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To celebrate number 20 in this series i thought i would pay tribute to my boyhood idol Mr Eric Black.

Black made his debut for the Dons aged 18 in the 1981/ 82 season and Eric was to go on and play a major role in the serial trohy winning that the team was to do in the next 5 years.

A player who was equally at home as the main striker or as the second striker, Black was to prove himself as a plyer of pedigree who relished the big occassion.

Important goals was what you could count on from Black, In the run to Gothenburg in 1982/83 Black was to pitch in at important times the epic win over Bayern at Pittodrie, It was Eric effort off the bar that Simpson turned in that turned the tie, in the final Black was to hit the bar in the opening minutes with a superb strike, and he was then to be on hand to get the first Dons goal. and those just two strikes of a season that saw him score 13 league goals,

He had a tremendous record in cup finals he scored in every cup final that he started and in the Scottish Cup final of 1984 it was his extra time strike that was the only goal in that game.

McGhee, McDougall, Hewitt, whoever he partnered up front he could play with them and compliment them.

Black IS STILL the last Scottish player to score a hat trick against Celtic at Celtic Park, that record is now approaching it's 27 YEAR anniversary unbelievably!

So what else is there to add, well he was excellent in the air while not the tallest he had a great technique that allowed him to hang in the air and he scoerd more tha his share of headed goals, ironically it was his jumping technique that was to be the cause of the chronic back injury that would ultimately end his career so cruelly at a young age.

Black was to leave the club and somewhat of a cloud, having agreed to move to Metz of France in the summer of 1986, Ferguson was so enraged that Black had done what he saw as a clandestine move he dropped Black from the Scottish Cup final line up that played Hearts in 1986, which cost him that chance to say a final farewell to the fans that adored him so much. It hurt even more knowing that the Dons did not get any fee from Metz that a player of his calibre so richly merited.

Black enjoyed hi short spell in France which as i mentioned before was cut short with injury, but it was during his time at Metz that Black finally gained Scotland caps thought the paltry 2 that he ammassed was an injustice to the goals he could have offered, he was a shade unfortunat to be a striker in the same era as Mo Johnston, Nicholas, Sturrock. Archibald, Dalglish, Brazil, McGhee, Andy Gray,all of whom were Scotland internationals at the time and kept Black out of reckoning,

After his career finish Black worked as an agent, a pundit and then eventually as a coach where he has been highly regarded at every club he has worked

One day in the future, maybe , just maybe it will be Erci Black the boss! at Pittodrie. there is no doubt he would be a popular choice Still a hero to many Dons fans and without dobut he would walk in to any Dons team you could name since his departure. It just seems such a shame that at a time when he should have been at the peak of his career he ws forced into retiremnet but Dons fans will always rememebr his role in winning trophies Leighton, McLeish and Miller are rightly credited with being the backbone of that success but without the timely contributions of Eric the trophy haul would be a lot less.

Sorry for that Black love fest but had to get it out fo my system , forgive me!

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Would I want him as boss. I'm sorry EB4B, but I can't have any more of my childhood idols status's tarnished.


the man was a true true legend,


He coule Levitate before David Blane became known for his shitty 6 cm levitate, Black could levitate 2ft off the ground for at least 3 minutes at a time, depending on weather....amazing player loved him.


its all in the magic my arse.

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Black was my favourite Dons player of all time, and I distinctly remember being absolutely gutted when he announced his departure, which was the catalyst for the departure of most if not all of our all conquering team, and manager.


A sign of things to come fae Fergie though, Black announced a few days before the cup final with Hearts he was leaving.


His feet didna touch the ground. Dropped for the final, for Hewitt who scored twice, and basically escorted from the premises in a heartbeat.


For negotiating behind Fergie's back.


Stam, Beckham, Keane, Ronaldo, Van Nistelrooy and various others got the same treatment in years to come.


Insubordination = gone. I love that ethos.

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Black was my favourite Dons player of all time, and I distinctly remember being absolutely gutted when he announced his departure, which was the catalyst for the departure of most if not all of our all conquering team, and manager.


A sign of things to come fae Fergie though, Black announced a few days before the cup final with Hearts he was leaving.


