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New Phone


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I am due a new phone in the next few weeks and i remember a thread before the downtime about the benefits or not of the HTC v iPhone. I didn't read it then as I still had a while to go before upgrade. I like the look of the HTC Desire HD but I believe the iPhone 5 will be available from June ish. Should I go for the HTC or hing fire a few months. Any other suggestions obviously more than welcome.

Cheers, Olls

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I Changed phones recently from an Iphone to an HTC. Main reason being that the iphone is a rip imo, well on O2 anyway more than halved my bill to. Both have their plus and negative points but i suppose as a web browsing stand point the HTC supports flash and so on and auto fits text as you zoom and so on.


still discovering some of he neat tricks it does, the apps are more expensive in general though but there seems to be loads of cool SNES and Megadrive emulators if you are that way inclined. Battery life on the HTC is better also.

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for me it appears apple have cornered the market although it does seem that there are a few hardcore android folk out there.

is it apples superior marketing and stylish products or are they genuinley superior technically?


apple piss me off by releasing better products all the time so your already expensive iphone is redundand after 6 months when then next release comes out.

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Surely that says all you need to know then?


I've got a 3G Ollie and I wouldnt take any other phone bar the 4 these days but its what I'm used to.


My sis has the HTC, I've had a play about with it and it looks like it would be just as good as the IPhone once you got into how to use it. Nice screen, easy to use etc. Not too sure if it needs a memory card or not, thats the one big bonus of the IPhones, they come with masses of memory which is handy if you like your music on your phone.


They both have plenty off apps etc so I'd say it would be more down to which one you feel more comfortable using.

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had all the intention of getting a desire HD, until I held my mates HTC 7. its a lovely looking phone, good screen etc, but its absolutely massive! and the desire HD is slightly bigger apparently!


I tried a few phones out, including the the galaxy S - a nice phone, but it feels like there is nothing to it - then tried the iphone 4. all i can say is that it was excellent. so easy to use in every way. The only reason i got it though was because i got offered a cracking deal when i renewed my contract.

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I've got an IPhone4 and love it - it's the way it works as a whole that sold it to me. It's the operating system, build quality and ease of use that is great. It is way more expensive than the HTC (I know as I have just got my ex wife a HTC Desire HD . . . a long story but basically I'm stupid) and having used both and knowing the difference in cost I'd still not hesitate in recommending the IPhone. That said you'd not be disappointed with a HTC as they are good phones. Bottom line is the IPhone is brilliant if you ignore the excessive cost, and in my opinion is the best overall phone there is at the moment - but the HTC Desire HD is still a great phone and I like it (it is big though), and is much more of a bargain if cost is a consideration.

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I've got the Desire HD and a girl friend has the Iphone4. Don't see the hype and even the seemingly superior screen quality isn't evident, plus mine is bigger, plus the HTC is slimmer and more value for money, and it looks sexier, and it supports flash, and you don't need silly itunes as software, and it has a removable battery so you could keep a spare ;)


The same people who buy Iphones are the same people who buy BMW Minis. Don't bother researching to get something better, just set their minds on one thing because it is popular so must be good. Not doubting Iphones aren't good phones, they are just no longer the class leaders, vastly overpriced and really common

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I've got the Desire HD and a girl friend has the Iphone4. Don't see the hype and even the seemingly superior screen quality isn't evident, plus mine is bigger, plus the HTC is slimmer and more value for money, and it looks sexier, and it supports flash, and you don't need silly itunes as software, and it has a removable battery so you could keep a spare ;)


The same people who buy Iphones are the same people who buy BMW Minis. Don't bother researching to get something better, just set their minds on one thing because it is popular so must be good. Not doubting Iphones aren't good phones, they are just no longer the class leaders, vastly overpriced and really common


I'd never buy a BMW Mini :) Citroen DS3 all the way . . . Anyway back to phones - the IPhone is overpriced for sure but one thing I didn't like about the HTC was the build quality, as when I opened the battery cover to remove the protective film it felt like the cover would break after a few uses - it'd be interesting to know if it's holding up ok (I'm probably just clumsy)


Flash and the HD video are a big plus for the HTC if that is of interest - at the end of the day it's down to personal preferences and nothing better than trying both out.

