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EE has it Today that Brown WANTS to retain ALL seven out of contract players.


Please at the very least get rid of Diamond & Clangers Mr Brown?

Have you lost it? Surely yerself & Archie can see our BIGGEST weakness this past season?


Hell just look at the 9 - 0 game again for referance for Diamond especially, wher he was the main fault for FIVE & possibly even six of the nine goals.

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I'd retain Diamond and Langfield no problem.


Please bear in mind we had Mark McGhee in charge when hammered 9-0.


Only once did we look shaky since Brown took over, the first 20 minutes at Hampden, when we played the wrong formation.


Diamond and Langfield are good players, they also played in a fine Dons team as well as the horrendous one of the early part of this season.


Imagine a manager wanting to retain GOOD players, fitiver next? :nutter:

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I'd retain Diamond and Langfield no problem.


Please bear in mind we had Mark McGhee in charge when hammered 9-0.


Only once did we look shaky since Brown took over, the first 20 minutes at Hampden, when we played the wrong formation.


Diamond and Langfield are good players, they also played in a fine Dons team as well as the horrendous one of the early part of this season.


Imagine a manager wanting to retain GOOD players, fitiver next? :nutter:


Langfield and Diamond are not good players we can do better

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I'd retain Diamond and Langfield no problem.


Please bear in mind we had Mark McGhee in charge when hammered 9-0.


Only once did we look shaky since Brown took over, the first 20 minutes at Hampden, when we played the wrong formation.


Diamond and Langfield are good players, they also played in a fine Dons team as well as the horrendous one of the early part of this season.


Imagine a manager wanting to retain GOOD players, fitiver next? :nutter:


Three words for you....



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Maybe the manager has given everyone a clean slate and basing it on what he is seeing in training and on the pitch.


On top of this, he is hardly at this point of the season that certain players will not be being offered contracts.


McGhee gave everyone a clean slate- - look what happened - please Craig look at his record - look at the way Clangers plays - he won't get better - he's pish. Whatever you talked Stewart into please use it on a decent keeper. I'd even forgive you for keeping Zander if you got rid of Clangers - though given a free hand I'd get rid of both.

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There was a time when Clangers was linked with Rangers, and in the Scotland squad. I honestly don't think there are many keepers in the SPL that are better than him, as proven at weekend with Bell having a mare against us, and Utd keeper bundling in the last minute against Hearts. There's n way we can afford a better gk, and he has proved that he is much better than Howard. Sone of Langfields saves have been brilliant this season, so think he's worth keeping. As is Diamond, he is definitely SPL standard and worth to keep in the squad. IMO he's not that much worse than the likes of Gary Kenneth. I'm not a fan of either of these players, but these players were an integral part of the squads that got us into Europe. The grass isn't always greener...

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There was a time when Clangers was linked with Rangers, and in the Scotland squad. I honestly don't think there are many keepers in the SPL that are better than him, as proven at weekend with Bell having a mare against us, and Utd keeper bundling in the last minute against Hearts. There's n way we can afford a better gk, and he has proved that he is much better than Howard. Sone of Langfields saves have been brilliant this season, so think he's worth keeping. As is Diamond, he is definitely SPL standard and worth to keep in the squad. IMO he's not that much worse than the likes of Gary Kenneth. I'm not a fan of either of these players, but these players were an integral part of the squads that got us into Europe. The grass isn't always greener...


Clangers has lost countless goals at the near post - a cardinal keeping error never sorted - he can't command his box, distribute or come for crosses with any degree of confidence. He leaves his line when he should stay and stays when he should come out. He is inadequate as a keeper and for any team a good keeper is the best asset they can have. The fact that he can save some shots is a basic requirement. I'd give our highest wage to a better keeper - they are out there - our scouts just need to find them.

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There was a time when Clangers was linked with Rangers, and in the Scotland squad. I honestly don't think there are many keepers in the SPL that are better than him, as proven at weekend with Bell having a mare against us, and Utd keeper bundling in the last minute against Hearts. There's n way we can afford a better gk, and he has proved that he is much better than Howard. Sone of Langfields saves have been brilliant this season, so think he's worth keeping. As is Diamond, he is definitely SPL standard and worth to keep in the squad. IMO he's not that much worse than the likes of Gary Kenneth. I'm not a fan of either of these players, but these players were an integral part of the squads that got us into Europe. The grass isn't always greener...

There's a big bad footballing world outside the SPL.

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Well you told us there would be significant funds to help us challenge the Old Firm.


Why would we waste some funds on players when we already have good ones who only need to sign on the dotted line?


It makes no sense to do that.


Our funds should be used to enhance the team not tear it apart and rebuild it from scratch.


Langfield is a good keeper, I like him, and I think he needs his confidence built up and he can be a brilliant keeper.


You would think all this defending and goalkeeping was easy the way some of you bang on about it.

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Why would we waste some funds on players when we already have good ones who only need to sign on the dotted line?


It makes no sense to do that.


Our funds should be used to enhance the team not tear it apart and rebuild it from scratch.