His feet didna touch the ground. Dropped for the final, for Hewitt who scored twice, and basically escorted from the premises in a heartbeat.


For negotiating behind Fergie's back.


Stam, Beckham, Keane, Ronaldo, Van Nistelrooy and various others got the same treatment in years to come.


Insubordination = gone. I love that ethos.


Any more o yer glasgow sh*te and you may follow that ethos


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To celebrate number 20 in this series i thought i would pay tribute to my boyhood idol Mr Eric Black.

Black made his debut for the Dons aged 18 in the 1981/ 82 season and Eric was to go on and play a major role in the serial trohy winning that the team was to do in the next 5 years.

A player who was equally at home as the main striker or as the second striker, Black was to prove himself as a plyer of pedigree who relished the big occassion.

Important goals was what you could count on from Black, In the run to Gothenburg in 1982/83 Black was to pitch in at important times the epic win over Bayern at Pittodrie, It was Eric effort off the bar that Simpson turned in that turned the tie, in the final Black was to hit the bar in the opening minutes with a superb strike, and he was then to be on hand to get the first Dons goal. and those just two strikes of a season that saw him score 13 league goals,

He had a tremendous record in cup finals he scored in every cup final that he started and in the Scottish Cup final of 1984 it was his extra time strike that was the only goal in that game.

McGhee, McDougall, Hewitt, whoever he partnered up front he could play with them and compliment them.

Black IS STILL the last Scottish player to score a hat trick against Celtic at Celtic Park, that record is now approaching it's 27 YEAR anniversary unbelievably!

So what else is there to add, well he was excellent in the air while not the tallest he had a great technique that allowed him to hang in the air and he scoerd more tha his share of headed goals, ironically it was his jumping technique that was to be the cause of the chronic back injury that would ultimately end his career so cruelly at a young age.

Black was to leave the club and somewhat of a cloud, having agreed to move to Metz of France in the summer of 1986, Ferguson was so enraged that Black had done what he saw as a clandestine move he dropped Black from the Scottish Cup final line up that played Hearts in 1986, which cost him that chance to say a final farewell to the fans that adored him so much. It hurt even more knowing that the Dons did not get any fee from Metz that a player of his calibre so richly merited.

Black enjoyed hi short spell in France which as i mentioned before was cut short with injury, but it was during his time at Metz that Black finally gained Scotland caps thought the paltry 2 that he ammassed was an injustice to the goals he could have offered, he was a shade unfortunat to be a striker in the same era as Mo Johnston, Nicholas, Sturrock. Archibald, Dalglish, Brazil, McGhee, Andy Gray,all of whom were Scotland internationals at the time and kept Black out of reckoning,

After his career finish Black worked as an agent, a pundit and then eventually as a coach where he has been highly regarded at every club he has worked

One day in the future, maybe , just maybe it will be Erci Black the boss! at Pittodrie. there is no doubt he would be a popular choice Still a hero to many Dons fans and without dobut he would walk in to any Dons team you could name since his departure. It just seems such a shame that at a time when he should have been at the peak of his career he ws forced into retiremnet but Dons fans will always rememebr his role in winning trophies Leighton, McLeish and Miller are rightly credited with being the backbone of that success but without the timely contributions of Eric the trophy haul would be a lot less.

Sorry for that Black love fest but had to get it out fo my system , forgive me!

1983 final you mean?

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1983 final you mean?


Of course he does but easy to get mixed up since we were in that many finals in the 80's!


Only got hazy memories of seeing him in the flesh but seen plenty of DVD and video footage and was a class act, so sad his career was cut short through injury.


Black magic indeed.

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Undeniably one of our greats and in many ways a great servant to the club though the manner of his departure for me tarnished his legacy somewhat. Uncanny in the air. He is the player Bebo thinks he is but is so far short as to make it a joke.


Why are there no Scots players like this now?

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Fantastic player.

His ability to 'hover' in the air was great to see. Once Weir has turned defender(s) inside out you knew Black would be at the end of the cross. He used to get some hammerings in the back from animals.

McGhee used to try and protect him from thug defenders. I can remember McGhee going right into some defenders very soon after kick off and gesturing as if to say don't fek with the young lad or I will have you.

Ah, them were't days.

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