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Big Ben as he was affectionatly known as spent 5 seasons at Pittodrie as understudy to Jim Leighton as goalkeeper originally from Invergordon he came south after being signed by Alex Ferguson who was looking for an understudy to Leighton and due to Leighton ahrdly missing a game Gunn only made 15 first team appearances in his 5 years, and often those games were end of season games with nothing at stake, Gunn was widely reknowned as being a quality goalkeeper himself, who would have been a first team mainstay at any other club he was just unfortunate to be in the same boat as others at the time Irvine, Mcintyre, in having to be understudies for the most formidable defensive triangle Scottish football has ever seen.

Eventually Gunns patients ran out vaged 25 he knew that he was never going to oust Leighton and looked to move on the Dons allowed Gunn top move to Norwich for a fee of

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He was a good keeper - to think he was an understudy for so long shows both his patience and how good Jim was. I saw him in the odd game and don't recall any issues; always felt it was a loss when he left as he would have become a regular here but can hardly grudge him the success elsewhere. From an era when we produced keepers - our current lot aren't fit to lace his boots.

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I remember being a ball boy at a reserve game early 80's. The game was so dull i was sitting down drawing shapes in the orange blaize surrounding the pitch when this GIANT of a man gave an almighty growl to me on his way past, hurdling himself into the old beach end to retrieve the ball himself!

And Bryan Gunn was from Thurso not Invergordon as stated.

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Was Bryan Gunn born in Thurso?


Aye I think so, either that or Alness and moved here at a very young age.


He left before he was 5 in any case.


On a much sadder note, there was a spate of leukaemia cases in the area from that era, and tragically Gunn's own daughter had the disease when he moved to Norfolk :(

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Aye I think so, either that or Alness and moved here at a very young age.


He left before he was 5 in any case.


On a much sadder note, there was a spate of leukaemia cases in the area from that era, and tragically Gunn's own daughter had the disease when he moved to Norfolk :(



He was born in Thurso and still has family there.

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Aye I think so, either that or Alness and moved here at a very young age.


He left before he was 5 in any case.


On a much sadder note, there was a spate of leukaemia cases in the area from that era, and tragically Gunn's own daughter had the disease when he moved to Norfolk :(

"We had a charmed life ... then Francesca became ill. There was a game in the autumn of '92 ... that we lost 7

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Correct. He is a relative of mine (2nd cousin or something) and my old man still goes up there to visit the family.


I'm originally from Thurso, Bryan's Uncle used to work for my Dad's taxi company before he started his own. An interesting fact that no doubt that you think is not interesting.

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I'm originally from Thurso, Bryan's Uncle used to work for my Dad's taxi company before he started his own. An interesting fact that no doubt that you think is not interesting.


He was actually born in Aimster!!! strange fact that but true, he was listed in some sticker albums years ago born in Glengolly!!!!


His cousin was a cracking player as well, they still play for a cup for him up north as well.

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He was actually born in Aimster!!! strange fact that but true, he was listed in some sticker albums years ago born in Glengolly!!!!


His cousin was a cracking player as well, they still play for a cup for him up north as well.

The great British character actor of the 40's, 50's and 60's, James Robertson Justice was born in Helmsdale, not London, contrary to popular belief.

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The great British character actor of the 40's, 50's and 60's, James Robertson Justice was born in Helmsdale, not London, contrary to popular belief.


I can find nothing to corroborate (sp) this "fact" and coming from that neck of the woods and with that name, it would be in my family tree which goes back to 1777 with no reference of him.


although his lazy eye, high foreheed and wrinkles are phenomenally similar.........

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