Langfield is a good keeper, I like him, and I think he needs his confidence built up and he can be a brilliant keeper.


You would think all this defending and goalkeeping was easy the way some of you bang on about it.



For the love of good stop the hyperbole, brilliant , jesus christ

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McGhee gave everyone a clean slate- - look what happened - please Craig look at his record - look at the way Clangers plays - he won't get better - he's pish. Whatever you talked Stewart into please use it on a decent keeper. I'd even forgive you for keeping Zander if you got rid of Clangers - though given a free hand I'd get rid of both.


There were much bigger issues under McGhee than clean slates.


Two main points for me:


1) In Brown I trust.


2) So far it is just talk anyways...

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Why would we waste some funds on players when we already have good ones who only need to sign on the dotted line?


It makes no sense to do that.


Our funds should be used to enhance the team not tear it apart and rebuild it from scratch.


Langfield is a good keeper, I like him, and I think he needs his confidence built up and he can be a brilliant keeper.

You would think all this defending and goalkeeping was easy the way some of you bang on about it.

It's as easy as the player wants it to be.


Any player who needs his confidence built up is a passenger and can get the fudge out.

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For the love of good stop the hyperbole, brilliant , jesus christ


Watch the Dnipro game again.


Langfield was brilliant that night, absolutely fantastic and nigh on unbeatable, so he is capable of it, it's a case of getting his confidence up to that level again.


And given the absolute pasting he's taking here, that might prove impossible.

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Watch the Dnipro game again.


Langfield was brilliant that night, absolutely fantastic and nigh on unbeatable, so he is capable of it, it's a case of getting his confidence up to that level again.


And given the absolute pasting he's taking here, that might prove impossible.


Did the defence not just restrict them to long distance shots all that game though?

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Watch the Dnipro game again.


Langfield was brilliant that night, absolutely fantastic and nigh on unbeatable, so he is capable of it, it's a case of getting his confidence up to that level again.


And given the absolute pasting he's taking here, that might prove impossible.



1 fkn game out of 000's , what about all the cock ups , what happened in Bayern ?

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Watch the Dnipro game again.


Langfield was brilliant that night, absolutely fantastic and nigh on unbeatable, so he is capable of it, it's a case of getting his confidence up to that level again.


And given the absolute pasting he's taking here, that might prove impossible.

He certainly was brilliant that night and occasionally is. But far far far far too often he makes huge mistakes and costs us goals. And he has habit of his bottle going in some big games. Just not good enough at this level.

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Did the defence not just restrict them to long distance shots all that game though?


No, he had three or four tremendous saves.


And the goalkeeper is a huge part of marshalling the defence.


I can understand folk being critical of certain things about Langfield, but put him in a better team and he'll do well.

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Clangers would be fine as a number two. I just hope he signs a goalkeeper willing to challenge Langfields first choice spot.


As for Diamond, well I could see that coming. Not entirely bad, let's just hope Brown can get the form we know he is capable of playing.

Diamond has always been hoop, pun intended.


He came through as an eager, rash 100% player. The fans liked his heart on sleeve mentality and said his mistakes will go away as experience comes. He was playing with Russell Anderson who talked him through games.


Since Russell left he had one good season on his own, the one where Russell had just left. He was offered advice from Willie Miller, rejected it and hasn't came on any.


He still gets bullied, loses concentration and makes rash errors. He won't improve beyond the level he is at and he isn't good enough for Aberdeen.


@Tup - yes Langfield was unbelievably good in that one game. His arsehole also turned in to a biscuit in the Allianz Arena.


Richie Byrne looked unbelievable against Copenhagen. Doesn't mean he was worth keeping.

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Watch the Dnipro game again.


Langfield was brilliant that night, absolutely fantastic and nigh on unbeatable, so he is capable of it, it's a case of getting his confidence up to that level again.


And given the absolute pasting he's taking here, that might prove impossible.


Try watching AFC on a regular basis and you'll have a different opinion. McGhee beat Hamilton at the beginning of the season ergo he's a great manager and a tragedy we lost him. You really can't base your assessments on such a narrow list when you have lots and lots and lots of contrary evidence. Clangers is a regular failure.

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Personally I would like to see Clangers and Diamond let go. I'd prefer a keeper who could get through a game without at least 1 glaring mistake and who could find one of his own players when he kicks the ball more than 1 out of 8 times.


I'd prefer a defender that stayed in defence and didnt think he was roy of the rovers. For me Diamonds last contract rant, saying he was going to leave is, was the last straw considering he was playing some of the worst football of his career when he said it. Dont care if its 'because McGhee was in charge'. He's an Aberdeen player, not a JC or MM player. He wasnt playing for us, not McGhee.


I'd rather flash some cash St Johnstones way to nick Enkleman (sp) and I'm not sure of Hoggs contract but if he was only signed up until June by ITC then I'd take him above Diamond any day of the week.


There are far better players out there on less money than our gruesome twosome.


The rest, sign them up including de ek Yong. wont get much better for the pittance he gets paid...

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