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I've got the Desire HD and a girl friend has the Iphone4. Don't see the hype and even the seemingly superior screen quality isn't evident, plus mine is bigger, plus the HTC is slimmer and more value for money, and it looks sexier, and it supports flash, and you don't need silly itunes as software, and it has a removable battery so you could keep a spare ;)


The same people who buy Iphones are the same people who buy BMW Minis. Don't bother researching to get something better, just set their minds on one thing because it is popular so must be good. Not doubting Iphones aren't good phones, they are just no longer the class leaders, vastly overpriced and really common


My g/f has an iphone and my brother has an htc. I killed my phone last week and am on the hunt for a new one. For me the htc is way too difficult to use and the iphone looks easy but I just don't want an iphone. Everyone has one. But that in itself is a pretty sad reason not to get one. The g/f wants me to hold out to get a white one so she can have it and I would take her black one. But I think I just want a normal phone. I don't listen to music on my phone - have an ipod anyhow, I can't see much need to surf the net on it, I don't facebook so is there any point or would I be missing out? Would I start doing these things? I am currently phoneless so need to deicde soon.




Thanks :suicide:

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My g/f has an iphone and my brother has an htc. I killed my phone last week and am on the hunt for a new one. For me the htc is way too difficult to use and the iphone looks easy but I just don't want an iphone. Everyone has one. But that in itself is a pretty sad reason not to get one. The g/f wants me to hold out to get a white one so she can have it and I would take her black one. But I think I just want a normal phone. I don't listen to music on my phone - have an ipod anyhow, I can't see much need to surf the net on it, I don't facebook so is there any point or would I be missing out? Would I start doing these things? I am currently phoneless so need to deicde soon.




Thanks :suicide:

Thats pretty much my take on things. My iPod is linked to my car and my Apple TV and plays just fine. I love Apple products but do I want an iPhone just for having an iPhones sake and would I justify the extra spend? Im also not on Facebook or such like and the only browsing I really do while out and about is to maybe keep up with the football scores. The HTC Desire HD just looks a really nice piece of kit and gets Great Reviews on Techradar. Its also free.

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Ollie, sounds like maybe an I phone wouldnt be best for you. I love my iphone 4, use it all the time. But I use it as my ipod, going on facebook, internet surfing if im out and about, games. I love a good App. If you are going to use your phone as you say you are you should maybe go for the HTD Desire HD. Save yourself some spondools and still have a smart as f**k phone.

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Ollie, sounds like maybe an I phone wouldnt be best for you. I love my iphone 4, use it all the time. But I use it as my ipod, going on facebook, internet surfing if im out and about, games. I love a good App. If you are going to use your phone as you say you are you should maybe go for the HTD Desire HD. Save yourself some spondools and still have a smart as f**k phone.


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  • 3 months later...

I am due a new phone in the next few weeks and i remember a thread before the downtime about the benefits or not of the HTC v iPhone. I didn't read it then as I still had a while to go before upgrade. I like the look of the HTC Desire HD but I believe the iPhone 5 will be available from June ish. Should I go for the HTC or hing fire a few months. Any other suggestions obviously more than welcome.

Cheers, Olls


Its July I think Ollie...


The IPhone 5 isnt going to be much of a change from the 4 from all the reports, slightly better processor and some minor changes but nothing to write home about. They say its going to be what the IPhone 3GS was to the IPhone 3. If you are signing a 2 year contract then I wouldnt get the IPhone 5, it'll be seriously out of date next year (the 6 will have the bank card payments you see Barkley's advertising and a load more gadgets)


If its a choice between the HTC and the IPhone now I'd go for the HTC on 2 year deal. Its a good phone, wont date as quickly as the iphone will next year and it has a top quality screen and camera. If you can get a 1 year then get what you like knowing you can get the all singing and dancing iphone 6 next year.

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Fancy mobile phones :tup:


They are f**king tracking devices. Shackles around the ankles of a man's freedom.


At best they should be used for speaking, for maybe 30 seconds at the very upper limit, if it's an emergency or something.


Texting is a queer arsed pursuit, if I get more than one text from somebody, about anything, be certain the 2nd one will be ignored. I am not getting into a f**king text banter with any c**t, lol and all that jazz, give me f**king strength.


If you want to speak to me, I am available for face to face talks, real life, look me in the eye and say what you f**king mean, none of this idiotic, banal f**king banter for me, on a little black piece of f**king plastic, tapping away at it like a drooling halfwit.


Technologically adept = socially inept.


There are c**ts who know every feature of their mobile inside oot. They can even work the f**king thermostat on their central heating from it. Mental.


I know some c**t who bought one of those HTC f**king Desires, his and hers eens, one for him, one for his bird, it has a GPS on it to show each ither where each ither is, at all times. Madness. I give it six month at that level of pressure, and he'll be paying some c**t to babysit the f**king thing and issue him with a standard set of responses to her mad insecurity.


