old Firm!"


To reiterate you are a disgrace, and even though i don't particulary care for St Mirren fans, I'm disgusted on their behalf and on the behalf of scottish football as a whole!

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The thing is, back in the day when we actually had a winning team , according to MM the players were focused on AFC only and didn't care about the results of their boyhood club - which it is how it should be at every club.


But now we're told to accept it - yet at the same time they want us to turn up and pay the wages of these players.


If i was a St Mirren fan I wouldn't be too f**king happy about that!

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At HT in the OF game Sky Sports apparently cut to a shot of St Mirren players celebrating the Celtic goal.


Think we all know it goes on tbh so no point getting worked up about it.

Agree to an extent. No problem with them watching the match i suppose although maybe not ideal preparation for their game but the fact they celebrated the goals show a complete lack of professionalism.

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Saw this at the time. Just kinda rolled my eyes in a brow-beaten, the-game's-all-gone-to-f**k kinda way. An hour before an important game to fight for your team's league survival and there you are on national TV grinning and fist-pumping in your own dressing room at the sight of Celtic scoring goals. :rolleyes:

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If the St Mirren fans don't like it then they should blame the manager or whoever let them watch the game.


I really don't give a f**k who Zander, Bebo or anyone else at our club support, as long as they turn up on a Saturday and give 100% then I'm happy enough - anyone who thinks Zander wasn't giving it the fist pump when Celtic scored is kidding themself, as much as folk might not like it.




The manager should not not be allowing them to be watching another game such a short time before such an important game for themselves.

They should be 100% focused on the game they are about to play, they should be running the plays their manager has (or should have at least) given them & set out for them. Fully focusing on who they will be coming up against & not watching other teams that are going to be playing a completely different type of game to the game they are just about to play in.


If I was a St Midden fan I'd be raging & even more so given their performance & end result.

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If the St Mirren fans don't like it then they should blame the manager or whoever let them watch the game.


I really don't give a f**k who Zander, Bebo or anyone else at our club support, as long as they turn up on a Saturday and give 100% then I'm happy enough - anyone who thinks Zander wasn't giving it the fist pump when Celtic scored is kidding themself, as much as folk might not like it.


No problem with a player supporting another team or watching other games or cheering or booing when another team scores or is scored against.


Except when you're supposed to be getting ready for a game in a couple of hours yourself.


Seriously? How unprofessional is that.


That said I'm sure Sky loved being given access to that... whichever idiot let them see it should be shot.

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I think I'd generally prefer it if my manager and coaches were going over some last minute preparation for the upcoming game, whether it be on tactics, reviewing recent games by the opposition or anything else of that ilk. Nae sitting watching another game...



Bloody hell, there's a fair amount of mopes on here. You'd think the whole team had went wild, stuck on depeche mode, done the huddle, then a quick rendition of YNWA complete with Green Brigade memorabilia, before the boy McCluskey finished it off by donning a balaclava and posing with an tricolor with IRA written on it.


They were sat in their suits. When the goal went in, ONE player jumped up and celebrated.


Here, have a look. Warning don't watch if you're sensitive. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xsYTV5UZjo


Had it been Aberdeen that were playing and someone had jumped up and celebrated one of our goals, would we be labelling him a disgrace? In fact, what if they'd shown the Rangers dressing room and Ricky Foster HADN'T celebrated?

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I would hope Broon and Knox wouldnt allow our players to watch a game before our own?!!


Got to say that looks really unprofessional and if i were a st mirren fan knowing my team were watching the OF play before hand and not concentraing on their own task would make me question whether i want to support a club like that? The fact they lost makes it even worse!!


Like others have already said this does cheapen scottish fitba!

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Absolutely agree with initial sentiments.


They are in the St Mirren dressing room.


The TV should not be on showing the bigots in action. Who put it on is an interesting question - wouldn't surprise me if it was sky itself.


The St Mirren players should have switched it off.


I would have been livid if that went in the dons dressing room before any game. We all knopw Zander is a tim, and his professional attitude and performance shines through compared to those of an earlier era. There should be a zero tolerance to players outwardly supporting any team but the one that pays their wages. If I were manager I;'d get rid of anyone who cannot show proper respect to their paymaster and fans and that means quite simply supporting the team that they are playing for regardless of any previous loyalty before, during and after the match. If they can't do that then they can go buy a Celtic kit and run around in tha park and pretend they are footballers but thyey should have no place at AFC. If they can't control their actions off the park how can we trust them on the park. Zander has been appalling against the tims recently, I suspect it's simply because he's not up to it but frankly he won't have been crying too many tears at our recent defeats. We need to instill proper discipline - as do St Mirren; that is their problem, I'm not convinced we don't have the same here and I can't agree to live and let live. When a team play your wages they buy your absolute loyalty - if you can't handle that then you are an amateur not a professional.

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Bunch of diddies.


Got to question the professionalism of an SPL club a short while before their game they're too busy watching another game, and even worse celebrating the goals.


Anyway, away to get tickets for our game down there in the cup, hope we destroy the tim loving cretins.

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