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Was 4-5-1.

Tbh it was more like 4-4-1 as Aluko was totally anonymous. Think he touched the ball once. The way ESPN displayed it looked like 4-3-3 with Jack playing wide right so that's maybe where Mikeyboy was coming from with his post.


Either way 4-5-1 or 4-3-3 has never worked for us. I've always said that we play so much better with a settled 4-4-2 formation and we should stick with that.

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Tbh it was more like 4-4-1 as Aluko was totally anonymous. Think he touched the ball once. The way ESPN displayed it looked like 4-3-3 with Jack playing wide right so that's maybe where Mikeyboy was coming from with his post.


Either way 4-5-1 or 4-3-3 has never worked for us. I've always said that we play so much better with a settled 4-4-2 formation and we should stick with that.



Yeah thanks bud .. ESPN put up as 4-3-3, Which I never really understood as I've not seen Pa play that with us.


Should be interesting to see what BBC will show on Saturday.

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i doubt formation would have made a difference, we threw the game away and we have a few players that are not cutting it, once CB get's his own players in we'll see a marked improvement in terms of results


Do you mean ALL the players have to be his? I think the team had at least 4 of his signings on the pitch. How many more should he get before we start being consistent?

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We do seem to do better in a 4-4-2 and I'd prefer if that were our default formation.


The last game had 4 of CBs players, with perhaps only Josh Magennis getting pass marks... but that is probably better than the players left by our previous managers.


We have a squad that is not fill to the brim with skill and graft and players who frequently underperform. We got a good bounce with CB/AK coming in - that bounce has gone and perhaps now we can fairly assess the calibre of the manager and his chosen players - for most of the rest we have too much information which sadly doesn't fill me full of joy (I exclude the younger players from that observation).

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Do you mean ALL the players have to be his? I think the team had at least 4 of his signings on the pitch. How many more should he get before we start being consistent?

It's been the same culprits under the last 3 managers, Langfield, Diamond and Aluko . I think if we get rid of the first two for a start then we WILL see a huge improvement. Aluko didnt have much luck on Monday unfortuntely, although he's been playing better recently so will give him the benefit of the doubt.

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Charlie Nicholas once said that it doesn't really matter what formation you play, if the other team has better players they're probably going to beat you.


...tend to agree with that, in general.


This of course is true but equally playing players out of position or asking them to do things they are not competant at or do not understand is likely to increase the chances of things going wrong. We are sadly not Ajax littered with players who can play open football and fit in well in any role. Our players have a limited (sometimes very limited) skill set and need to be in appropriately defined roles (for some of them that should be polishing boots in the changing rooms). They do seem to undertsand what they are being asked to do in a 4-4-2 and frankly look increasingly lost as the formation changes from that. The other side of the coin is that you can only play the hand you're dealt but we should play it to the best of our ability.

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I'm not sure the formation had much to do with it. As far as i could see Messi could have played up front and done nothing because there was no supply to the front men. The midfield created nothing virtually the whole match. Utd managed to stifle the midfield and create more chances.


I agree with someone else here who quoted Nicholas - Utd have better players and played much better than us on the night.

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it aint the tactics or the ability of the players - its a lack of desire/belief/determination etc


i like 433/451/4231 because it lets you play in triangles all over the pitch. fantastic shapes for keeping possession. if however the players are low on confidence or arent sharp on the day, its a terrible idea because your putting players under pressure needlessly.


i dont buy into "players cant play this formation". football isnt a hard game, there are basic principles that dont change whether you play with a false 9, outside right, deep lying midfielder or a sweeper. it boils down the attitude on the pitch, winning personal battles and helping your team mate win his battle. you dont win your battle, your making it hard for your team mate to win his and it avalanches from there

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Barca vs Inter was all tactics ... that worked and Inter have shi*e players .....


Are you for real? Inter have "sh*te" players?


Inter were a fantastic team!


That said Nicholas is wrong, because its about having the right balance, you can have 11 great players but if they are all forwards who don't like defending you'll lose more than you win.

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Are you for real? Inter have "sh*te" players?


Inter were a fantastic team!


That said Nicholas is wrong, because its about having the right balance, you can have 11 great players but if they are all forwards who don't like defending you'll lose more than you win.



Same players this season, Only had a different manager.... Played awful


Basically last season was all down to Jose and tactics.

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Same players this season, Only had a different manager.... Played awful


Basically last season was all down to Jose and tactics.


same players, no signings, all a year older coming off an unprecedented season of success. i feel sorry for rafa because that was the hardest job in the world to take over this summer.

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