What a crazy world. Dispense with these f**king things is my advice. Lets get back to the days when you had to sprint to the phonebox with 10p to phone the bar and try and get a hold of your faither, and where the owner would call out his name, and you could audibly hear him saying 'tell them I'm not here'.


Magic, halcyon days.


Now it's just like yes miss, no miss, three bags f**king full miss, do you want a f**king Chinese on my way home I've only had two Blue WKD's, lol, see you soon xxx. Faggots! Get her telt. Drop the insecurity or pack your f**king bags my dear.


And all because of the mobile f**king phone.

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Fancy mobile phones :tup:


They are f**king tracking devices. Shackles around the ankles of a man's freedom.


At best they should be used for speaking, for maybe 30 seconds at the very upper limit, if it's an emergency or something.


Texting is a queer arsed pursuit, if I get more than one text from somebody, about anything, be certain the 2nd one will be ignored. I am not getting into a f**king text banter with any c**t, lol and all that jazz, give me f**king strength.


If you want to speak to me, I am available for face to face talks, real life, look me in the eye and say what you f**king mean, none of this idiotic, banal f**king banter for me, on a little black piece of f**king plastic, tapping away at it like a drooling halfwit.


Technologically adept = socially inept.


There are c**ts who know every feature of their mobile inside oot. They can even work the f**king thermostat on their central heating from it. Mental.


I know some c**t who bought one of those HTC f**king Desires, his and hers eens, one for him, one for his bird, it has a GPS on it to show each ither where each ither is, at all times. Madness. I give it six month at that level of pressure, and he'll be paying some c**t to babysit the f**king thing and issue him with a standard set of responses to her mad insecurity.


What a crazy world. Dispense with these f**king things is my advice. Lets get back to the days when you had to sprint to the phonebox with 10p to phone the bar and try and get a hold of your faither, and where the owner would call out his name, and you could audibly hear him saying 'tell them I'm not here'.


Magic, halcyon days.


Now it's just like yes miss, no miss, three bags f**king full miss, do you want a f**king Chinese on my way home I've only had two Blue WKD's, lol, see you soon xxx. Faggots! Get her telt. Drop the insecurity or pack your f**king bags my dear.


And all because of the mobile f**king phone.



sent from Blackberry

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Fancy mobile phones :tup:


They are f**king tracking devices. Shackles around the ankles of a man's freedom.


At best they should be used for speaking, for maybe 30 seconds at the very upper limit, if it's an emergency or something.


Texting is a queer arsed pursuit, if I get more than one text from somebody, about anything, be certain the 2nd one will be ignored. I am not getting into a f**king text banter with any c**t, lol and all that jazz, give me f**king strength.


If you want to speak to me, I am available for face to face talks, real life, look me in the eye and say what you f**king mean, none of this idiotic, banal f**king banter for me, on a little black piece of f**king plastic, tapping away at it like a drooling halfwit.


Technologically adept = socially inept.


There are c**ts who know every feature of their mobile inside oot. They can even work the f**king thermostat on their central heating from it. Mental.


I know some c**t who bought one of those HTC f**king Desires, his and hers eens, one for him, one for his bird, it has a GPS on it to show each ither where each ither is, at all times. Madness. I give it six month at that level of pressure, and he'll be paying some c**t to babysit the f**king thing and issue him with a standard set of responses to her mad insecurity.


What a crazy world. Dispense with these f**king things is my advice. Lets get back to the days when you had to sprint to the phonebox with 10p to phone the bar and try and get a hold of your faither, and where the owner would call out his name, and you could audibly hear him saying 'tell them I'm not here'.


Magic, halcyon days.


Now it's just like yes miss, no miss, three bags f**king full miss, do you want a f**king Chinese on my way home I've only had two Blue WKD's, lol, see you soon xxx. Faggots! Get her telt. Drop the insecurity or pack your f**king bags my dear.


And all because of the mobile f**king phone.


Somehow, call me mystic coop if you will, I just knew you would have an opinion on mobile phones.

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Somehow, call me mystic coop if you will, I just knew you would have an opinion on mobile phones.


Not to mention that the whole world can tap your voicemail.


Myself and one or two others managed this recently, with one of our pals, following a simplistic set of instructions.


Changed his 'greeting' to something altogether less welcoming.


These are women's tools. Society does not need mobile phones, they've been foisted on us.


Is there anything worse than some c**t who comes out on a night out with a few folk and spends most of it with eyes locked on to a black piece of plastic? They deserve a kicking and never to be invited again. Mannerless.


Women cannot be more than six inches from their phone, at any time. Obsessive creatures.


I reckon quite a few of you saps sound like nomophobes.

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