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Huns V Tims - Part 6

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Nae sure I'll even watch this today, but looking at the comments on Sportsound f/b page, first pillock up comes out with this...


C'mon the Gers, it'd be hilarious to see Ally McCoist, who isn't the manager yet, winning a trophy before Neil Lennon, who has been a manager for over a year now!!


Now, without taking either side here, just pointing out the stupidity of this Hun c.unt, a) no, nothing funny about that, and b) if the slimey snake isn't the manager yet, then he's not the one winning the trophy is he you f**king halfwit? :rolleyes:


The old Firm, promoting stupidity for over 100 years.

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Scum bags, though dare I say it I'd rather see the Huns win because of all the pish Celtic have came up with this year on and off the pitch. It is like choosing between aids and herpes. I'll be watching it and hopefully Joof starts a fight and a riot ensues ala 1980

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I'll be watching & hoping for lots of shocking two footed tackles & copious amounts of injuries to both sides & extra time & penalties & to have wee Sally & the Whining NI prick to start throwing punches & kicks at each other & for both teams to have to play behind closed doors from now on & get humassive fines.


All whilst drinking some Danish beer

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Nae sure I'll even watch this today, but looking at the comments on Sportsound f/b page, first pillock up comes out with this...

I'm of the same mind.

It'll just be awash with flimsily constructed superlatives and general gushing drivel from those commentating. :sleeping:

Then you have the backdrop to that of perpetual bigoted bile spewing forth from the stands.

Ok. I have a mute button...but watching fitba generally requires some sort of relevant sound to accompany it.

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I'm of the same mind.

It'll just be awash with flimsily constructed superlatives and general gushing drivel from those commentating. :sleeping:

Then you have the backdrop to that of perpetual bigoted bile spewing forth from the stands.

Ok. I have a mute button...but watching fitba generally requires some sort of relevant sound to accompany it.


Just watch it with the TV on mute & listen to the theme tune from Billy Smarts circus on a loop (or Benny Hill)

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That penalty claim if it had been ANY non OF team against either of the OF, then that was a pen but seen as it's them against each other, then it's one of the few times domestically any of them experiences potentially unfair calls in & around the box.


They get to experience sometimes. what we all get against them most of the time.

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Or maybe not, ref changes his mind and books Jelavic for diving instead.


Think that must be it, there is no way the linesman could have told from where he was standing, unless he could see through solids. Also, Thomson was about 3 yards from the incident looking straight at it, why would he allow himself to be over-ruled by someone from a worse angle from much further away.


Guess he was only too happy to give Rangers a penalty before thinking back to Lennon's rants all season and changing his mind... :rolleyes:

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